What is your fantasy? (if any)


Regular Poster
as a kid, I wanted to be able to become so small or even invisible anytime I wanted, to be able to go anywhere I wanted without being noticed 😆… that is why I loved watching cartoons like "Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl" and "Mrs. Pepper Pot".🤗

But now, I have two fantasies:

To be so proficient in mechanics and electrician that whenever I see someone stuck with a broken car or other devices, I tell them the solution and pass by …😎

To be so physically capable of reacting strongly and quickly to those evils who bother people wherever and whenever I see it … someone like Robert McCall in "The Equalizer"... 💪

Have you ever had a fantasy? What is it?
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To be independently wealthy and retire from society "to the hills". Never serve a customer again or take orders from a boss.

I'd have millions on the stock market and live in a remote cottage, tend the vegetable garden, spend my money on books.

I'd live on the shore of a bleak loch, under brooding dark hills. There'd be a little jetty, with a boat. The wind would sweep down the loch from the west at nights and lash the cottage windows with spray. I'd stand out in the wind and the lashing rain in the evenings then go in to damp down the fire, then bed.

Occasionally I'd drive into town on a Saturday night and sit and watch herds of shouting, screeching homo sapiens stumbling between bars, then drive home again to the hills knowing I didn't have to interact with them anymore. As time went by, I'd no longer bother.
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Just for the record, I am talking about fantasies ... which are different from desires and wishes 😊

According to Google:

"Desire is a strong feeling of wanting something that is achievable, while fantasy is a desire for something that is unlikely or impossible to happen. Desire is grounded in reality while fantasy can be a way to escape from reality."
It's a bad fantasy.

Sometimes I wish I could shove other cars out of the way, when driving. I'd need some ramming modifications on my car.

Instead, I try to remember patience is a virtue.
I often wish I had a device that could alter probability to whatever I wanted. But maybe it's just as well I don't have one because I'd probably unplug the universe by accident with such a machine. Hopefully, I could always set it first so that the probability of doing that is nil, but that probably leads to recursive probability catastrophes.

It sounds dry and a bit mathematical, but if such a machine were possible, it would be the same as unlimited magic - probably.
But maybe it's just as well I don't have one because I'd probably unplug the universe by accident with such a machine.
I've dropped my Nokia onto the road several times and clipped it all back together to find the contacts and settings were all still in the memory.

Maybe the universe is like that if you're fast enough.
You've confused everyone 💀
It is an obvious vocabulary mistake 🤪 , but I am terribly sorry if it confused you. Thanks for your attention 😇

Unfortunately, the time for editing has passed and I can not make changes. But if you have access, I would really appreciate it if you change it as follows:

As a kid, I fantasized about becoming so small or even invisible anytime I wanted, to be able to go anywhere I wanted without being noticed ...

Thank you very much in advance 🤗 🙏
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I have learned, if I can share, to be cautious what to ask or dream for. Reality can be right outside the door in but a moment.
I fantasize a lot, so I’m not going to go into it deep, so as to not crash the server.

That said, I’d like one of those fat and fast drones, the kind that can go 100+ kmph and carry a payload of 25 kilos.

Why? So I could elevate to take sunset photos unencumbered by all the crap (and trees) on the ground, blocking my shot.

So drone + medium format cam + wide angle lens.

Oh, an exemption from FAA licensing and legal BS.

I’ve looked at those drones, and they are $10K-$15K USD. Add $10K for the camera and lens, and that’s a pretty penny to take a pretty picture.

This is a great question I'm not going to answer.


In short, I fantasize that the world is a better place for everyone, including me.
Okay, this is ridiculous, but having just heard a certain song...

I fantasize that I have four mouths and voiceboxes and that I could sing in multi-part harmony.
