hush Retired Staff MBTI pocketoli Enneagram ☻ Aug 12, 2016 #41 Asa said: Nobody got Yew and Phoenix Feather, did they? Click to expand... I was secretly hoping... instead I got Aspen, Hawthorn, and Unicorn Hair. If only...
Asa said: Nobody got Yew and Phoenix Feather, did they? Click to expand... I was secretly hoping... instead I got Aspen, Hawthorn, and Unicorn Hair. If only...
Tin Man "a respectable amount of screaming" MBTI INTJ Enneagram N Sep 3, 2016 #42 Elm with Dragon Heartstring " of the rare wands that suits perfectly for the dark arts." I've always thought that if I had magic I'd turn evil. And now I have the proof.
Elm with Dragon Heartstring " of the rare wands that suits perfectly for the dark arts." I've always thought that if I had magic I'd turn evil. And now I have the proof.
Stu Town Drunkard Donor MBTI . Enneagram . Sep 3, 2016 #43 You can argue that the Earth and Moon are a binary planet system but it is generally accepted that a moon is not a planet. As for the Sun, well its a frickin star.
You can argue that the Earth and Moon are a binary planet system but it is generally accepted that a moon is not a planet. As for the Sun, well its a frickin star.
Peppermint Well-known member MBTI uwot Enneagram _ Sep 5, 2016 #44 Hazel, Rowan, Pine & Phoenix feather Edit: Just realized I did this test before. Got fairly similar result. Rowan and Birch with Phoenix feather
Hazel, Rowan, Pine & Phoenix feather Edit: Just realized I did this test before. Got fairly similar result. Rowan and Birch with Phoenix feather
flower ✿ Staff member Forum Greeter MBTI INFJ Enneagram 9w1 947 Sep 9, 2016 #45 Hawthorn with Unicorn Hair.
Bellosome Ok. Donor MBTI INFJ Enneagram 1w2 Dec 7, 2016 #48 Elder Vine Hazel has a core of Phoenix Feather