What Is Your Moon Sign? | INFJ Forum

What Is Your Moon Sign?


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Aug 13, 2016
Hello Guys,
I just wanted to know what is your Moon sign?
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How reluctant we are to allow people to look inside.

Moon in Sagittarius
The sign occupied by the Moon at your time of birth is an indicator of your emotional and physical nature. It describes your unconscious, instinctive reactions, what is innate, perhaps inherited from your mother or reflected in the feminine dimension of your life. It tells us what kind of experience you need in order to feel emotionally satisfied.

Sagittarius is one of the fire signs, signs of the vital spirit of life. With the Moon in this sign, your primary need is for adventure, for the thrill of facing the wild unknown. An urge for expansion is one of the hallmarks of your nature, an urge that you may fulfill by physical exploration and travel into foreign lands, by mental forays into further education paths or by spiritual quests for meaning and purpose. To assist you on your travels you have the gift of confidence or belief in yourself; when those inner fires of enthusiasm are burning you can climb any mountain. You hate to feel cribbed and confined, trapped by routine and necessity. You’re a wild thing at heart and are never happier than when you have a distant horizon to stretch your eyes, feeling the wind in your hair or when taking a risk. In fact you should beware of the edgy excitements of gambling, which may satisfy your appetite for that risky buzz in the short term but in the long, are distracting you from the true adventures life could have in store!

You are cheerful by nature and love a good belly laugh. You can be the fire which warms the hearts of your friends and lifts them out of gloom and despondency by illuminating the positive side of their situation. You are a natural teacher, preacher or prophet – that burning bright inner fire has the sparks to kindle enthusiasm in all who hear you. You are open and candid, although sometimes abrupt in your manner as a result of your inner impulsive impetuousness. But you have high standards of behaviour, a strong belief in ethical conduct and a resultant dislike of underhandness or deceit. You really thrive on having a belief system with which you are proud to identify. It need not be a particular religion,[ though it often is] but whatever it is, you must always beware of becoming self righteous, fanatical or judgmental.
My moon-moon is in Libra

With the Moon in the sign of Libra, you are likely to have a deep need for peace and harmony in your life. Libra is symbolized by the Scales, relating to any area of life requiring balance. This need extends from your personal environment to your working life, and the relationships you have with others.

You are likely to be a natural peace-maker, with innate diplomatic and negotiating abilities. You are probably adept at seeing things from another’s point-of-view, and can be counted on to both listen when needed, and offer objective advice when required. Your instinctive ability to get on with others can make you popular and gracious in most situations, respected for your fair-minded approach to life.

Because you are likely to be an excellent negotiator, you will always be good with anything that requires you to find common ground. You may do well as well as a host, counselor, promoter, mentor or sales person – anything which requires you to balance potentially conflicting agendas. Being well-equipped to objectively assess all sides of a situation, you are likely to be very good at communicating with others in ways that are balanced, harmonious and fair.

Born with a Need for Balance

Principles will be important to you. You are likely to have a strong sense of justice, and will feel disturbed by any situation that you perceive as unfair. Your peace-making qualities may mean you become involved in situations where inequity is an issue, having a need to take action so that principles of fairness and justice are upheld. Conflict may surround you, but when you assert your need to be fair, you show others how to find the middle-ground.

Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, suggesting you will have natural talents where other people are concerned. You are likely to be charming, intelligent, witty and gracious – a ready go-between. At your best, you will have an instinctual desire to bring out the best in others, and can smooth over any difficulty in a social situation. This ease can open doors and cement opportunities. As a sign of relationship, Libra of course needs to interact with others. Therefore this is likely to be a relationship lifetime for you, and everything will work better for you when you do it with others rather than on your own.

Being Your Best with Others

The need for relationship can prove challenging. You may overemphasize the need for relationship, and may feel emotionally disturbed if you don’t have someone significant in your life. You may act or think in ways that are not always for your best interest just to keep a relationship alive. Then you may find yourself involved in situations that are disturbingly out of balance, and do not reflect your real needs.

The downfall here is that you may have a tendency to put your need to please and appease other people over your willingness to have your own needs met, resulting in an instinctual response pattern where you always bend your will to other people, being to afraid to reveal what it is that you truly want. This can lead to all sorts of passive/aggressive behaviours, as you attempt to co-opt others, and work your will without being honest about what your real agenda actually is. Your fear of being disliked or confrontational may be so strong that you fail to assert who you really are, so that you go along with situations that are not good for you, rather than “go it alone”.

This can lead to the double jeopardy of never getting your real needs met, while leaving others with the feeling that you have something to hide. The problem is you may be afraid to be open about your own needs for fear of being disliked, yet so skilled in the art of people-management that you get the result you are after, without the joy of real collaboration that comes in the end. This can lead to all sorts of emotional upsets in close relationships, with others feeling manipulated and you feeling guilty about the way you have conducted yourself. To avoid misunderstanding, you are encouraged to be open and assertive in all your dealings with others.

