What is your wand made of?

My wand is made of Maple with a core of Unicorn Hair.
Maple with a core of Dragon Heartstring

This tree produces constructive, integrative energies, and because of that, can be used in bringing things together and uniting isolated parts into a single whole. Maple has good protective qualities, and can easily deliver from disturbing passions, depression, and bad memories. It is also good for improving physical appearance, for easy love and money charms, and for spells that lure general success in life.

Keywords: good fortune, luck, success in life, prosperity, positive energy, optimism, easiness, attraction, popularity, integration, unification, sweetness, freeing from deep passions and depressive thoughts.

Wand Description: Soft and warm, moderately strong, somewhat malleable. This is very steady and dependent all-purpose wand, which has limitations only in very advanced, more theoretical or scientific areas of magic. Can be used for active spells; though, the defensive ones are preferable than the attacking ones.
This is the best quiz ever,lol.

My wand is made of Holly, Elder and Alder with a core of phoenix feather.
Pine; unicorn hair.
Maple with Unicorn Hair
rowan/unicorn hair

anyone care to explain to me what that means?
My wand is made of Hawthorn with a core of Unicorn hair.

Just retested, and now my wand is made of Hawthorn and Willow with a core of Unicorn hair.

Your wand is made from: birch
And has a core of: unicorn hair

What is the point of that test? I think that any wand made from any natural material is good enough for me as long as it works. I just do not want one made from plastics purchased at Walmart.
Nobody got Yew and Phoenix Feather, did they?
I’ve two actual wands for sale...both are willow, both have sigils burned into them, stones on the base, pieces of crystal in the eyes of the wood.
Let me know and I will take some decent picture for you (have some crappy ones but you can’t see the detail well).