Professor Snep
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if she knows who you are...

On the serious side: please don't take it personal, but I'm not buying it. But hey, I'm just a grumpy fusspot.
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if she knows who you are...
And you know this how............INFJ men are inexplicably sexy.. They understand the undercurrent of the conversation, and can drop into INFJ females "frequency"..They are deep and thoughtful. They see the connections we INFJ females do.. the symbols and lessons in things. Never swim in shallow water ladies... There's nothing better than the deep end.
..truth.. NT's will tell you that these omissions ate to protect YOU. What they don't know "won't hurt em".. even when you want the truth... they don't care... same experience with NT.on the positive not NTs thinkers dont really give off alot of emotions....esp INTJs....... INTPs and ENTPs give off either fun or corky emotions. this is good for an INFJ cause you dont have this absorbing the others emos which is SUPER refreshing in this SFJ world we live will prob feel like heaven....basically its like being alone but with someone. but the problem is that as INFJs we just need something very deep and real. its all fun and games untill your in love, and the NT cant or wont express anything back.....either way its the same result....idk I want someone to care about my emotions and know when to the cash in the chips and ASK me for something. NTs will either abuse your giving nature or will never ask you for anything....which ts a type of devaluing.
OH another thing to be careful of.....
drip feeding truth.....
I have come to find NTs do this ALOT......everything is on a need too know basis they omit things because YOU did not as the correct question. This is lying......but they dont see it that way. All i know is that this is deal breaker its a lie and it hurts like hell.
P types to me are lots of fun but they are all over the place. they lack the LASER focus that INFJs have this could be good but could be really bad. I can see how its super annoying, the other issue is that P types could string you along for a LONG time...cause its all about what "could be" and they tend to just sit back and watch it unfold....meanwhile you will be hurting.
On the serious side: please don't take it personal, but I'm not buying it. But hey, I'm just a grumpy fusspot.
Because I know a ridiculously great Scottish INFJ.. Personally..
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You mean like an aftershave?..Ahh maybe you haven't found your particular brand of INFJ 'alpha male mystique'
quite yet?
Who?Maybe she can help you find your mystique? :0
More useful deliberation. Thanks!on the positive not NTs thinkers dont really give off alot of emotions....esp INTJs....... INTPs and ENTPs give off either fun or corky emotions. this is good for an INFJ cause you dont have this absorbing the others emos which is SUPER refreshing in this SFJ world we live will prob feel like heaven....basically its like being alone but with someone. but the problem is that as INFJs we just need something very deep and real. its all fun and games untill your in love, and the NT cant or wont express anything back.....either way its the same result....idk I want someone to care about my emotions and know when to the cash in the chips and ASK me for something. NTs will either abuse your giving nature or will never ask you for anything....which ts a type of devaluing.
OH another thing to be careful of.....
drip feeding truth.....
I have come to find NTs do this ALOT......everything is on a need too know basis they omit things because YOU did not as the correct question. This is lying......but they dont see it that way. All i know is that this is deal breaker its a lie and it hurts like hell.
P types to me are lots of fun but they are all over the place. they lack the LASER focus that INFJs have this could be good but could be really bad. I can see how its super annoying, the other issue is that P types could string you along for a LONG time...cause its all about what "could be" and they tend to just sit back and watch it unfold....meanwhile you will be hurting.
NTs definitely. Ambitious INFJs attract ENTJs and caring INFJs attract ENTPs.
I want an INTP so bad. I promise I will take care of it! I want one! I want one!![]()
As a young male INFJ, that was one of the most motivating things I've ever read. Thank you.Yeah INTP will do the same thing to you, bro.
so over all in this concept and sense there seems to be alot of INFJ guys around here... I think this will help. I am an older INFJ male, and will say that NTs in general will be drawn to you, just in general that is in friendship and in romance it just happens. the issue is that there not alot of NT women, but this maybe a good thing.
INFJ even the dudes want a soul mate. they want someone to love them like they would love. NTs....dont believe in that soulmate stuff. were all people nothing special about anyone and easily replaced if the NT logic suits it self. NTs are about rational "love", and thats honestly something INFJs think is cold. and it is. the reason ENTPs work best with INFJs is ENTP is the least cold of the rationals. but still man it aint about soul mates with them. NTPs will open up a world in the INFJ but if that NTP doesnt follow through (ntps dont really have follow through) than the INFJs world and love will be destroyed. I would say NTP are VERY VERY dangerous for INFJs in love. NTPS are somewhat careless about other peoples hearts and in the end the NTP truly does come first. if its logical than you are out......and its plain and simple. or worse it will be a "is this over" situation where its years of unfinished business.
Honestly I think INFJs should go with other NFs it just makes more sense, at least if you all break up/divorce you will both feel awful about hurting the other and there will be some empathy.
to the INFJ guys: dude if your young, its hard I know but TRUST ARE what women want.... you just are showing the wrong things at the wrong time. Dudes if you think she likes you or if that Ni went off......YOU ARE RIGHT. dont second guess that you are right just go and ask her out or... TELL her to date you. I know that pretty alpha but trust me....those ENTJs guys are getting away with it! so just do it.
INFJ men have an alpha mystique BUT you need to understand that it is different. its not the standard Alpha male stuff....
and thats is why you flying under the radar.
look at it this way your regular alpha ST types are strong in practical ways they can lift shit. they can hunt, they can fix something.....all of this is SINGULAR.
YOU as aINFJ male.......dude you CAN SHAPE THE WORLD........... you can have hundreds of STs following you! you are a world shaper and world breaker if you are messed up.....YOU have more influence and are more powerful than any standard alpha dont let anyone fool you. there is nothing more Alpha Male than CONVICTION. and INFJ guys you are the KINGS of that.
one last note..
if you put an INFJ guy in a situation where ANY female type is with them for over a month. I am 98% sure that female will fall in love with that INFJ. if she knows who you are....she is in love.....
your distance is the only thing keeping her out of love.
As a young male INFJ, that was one of the most motivating things I've ever read. Thank you.
What type is the most attracted to INFJ's?
Well ... all of them ... if the INFJ plays his/her cards well ...
That's what I was thinking while reading the thread. When an INFJ falls in love, its an exceptional relationship for any deserving personality type.
I've also found that an INFJ will enter into a relationship with certain types to help end an extended period of loneliness. The less than ideal mate will be treated with a lot of love and compassion.
This sill leaves the INFJ with feelings of guilt as they hold each other back from something greater.
They may even choose a mate that is abusive to compensate for this. They will still work hard to make it work, even accepting the abuse if it manafests.
Whether they are aware of this self destructive behavior, depends on the individual INSF.
That's what I was thinking while reading the thread. When an INFJ falls in love, its an exceptional relationship for any deserving personality type.
I've also found that an INFJ will enter into a relationship with certain types to help end an extended period of loneliness. The less than ideal mate will be treated with a lot of love and compassion.
This sill leaves the INFJ with feelings of guilt as they hold each other back from something greater.
They may even choose a mate that is abusive to compensate for this. They will still work hard to make it work, even accepting the abuse if it manafests.
Whether they are aware of this self destructive behavior, depends on the individual INFJ.