What is your Life Purpose


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I kind of feel that I do not have one.
Where do people generally find one.
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my purpose is connecting.

connecting to other people...connecting to the planet...connecting to the universe....

and last but not least, connecting to myself.
Existing. Traveling the road to life (awakening, empathizing) in order to aid human progression.
i think my life purpose is writing. i always wanted to do it. i did a degree in lit because i wanted to do it. i do it or think about it every day.

i think one way that someone could find a life purpose could be by thinking about what they really care about in life, what they're good at, and finding ways to turn those things into a career.
...to not die and then fail.
To release my fear of commitment, to stop continuously weighing options, being indecisive, and instead make definite decisions/choices,
to seek higher knowledge, explore myself at the core, figure out what I believe in and what I'm willing to defend,
let go of superficiality and be more direct, to stop gathering knowledge/information in place of seeking truth,
learn to listen to myself better, balance logic with intuition, learn to trust, allow myself to have faith,
to stop waiting until I 'know everything' before I believe I'm qualified enough to share what I've learned to help others.

I don't think there is only one correct answer; I think we have many different tasks to accomplish.
No one finds their purpose in the same place. It requires a lot of searching and contemplation.
What are your strengths and weaknesses? What comes easy to you, what is hard for you to do?
How do your natural reactions differ from how you'd prefer to act?
Asking yourself these questions and seeking an answer may help you in discovering your own purpose.
It's hard for me to say what my life's purpose is. I did not create myself so I don't know what I'm made for. My parents didn't make the choice to create me, so they don't know what I'm made for either. I feel like I can't assign myself a purpose and that if anything, all I can do is what I am best at and what feels right for me. If I were to look at my talents and what brings the most fulfillment I suppose it would be bringing people out of themselves and helping them to uncover who they are. I want to bring people "into the light" and I use that phrase both because it's cheesy (and I like that) and also because I don't know how else to describe it.
At the moment, I believe it is to move and be moved.
Never really felt like I had one. Purpose is something you ascribe to things, I guess, and some people ascribe purpose to their own lives and others don't. I'm not sure I need to (though of course others can and should!) I suppose if I had goals - hm, I used to have more goals but recently they've all become uncertain. I guess my goals are the same as they were even if I've become a bit shaky an nihilistic recently. I can't live without goals!

So this is what they were (and are, I guess, I don't know)
1) Get good at my craft and do it for a living (scriptwriting)
2) Save up for a house I can raise a family in and won't need to move out of for the rest of my life, all being well.
3) Have a husband and children (I want four of them!)
4) Ensure that I am promoting happiness around me - make sure my children are raised with self-confidence.
5) Make sure everybody has enough - if I have excess money, I mean, if I make it as a scriptwriter and make a lot of cash then I'd help my mam and brother buy a house, try to invest in my boyfriend's business to help him succeed and then make sure anything I don't need is going somewhere it can do good. I haven't really got favourite charities at the moment so I guess if this ever happened I'd do a lot of research on it.
6) Most recent one has been to become involved in politics. Only became politically inclined in the last few years but I think the country needs a change. I'd like to be part of it. Staying within the capitalist system (sorry!) but trying to do good within the system - affordable housing, funding to failing schools, better infrastructure in poorer areas, more apprenticeships for young people who do not want to go to university etc. The economy builds from the bottom not the top. It's good for everybody.

So I'm not really out to save the world or anything, these are goals but all of them seem unforeseeable to me. I guess in a perfect world that's what I'd do.
to embody love...

currently not reaching said goal.
I know that my life has more than one purpose, but the one I for sure know about is mentioned on my profile.
rebecca black said it best: "fun fun fun fun"
unfortunately my idea of fun often involves not going out much