What type of men do infj girls like


INFJs love this guy.

INFJs love this guy.

Some girls have all the luck! I've sat on park benches crying plenty of times and the best I got was a (literally) stinkin' homeless man come sit beside me.

Seriously, there is merit in this little dialogue. I've heard people describe me as unapproachable, reserved, withdrawn and (my fave) aloof. So to actually have someone not be scared of my outward appearance enough to approach me is exhilarating. Usually however, it's the ESTP type so to have an NF guy do so is the stuff of fantasies. Like unicorns.

INFJs love this guy.

I tried something similar to this once. Not the exact same scenario but a crying girl nonetheless and it didn't turn out quite like this. She was thankful for the generosity but I went on my way and she hers. Not really fairy tell ending at all. Haha. Of course it could be that I am not nearly as charismatic as this guy which means all I pretty much did is ask if she was ok and then listen to her story but still I tried. Lol
Regardless of MBTI, different women have different needs. It also depends on what they want out of life ... family, children, career, etc. You cannot group all INFJ women into one category, b/c I can tell you what I find attractive in one man ... another INFJ woman may find repulsive. (Dutch-Oven Burners need not apply)

Many women have no clue what they want or need.
Regardless of MBTI, different women have different needs. It also depends on what they want out of life ... family, children, career, etc. You cannot group all INFJ women into one category, b/c I can tell you what I find attractive in one man ... another INFJ woman may find repulsive. (Dutch-Oven Burners need not apply)

Many women have no clue what they want or need.

Often men don't either. Part of why relationships can be a real pain sometimes. Some believe they know what they are looking for but really don't and others just have no clue and then find it.

INFJs really like this? That is so kitschy! I wouldn't want a girlfriend who likes these kind of things. It usually is a sign that she doesn't have a good grasp on reality. These things don't happen in reality. And if someone really thinks he can pull this off, there's still a high risk of being friend-zoned.

Regardless of MBTI, different women have different needs. (snip) Many women have no clue what they want or need.

I disagree with you to a degree on the first part: Some women are more similar than others. It's funny how we all join an MBTI forum (which means you are accepting certain assumptions) and then people come up with some political correctness that all people are different.

I agree totally with you on the second part. I'd even say not "many" but "most" women don't know what they need. Have you ever read one of these surveys by psychologists or women/men magazines on what women want? You can bet 90% of the answers are wrong.
I agree totally with you on the second part. I'd even say not "many" but "most" women don't know what they need. Have you ever read one of these surveys by psychologists or women/men magazines on what women want? You can bet 90% of the answers are wrong.

I find generalizing women in general to be quite short sighted, there are a myriad of demographics with overlaps in needs and wants but in large part they are vastly different needs and wants depending on which demographic they fall. If we ARE going to generalize the only commonality I've noticed with most women and I say MOST (in my experience) certainly not all, is that they prefer to be submissive and tend to have at least some bisexual tendencies. Other than those two things I wouldn't generalize the "wants or needs" of any woman, but I find those two to be fairly safe bets I'd say they are accurate about 85% of the time in my experience.
I'm attracted to guys who seem to be INFJs... or INTPs, INTJs... all IN's really. I love a deep, generous, caring, wise, interesting, passionate, deeply compassionate, mysterious, man. I always have a quintessential sense of what kind of person I'd find a dream for me, but i've yet to find that perfect person. In a nutshell, intellectual, gem-of-a-heart, and with a beautiful, optimistic vision.
It seems INFJ ladies like the honest men. By honest I mean in every way possible, not just verbally.

INFJ women like men who know where the secret passageway through our 'Great Wall' is. Once found, it will lead you straight to the key to our heart and stairway of our soul.

Yipes! That got really sappy. :tsk: Sorry.

I have that.
However some of us leave the doors open, still no one sees.

As well as some of us know how to get in.:)
all the mens. just some of them with duct tape applied over their mouths. wait. where am i? :m091:
Upon thinking:

Mutual chemistry
Not shallow or obsessed with material possessions
Has compassion for others and a desire to help others
Kind and gentle
Can take pleasure in the simplest of things
Takes care of self (including health)
Strives for stability in life
Tidy and enjoys cooking. :D
He'd have to like my children.
Not overly critical
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I just like men. I think men are wonderful. The first thing I notice about a man is that he is a man.

The men I have the most chemistry with are usually ESTPs. I just find men incredibly sexy when they do things like fix the sink, build a tree house, fix the car, ride a motorcycle, do martial arts, sail a boat, drive a mustang, play the saxaphone... I like to whistle at the construction workers as I pass by.

The men I've had the best relationships with have been ENFPs. I find they actually LISTEN to me with care, and are very romantic. They often develop personas that include the same activities that ESTPs enjoy.

What do I want to marry? Type is open, but they must be:
1. Kind, compassionate and generous.
2. Want to create a Jewish home.
3. Mutual chemistry
4. Intelligent enough for us to actually have conversations
5. Stable income, no debt
6. Free of racism and religious prejudice
7. No serious mental health problems
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Yeah, he seems like an ENTP (one of the sweeter ones).

I think he's creepy. First, if I start to cry, I don't sit on park benches. Second, if a guy sat down next to me and asked me if I was okay, I'd smile and say, "Oh you know how life is. Stuff happens. Very kind of you to ask, but I'll be alright." If he persisted in talking to me, I'd know he was hitting on me.