I just found out my moon sign is Leo. I don't know what it means and there are far to many letters strung together for me to bother reading. Hope it means I'll get to live out fantasy of breeding lions for my lion mill.
Moon in Leo
With the Moon in the dramatic, generous and fun-loving sign of Leo, you are likely to have an innate need to approach life from a place of passion and creative self-expression. Leo is a Fire sign, and so pertains to spirit and inspiration. On an emotional level, you are likely to be warm, generous and innately confident. Leo is also a Fixed sign, implying constancy and perseverance. When you love, you love intensely. You can be counted on for your loyalty and level of support. All Fire signs are known for an abundance of energy, and you may also be known for your generosity, ever ready to shine this abundance of emotional warmth upon those you hold near and dear.
The sign of Leo is ruled by the Sun, and is associated with royalty. Thus, your emotions are likely to share in this solar quality, radiating out to those you feel benevolent toward, and perhaps striking out fiercely against those who have lost your favour. You are likely to have an innate sense of dignity, and will expect a certain level of treatment and respect from others. As a sign of royalty, you may have fairly lavish tastes, and will feel most comfortable when surrounded by people and situations you feel reflect your inner image of yourself.
You and I are created for transcendence, laughter, caring. God deliberately did not make the world perfect, for God is looking for you and me to be fellow workers with God. Desmund Tutu – Moon in Leo
On an instinctive level, you are likely to feel strong emotions. There is often a passionate intensity that needs to be expressed. Leo is a dramatic and creative sign. You may find that you are always seeking outlets to pour your creativity and personal expression into. You will always feel more energized when your natural spontaneity and exuberance can be expressed. Finding ways to express yourself creatively is important. This can range from traditional Leonine art forms that involve flamboyance and self-expression such as dance, drama and design. Or you may find your creativity is easily expressed working with children or at the helm of a business where you can see your ideas coming into form. You may find that the rituals of religion represent for you deep feelings of reverence and devotion. Whatever you do in life you find your day is more colourful when you have some kind of creative outlet. Finding ways to express yourself is likely to be important to you.
Leo is a sign of romance. You may find that you specialize in dreaming up vibrant ways to show others that you care. You are likely to be someone who needs reassurance and affection to feel connected with another, and will look for ways to keep your romantic life alive. At this level, it is very important that you find a partner who is demonstrative and attentive to your emotional needs. When they take the time to make you feel special, then you can respond by sharing all your abundance of emotional warmth with them. Win-win scenarios ensue when you are treated with the affection you need, and give others the same in return.
The sign of Leo is associated with children. You are likely to be in many ways a “kid at heart”. You will enjoy play, fun and spontaneity and can easily get along with children at their level. You may have an innate understanding of where children come from and what their real needs are. Spending time with children helps open up your own creativity and sense of fun. You may also find that life only feels complete for you when you find ways to express your ‘inner child’. Taking time out for fun and adventure is like medicine for you, and will be an important way of finding ‘food for the soul”.
Children are a wonderful gift. They have an extraordinary capacity to see into the heart of things and to expose sham and humbug for what they are. – Desmund Tutu – Moon in Leo
Leo is also a sign of leadership. On an instinctual level, you may feel that you are here to lead others. Thus, you do best when you feel in control of situations. This is the sign of the organizer, and you may have an innate understanding of how to bring an event or opportunity together. You may a gift for social situations, and instinctively know how to bring the fun and flair into any social situation. You have natural executive and leadership qualities that inspire others to follow you. When you lead from a place of confidence and fun, others will happily rally around your sunny disposition, wanting to follow you on the road to the next adventure. Your natural sense of fun and joy unites with your desire to do things well. You can encourage people to join forces and commit to a particular outcome, whilst at the same time enjoying the ride.
On another level, this sign is associated with pride. You are likely to have an innate pride in yourself and want to do things to your best ability. Pride can make you aim high and follow through on your commitments. But when you let this inherent sense of pride take over you may develop the opinion that you are always right. You may have a tendency to being overly demanding, dismissive or controlling, insisting that you always get your own way. If you try to lead others by thinking only about your own needs or expectations then you will find others rebel, and you will have trouble balancing your innate need for recognition and approval with the fact that your team have turned their back on you. You must be careful not to let your natural sense of authority and dignity become self-centeredness and domination. This will lead to isolation, and the unhappy experience of not having other persons around you to share your creative ideas and abundant emotional energy.
Fierce and pure, I was the theatre of a fairyland restored to life.” – Jean Genet- Moon in Leo
At its’ heart, Leo is a very sensitive and impressionable sign. You are easily hurt when you don’t get the recognition that you feel you deserve. Leo needs approval in order to keep the heart fires burning. You need to find ways to express yourself creatively, be with other people, and take up your natural leadership role. For this to happen, you must ensure you do not isolate anyone through snobbery, or make others subject to your, at times petty, emotional demands. Learning to recognize the extent of your passions, and then recognizing that others needs are just as “special” as your own will keep your feet on the ground, your heart in the right place and happy experiences flowing effortlessly into your life.