What kind of feminist are you?

Forget or live in denial or repression? You'll just make yourself crazy that way. It's not possible to just forget things in your life that have had life-altering effects.
I wonder if you've ever dealt with any real trauma in your life, Shai Gar. I'm not trying to be a jerk there, either.

I think instead of closing your mind to it and blocking it out, accept it. Acknowledge everything that happened to you and accept that you can't change the past, but you can focus on your future. So I agree with Shai on that part.
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Yeah, I have. Just because I don't mope and carry on and get all defensive on the topics, (I treat them flippantly), doesn't mean they haven't affected me greatly in the past.
I found this REALLY surprising actually...

Your result for The Feminism Test...
Liberal ExtremistYou scored 33% Gender-Abolitionist, 60% Sexually Liberal, and 60 % Socialist
The Feminism Test at HelloQuizzy
I can't resist quizzes...


You scored 100% Gender-Abolitionist, 60% Sexually Liberal, and 0 % Socialist
You are the Gender-Liberal. This means that you share qualities with both Liberal Feminists and Gender Abolitionists. Like the Liberal Feminist, you feel political change needs to be done on a small-scale level through legislative change, not necessarily through a massive destruction of class society through the adoption of an extremist socialist stance. You are also very concerned with sexual liberation, and feel that women should be free to do what they please sexually without criticism, just as men should be free to do. However, you differ from the Liberal Feminist culturally, because you see gender as a social construction that needs to be destroyed. Like the Gender Abolitionist, you realize that gender is often perceived as one's identity, when it should only be perceived as a small, insignificant part of that person. We shouldn't be able to say "This person IS a woman". Rather one should say something more akin to "This person HAS the physical traits of a woman". This way, we wouldn't be assuming someone's physical traits are a part of their identity, and we couldn't use this difference to oppress them or categorize them. In short, you advocate extreme cultural change through the destruction of gender roles, but politically you are less extreme, instead focusing on individual or legislative change as opposed to a massive change of ideology.
Gender Abolitionist

You scored 83% Gender-Abolitionist, 40% Sexually Liberal, and 40 % Socialist
You are the Gender Abolitionist type of feminist. This means that you feel the best way to destroy patriarchal oppression is to rid ourselves of misguided gender roles, and instead live in a society that does not make such marked assumptions about gender differences. The Gender Abolitionist is culturally radical, but rather conservative when it comes to sexual liberation and politics. You have a strong sense of human rights for all. In fact, you are actually a very moral person. You don't see people in terms of gender and are thus very philosophical in order to perceive the world in such a manner. You think people shouldn't identify others in terms of gender. When most people see a person, the first thing they think is "That person is a woman" or "That person is a man", but they do NOT think "That person is a short-fingernail". Most make someone's gender their IDENTITY, but fingernail length would never be considered part of their identity. A gender abolitionist would claim gender should be like fingernail length--it shouldn't be part of someone's identity. By making gender a part of identity, difference is emphasized and oppression is often justified. Thus, gender shouldn't be regarded to such a large extent by society. You are mostly concerned with seeing women become fully equalized with men by eliminating gender roles, as these roles oppress women.

You scored 50% Gender-Abolitionist, 0% Sexually Liberal, and 40 % Socialist
You are the housewife feminist. You aren't very philosophical or political, but rather personal and practical. Housewife feminists feel there is no need to drastically restructure society or government in order to help women. You tend to feel that individuals can make their own lives better, and restructuring society is either pointless or too extreme to achieve these goals. You are also a very moral type of person, and tend to see the plight of women through a moral lens, not wanting to oppress others in woman's attempt to relieve their oppression. You also tend to see men and women as being very different from each other, and certainly not as equals. Some housewife feminists will even see women as superior to men because they have better qualities, such as more compassion. Normally, you would probably be classified as the "Cultural" feminist, because you emphasize the differences between men and women, tend to lack political motivation, and are not concerned with sexual liberation. I have called this position the housewife feminist, however, because someone in this category could easily be confused with a '50s housewife--simple, non-political, accepting gender roles, holding traditional moral values, and having little sexual liberation. However, it is important to note that this does not mean the housewife feminist isn't concerned with the women's movement. Rather, they are concerned for women as individuals and see the radical philosophies of other feminists as impractical or misguided. You resemble a '50s housewife on the surface, but beneath the exterior beats the heart of a true feminist.