What type of person is liked by everyone?

I've never been disliked by anyone that I felt was worth having like me.
I could be liked by everyone, I'm pretty confident of this in fact, but I don't want everyone to like me.
It would also be exhausting if I really set out to do this. I may have a long run of it and then break down/freak out.
Sometimes being liked by the wrong person is a bad thing. Sometimes being disliked by the right person is a good thing.
I've never been disliked by anyone that I felt was worth having like me.
I could be liked by everyone, I'm pretty confident of this in fact, but I don't want everyone to like me.
It would also be exhausting if I really set out to do this. I may have a long run of it and then break down/freak out.
Sometimes being liked by the wrong person is a bad thing. Sometimes being disliked by the right person is a good thing.
Its completely impossible to be liked by everyone.
100 % completely impossible to be liked by everyone. We dont even have to get past the fact there are 7 billion people on the planet. You cant meet them all. Then there are language barriers. .. what about that remote tribe that still has little contact with humans?
Its an impossibility.
Most of us are probably liked by some people but not by others. But there are certain types of people who are liked by everyone, by all MBTI types.

The question is: is this ever a good thing? Which types of people fit into this description?
I mean I have always wondered, if someone is liked by everyone, to me it means that that person is:
a) Not a threat to anyone
b) Probably doesn't stand out in any way
c) Likely to not criticize anyone and is a people pleaser

That's not to say that said person is not nice, but you can't possibly be nice to EVERYONE.

I know people who hate people like the type of person you just described. In fact, many of them go out of their way to antagonize personalities like this.

I don't think a person who is liked by everyone exists. I think a person who commands respect and admiration is closer to potentially having mass appeal but even that is a dubious conclusion. As an example, some people are opposition defiant and hate whatever the majority of people like simply because they themselves want to stand out.

As the saying goes: 'people will love you and people will hate you but very little of it will have to do with you.'

In the end, you just gotta do you. And really, it takes some serious courage to put yourself out there and be who you really are, because once you do, you'll discover that there is no safe bubble of approval. Somebody somewhere is always gonna hate you, and in their mind, you're gonna deserve it. You just gotta make sure that in *your* mind, you don't toss aside your convictions to agree with their answers just because they belong to someone who isn't you. You have stand firm and confident in your own perspective, honoring your right to be who you choose to be regardless of what other people think. You got your own brain. Your own heart. Your own soul. Use them. Stop copying off other people's test answers.
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Most of us are probably liked by some people but not by others. But there are certain types of people who are liked by everyone, by all MBTI types.

The question is: is this ever a good thing? Which types of people fit into this description?
I mean I have always wondered, if someone is liked by everyone, to me it means that that person is:
a) Not a threat to anyone
b) Probably doesn't stand out in any way
c) Likely to not criticize anyone and is a people pleaser

That's not to say that said person is not nice, but you can't possibly be nice to EVERYONE.

Is there a person like this who's not on good terms with you? It seems like you're looking for rationales that suggest weakness or a lack of desirability.
100 % completely impossible to be liked by everyone. We dont even have to get past the fact there are 7 billion people on the planet. You cant meet them all. Then there are language barriers. .. what about that remote tribe that still has little contact with humans?
Its an impossibility.

Oh ok. My fault for not answering this in an entirely literal way.
Definitely not ISFJ. We're overachieving assholes that make your work look half-assed. Otherwise ... :D Just pat me on the back. I'm sick of people telling me I am a perfectionist.

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But I'm a big bubble of an ass, in yoga pants! you can't help but love me even if I am an ass :p

Wait, have we got a PAWG in the house? Feel free to make use of the Eye Candy thread if you should ever feel it necessary to provide proof via a plethora of belfies. And you really do not have to worry about ending up alone. You have tits and ass. At the end of the day, that is all guys truly care about. And beer.
ESFJ and ISFJ. They are liked by most if not all but the secret is.... they themselves do not like everyone.



People like us b/c we don't outwardly complain about them. Here is the thing ... I believe in humanity, I have a tendancy to want to help or fix our problems ... but that doesn't take me liking people to do it. About a year ago I could have my pick of any new friendship groups, they were plentiful. I have many acquaintences, but only one person who is somewhat "close." I don't feel I've clicked with anyone as of yet.

A neighbor invited me over for wine a couple weeks ago with a bunch of people, she pulled me aside and said she felt rejected that I didn't procure a friendship with her and did with someone else. Strange position. I told her I didn't know she felt that way, she had so many friends ... why want a friendship with me? This other person btw, I no longer speak to. I was just turned off by her fb poses with pineapples ... but who am I to point that out. lol O.o

Attractive women, because men will do and say anything to get laid, especially giving them what they think they want to hear.

At least, attractive people generally receive a lot of attention regardless of who they are as people. I suppose I'm getting off topic.
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I am not sure. Maybe it has nothing to do with type. I would say SJ types are liked by everyone... even though not technically. SJs are so well-populated and people just have come to depend on them. They are everywhere. So even if you don't like them, personally, they are well-liked by others. They are seen as ordinary, everyday people.
Oh my... I must have a twisted mind. Because my brain instantly said a dead person. Because those who adored the person will keep on adoring via memories. And those who despised the subject in life will be... Well... Sleeping a little more fully.