Usually, the bottom line here is that you are trying to be fair to all parties concerned. This means you may find it difficult to decide the best course of action to take. You may have a habit of becoming indecisive when you try and do things based on what you think others expect. But if you remember to focus on what is correct and fair, then you can commit to taking action in ways that are fair for everyone involved, including yourself.

A Natural Sense of Proportion and Design

On another level, those born with the Moon here often have natural design skills. Libra rules all forms of symmetry, proportion and balance. It represents the underlying patterns through which beauty manifests. You are likely to be innately aesthetic, in that you are drawn to harmonious or well-balanced environments and art-forms. Some of you will have a natural way of dressing that compliments your proportion and tone. Others will have a strong sense of coordination, and will be very good at making things work together to bring their best features out.

Because of your need for balance, you are likely to find that chaos does not sit well with you. You will do better in environments that are calm, considered or even zen. Your working space should be clear and clutter-free. Your home should reflect a simple elegance and natural understanding of style. When surrounded by discordant energies, your emotions are easily frayed. When you respond to your need for balance by seeking an harmonious life, you are able to stay in your centre and become a point of equilibrium for everyone else around.

At its best, Libra is an objective, sociably-oriented sign. Born with the Moon in Libra, you are likely to have an innate need to uphold justice in all concerns. Your sense of balance in social situations means you can easily relate to others through finding the middle-ground. Your sense of cooperation means that you need others in your life, and will feel as if nothing works as well for you if you do it always on your own. Your need for balance also extends to the aesthetic side of life. You will have a natural sense of beauty and will thrive when surrounded by harmony in your environment. With a natural grace and charm, you will always find what you need when you focus on finding the beauty in life.

Source: http://www.starslikeyou.com.au/moon-in-libra/

I'm skeptical about this stuff, but just for giggles, here's my chart.

Mine is Libra. Whats your?

Moon in Leo

Depending on other positions in the chart, Moon in Leo people are not necessarily outgoing. When they feel comfortable, they do like being the center of attention. That is, they like being in the “spotlight” in the comfort of their own homes and with family and friends. They enjoy entertaining others, and often take on the role of comic.

Lunar Leos often feel a need to organize, and even control, their families and friends. They have an inner mission to set things right, and generally like to oversee the goings-on in their little circle.

This is a rather creative position of the Moon. At the very least, Moon in Leo people want to create and entertain. They can be rather lazy at times, and a little bossy too. Generally, though, they have a deep need to treat others fairly and justly.

Lunar Leos require lots and lots of love and care in order to function well in the world. When they feel slighted, these people can be dramatic in their emotional displays. When their pride has been hurt, they are given to big scenes and sulking. This rarely happens in public, however. Lunar Leos are far too concerned about their image to make splashy scenes outside the comfort of their own homes. In public, they prefer to take things in dignified ways. At home, however, they’re given to big displays of emotional drama. These scenes generally don’t last too long, however. Lunar Leos are often personally popular folk who are valued for their integrity and strong sense of justice.

Moon in Leo folk are very proud, and they are rarely happy to follow orders. Leo is a Fixed sign, and it can be difficult to change a Lunar Lion’s mind or to change up plans on them at the last moment. They need time to adjust to schedule changes.

Generally, it is easy to reason with a Lunar Lion. Appealing to their well-developed sense of fairness usually works well.

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What do you mean by why??

Well, it isn't a 'soup question'.
Why do you want to know everyone's moon sign? How does it add to your life?
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If I remember correctly, where the Moon is positioned for a man is indicative of what type of woman he will want to marry. For instance, if his Moon is in Cancer at the time of his birth, he will see the qualities that are found in a Cancer woman as marriage material.

Now, when it comes to purely physical attraction and infatuations, the position of Venus (for a man) is the sign to look at.

The position of the Moon for a woman is different. It guides the emotions and is a sign of how she nurtures others.

When it comes to a marriage partner, women are more attracted to men of their own sun sign.

Physical attraction and infatuations...look to where Mars is postioned in her chart.

There are other factors that will play into it. The ascending sign, Mercury, sun, venus, mars, Moon...these are the major ones. And depending on which degree they were in at time of birth. Every degree matters and can dramatically change a person's personality depending on it.

And that is why two people that have the same sun sign can have different personalities. Professionally done birth charts are the way to go if you want to know what you're made of.
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Moon in Capricorn

Cold, Creative, Resilient

People born with the Moon in Capricorn are often hard, cold, and calculating. They are extremely sensitive people. But in many cases they are forced to fend for themselves at a very young age. They learn to swallow their tears, keep a stiff upper lip, and keep moving. Throughout their lives they either suppress their emotions or they use them as a vehicle to make money. They funnel them into their creative work. They are often workaholics, because they feel so much. Their creative endeavors are usually brilliant, honest, and pure because they are physical manifestations of their own emotions.

