What kind of Christian are you?

A Spongite Christian

You identify strongly with people like John Shelby Spong. You may consider yourself to be a "non-theist." You are connected in some way with Christianity, either by church membership or simply by self identification, but your theology is entirely heterodox. You believe in helping people and you claim to believe in God, but you insist on defining what that means for you. Jesus loves you! (But, you know, not in that way)

Not quite right. I must've sounded more Christian because I found some of the classic atheist answers too flippant or extreme. (Scripture, while not holy, is fit for more than rolling cigarettes, and I also don't care much for drunken sex with strippers. The test needs better options.)
a Spongite Christian
You scored 23 out of 45 on proximity to orthodoxy!

You identify strongly with people like John Shelby Spong. You may consider yourself to be a "non-theist." You are connected in some way with Christianity, either by church membership or simply by self identification, but your theology is entirely heterodox. You believe in helping people and you claim to believe in God, but you insist on defining what that means for you. Jesus loves you! (But, you know, not in that way)
the Conservative

You scored 41 out of 45 on proximity to orthodoxy!

Your theology is orthodox, mostly (you occasionally overemphasize one aspect or another). You believe in the supremacy of Christianity, but you don't preach hate. Your motto is "Love the sinner, hate the sin." You are conservative on social values too, although you believe in helping the poor and the oppressed. Gay people make you kind of nervous. You secretly enjoy watching "Sex and the City" but you feel bad about it. Jesus loves you! (But, you know, not in that way)

Uhhh... no. Most Christians would not class me as a conservative.
[SIZE=Default]an Atheist

You scored 5 out of 45 on proximity to orthodoxy!
Not quite sure why you took the test, but I hope you had fun. You don't believe there is a God. And, judging by how low your score is even on the social questions, you probably don't believe in morality of any kind. Which makes me hope that I'm never driving behind you. Because that would be scary. Jesus loves you! (But, you know, not in that way)
Nope, according to Wiki, the Episcopal Church was one of the first to declare the practice of racism a sin, call for a living wage, ordinate women, and support same sex marriage. Sadly they still believe in hell, but no church is perfect.

The episcopal church is actual a relatively diverse group of people and there are people who think opposite of what you said in it. They're considered part of the anglican church (think britian). They ordained a gay bishop, but which upset people to no end and many people left. The British made them promise not to ordain any more gay bishops in return for them accepting the current one.

Some congregations are more conservative than others, but generally they're a less dogmatic group than many religions. For at least some of them (I'm not sure how many), youth education involved learning about other religions, speaking to religious leaders, and visiting their churches.

All of this is paired with a generally more traditional service and church structure. The services are similar to the Catholic services, although not as long.

a Spongite Christian

You scored 14 out of 45 on proximity to orthodoxy!

You identify strongly with people like John Shelby Spong. You may consider yourself to be a "non-theist." You are connected in some way with Christianity, either by church membership or simply by self identification, but your theology is entirely heterodox. You believe in helping people and you claim to believe in God, but you insist on defining what that means for you. Jesus loves you! (But, you know, not in that way)

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