What is your blood type?

What is your blood type?

  • A

    Votes: 37 30.3%
  • B

    Votes: 19 15.6%
  • AB

    Votes: 8 6.6%
  • O

    Votes: 58 47.5%

  • Total voters
AB positive! Mom's got B, Dad's got A and my sister 0.....A whole palette of blood types in our family:D
I kind of wish I was an O- so my blood could be useful to everyone.
But instead, it would only be useful for B+ and AB+
daydreamer I kind of wish I was an O- so my blood could be useful to everyone.
But instead, it would only be useful for B+ and AB+

so what is the universal doner and universal receiver i thought that o- was the doner and ab+ was the receiver
O- Both of my parents are O- so my siblings and I are all O- too.
just the right kind :D

translated into english: noooooo idea@ i hope i dont fall and cut my wrist while running tonight.

i hope i didnt just jinx myself.

i cant find any wood around to knock on.

i am going to die.
A pos
One parent is O+, the other was AB (not sure whether + or -), so my 3 older siblings ended up B+, and my younger brother and I are A+.
My mother told me in the past that I could receive blood from anyone while she could give blood to anyone. That would mean I am AB and she is O. That would also mean that I am not her biological son. Sooo I don't actually really know.​
Dragons blood, the blood of kings, traced down a lineage as strong as giants through a thousand millenium. Tainted by ancient magic and lost secrets, also known as B-positive.
I'm sure I was told at one time in my life. But right now I haven't a clue, and now and then when it comes up I tell myself I need to find out. But then when visiting a doctor for a physical and they take blood for tests, I forget to ask them to type it for me.
Seems it is an important thing to know in case of an emergency.
I have no idea.
I wish I knew.
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