They are very tough. Women with this sign are still very feminine but quite dominant and clever. They are very sharp and business minded. They stick up for themselves and don’t stand for any crap. They can be very cut throat and sarcastic. They aren’t to be trifled with.

Men with this placement often harbor a pessimistic and defeated feeling. They don’t always handle this placement as well as women do. They cover their deep pain with endless ambitious endeavors. No accomplishment is ever the end. They want to be at the top of the tallest mountain.

People with this placement are usually very no nonsense. Punctual, well dressed, and ready to work. They often have a very dark sense of humor. They are known for their wit.

They are highly creative.

They may tend to ignore their instincts. They may be control freaks trying to plan and calculate when they should just let go and listen to what is happening around them. They may often do the opposite of what should be done in a serious or crisis situation. They are very hard on themselves when they make these types of mistakes. They want very much to be perfect and to be strong and to do everything right. They sometimes totally fall apart in a crisis. They hate crying but they feel so much they can’t help it. They hate not having control. They usually need a lot of nurturing and care when something stressful happens, and they are not the types you want to go to for emotional support. They will need more emotional support than anyone.

They are sometimes annoyed with more emotionally expressive people. But they also envy their freedom. Moon in Capricorn would love to feel comfortable enough to honestly express their emotions. But they are very afraid of being exposed as weak or incompetent.

They may be cold and serious when people are relaxing and having a good time around them. It may be difficult for others to get really comfortable around them. They may seem so frosty and uptight.

Emotional life is usually a very difficult for these people. They often turn to substances to numb the pain. Capricorn by nature can be very indulgent. With the moon in Capricorn their indulgences can be caused by a shift in their mood or a specific emotional trigger. They sometimes develop substance problems when they are very young in an effort to get over whatever trauma they have experienced. People with Moon in Capricorn often experience some sort of trauma before they become adults. As they grow older, it may become more and more difficult to get by without some sort of crutch.

They may feel more social, fun, and free when they are drinking or doing drugs. They may feel like they are easier to be around and whatever weight they are carrying may feel lighter.

This is unfortunate because they really are at their best when they are sober. Their instincts are not astute enough to properly look after themselves when they are in this state. They will still work, they will always work. Work and the substance will get all of their energy, nothing else. It isn’t that some signs handle drugs and alcohol better or are more suited for it, its just that Moon in Capricorn commits so fully to any endeavor, that the drugs consume them so much more rapidly and grotesquely than other signs. They commit 100% to everything they take on. So the substances just really do damage to them.

In addition they are acutely aware of their own mortality. So much so that they are barely afraid of it. Its like they walk with the idea of death all the time. Sometimes they get so consumed by their pessimism and awareness of mortality that they slowly bring themselves to an early end.

Usually though, they are too business minded to be bothered with drugs though. In most cases they are too ambitious to let anything stop them. Though they do have the tendency to a abuse substances, most Moon in Capricorn natives do not. Most remain rather square and don’t do anything but work and stay in good enough shape to keep on working. They live simple, practical, even boring lives.

Whatever their life situation, Moon in Capricorn natives are highly resilient. They can take a lot of abuse and keep on ticking. They are strong survivors who keep on going no matter what obstacle they face.

Moon in Capricorn natives usually make very strict and stern parents. They are disciplinarians. They are usually not very nurturing. Their idea of nurturing is making their kids do their own chores, or making their kids run laps when they get home. They want their kids to understand the value of hard work. They want their kids to always be able to take care of themselves and look after themselves. They want their kids to know that life will be tough, so they should be tough too.

They can be very hard on their children because they love them so much. They really are very scared parents who could often use a hug themselves. Their children often teach them to be softer and more emotionally vulnerable. Often their children nurture them. They usually have very sweet children who understand their parents pain and want very much for their parents to just be happy. They will try hard to impress them, but they will also look after them and care for them.

Moon in Capricorn natives usually dream of living in a mansion, or a penthouse, or something better than whatever they currently have. But they can survive any accommodation. They are often the types to keep upgrading homes. Like they won’t move until they definitely have a better home. They will stay somewhere as long as they need to, until they have an even better home. They are definitely working towards the mansion on the hill.

Their homes are often spotless, meticulous, cold. They often don’t feel much like “homes”. It is not always the coziest most welcoming atmosphere.

Moon in Capricorn feels at home anywhere they can work. They don’t need a lot of creature comforts. They will sleep on a cot if need be. Their homes are very functional and practical. If they don’t need it they won’t have it. They don’t like a lot of excess baggage and clutter. They can be quite utilitarian when it comes to their home decor. But when they can afford it, their house will be laced with elegance and luxury. They will have the best quality of everything. Their homes will be expensive and magnificent. They usually like very classic even aristocratic decor. They often have a taste for vintage home decorations and may spare no expense to have the most authentic decorations from some elegant earlier period.

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Well, it isn't a 'soup question'.
Why do you want to know everyone's moon sign? How does it add to your life?
If you don't wanna answer then please Ignore thread