If there is a type for 'super energized, super-bubbly, endearing and golden cheerfulness' then thats me in school. ^^
I actually have no idea what people would say I come off as. I'm close to people in odd ways. Similar to slices of a cheesecake sampler, someone will get the chocolate slice, another person will get the cherry, etc. Only my husband has seen the entire sampler. So, if anyone knows what that's about, let me know. Sorry for the odd analogy but that's what came to mind... (Mmm....cheesecake).
Yeah Zero Angel was saying a similar thing. I think this is the case with a lot of Introverts. Different people only get to see certain facets of our personality because we don't share a deep enough connection to most people to warrant that we divulge any more than we need to to get along.
Amidst times of chaos in which I border on being out of a job, homeless or physically assaulted, I kick up the 'J' quite a bit. But it's not natural to me.
I resent structure and order, nothing makes me feel more stifled... though in "today's modern dog-eat-dog work a day world of scientists, diplomats, [and] Mc Salad Shakers" it is necessary to have a plan of action to avoid such things as homelessness etc.
People at school think I'm extraverted, a thinker, and mad.
In other words, ENTP.
You are hilarious.It is illegal to be homeless and if I ever heard you were Id call the cops on you cause I like to follow the rules! grrrrr!
I actually went through one of these phases for about 2 years! There was much introspection, writing, listening to loud music, acting crazy, there were moments of inner peace, happiness, and loneliness. You know when they say that a person 'lives in his head', well I very much did this but my living in my head was accompanied by activities which would attempt to link it to the real world -- things such as drawing and writing, modding a game, web design, graphics design. I had dozens of printouts on various topics, with my pens I would try to draw connections between various concepts. It was a period of time which held the highest reaches of inner peace and happiness and the lowest depths of loneliness and sadness.Yeah, and that makes me sad. As I grow older, I feel I'm becoming more extroverted on a superficial level, mainly due to working in the corporate world and having the need to network and what not. That doesn't mean I don't have genuine feelings for people, but I won't ever act to make the relationship into more than just professional. I'm becoming more and more internalized. I think at some point, my family is going to find me in a little cottage in the middle of nowhere with no outside connections...
Just sitting there, reading books, meditating, and sipping on tea. Cultivating relationships are difficult and exhausting for me.
Say what? INTJs are amazing. I wish I knew more INTJs..or...ugh...INTJ type.
I had to spend a great deal re-adapting to having people around, and I can't say that i'm fully adapted to this yet. So it's very tough to say whether the phase was worth it or not. Theres always a doubt that if I were to draw another into my bubble and live like this again -- whether or not they would accept it or not. And it is painful to think that nobody ever will.