What types do you like/dislike the most?

I've thought about this for a while, and I think my favorite type is INTJs, followed by ENTJs just because they make good reliable partners. But INTJs top my list.

That's because you're an INTJ. : )

ESTJ because most of them are just noisy and don't have anything valuable to say
ESTP, ENFJ because they're manipulative, at least the unhealthy ones
ISTJ who think there are no exceptions, probably most of them think like that

Neither like nor dislike



INFJ because (beep)
ENTJ because they are open-minded leaders
INTP because of their sharp thinking
ENTP because they're crazy
INTJ because they're practical and imaginative
ENFP because they're crazy, too
INFP because there's usually chemistry between us

LMFAO!! Thank you for describing my wife perfectly :D
Reflecting back on the types of people I get along with a lot, many of them have been: INFJs, INFPs, INTJs, and ENFJ.

A type that comes up often amongst the people I have clashed with: ENFP and INFP, ironically.
Historically, I've often got along particularly well with ENFPs, ENTPs and INTJs. Actually, these three types would be reflective of one of each of the three people closest to me currently. Typically, with ENFPs and ENTPs, while the framework of our interactions is different, ultimately they both (quite productively) prod me to challenge the safety of my typical ways of doing business. I also generally enjoy a warm and natural connection with these types. As for INTJs, there tends to be a sense of mutual respect, despite not always being “on the same page” so to speak, and exchanges of insight on eachother’s respective weaknesses. While I feel it’s more difficult to emotionally level with INTJs than ENFPs and ENTPs, I find them nonetheless engaging, though most often on rational or factual matters.

As for types that I am more likely to have difficulty connecting with, what stands out to me most is ISFJ. This might just be the particular people I’ve encountered over time, but the combination of apparent servility and passive-aggressiveness that I observed chafed fairly significantly with my own interaction style.
I like people who:
- Laugh at my jokes (ISFJs)
- Interact with me at regular/frequent intervals
- Appreciate me
- Are fun-loving

I don't like people who:
- Disrespect me
- Criticize/critique my life's direction frequently
- Are routinely discontented
- Are rushed and constantly stressed
ESFJ's seem to have a kind of bohemian (?) or perhaps hippie-ish quality to them. I really don't know if these are the right words. Very easy going. I've also noticed that they do their jobs well, too. I just like them, almost without fail. They're cute.

Sounds nice. Maybe I mistyped one friend as ESFJ - easygoing, like you said, but has an aura of being the boss. Frequently probes people for advice but I could feel a heavy mist of control when I'm around him that makes me feel uneasy.
I dislike idiots regardless of what their MBTI is, if you get my drift.
I'm just gonna go with this. Such a beautiful expression.
I must admit Saru is the only ENFJ I can stand, if I recall correctly. I live with 2, my sister is one, and a guy that likes to argue about Kanye or anything I say until I avoid him for long periods of time. These ENFJs are very manipulative, controlling, smarmy like car salesmen, have violent tempers, and seem unwilling to accept responsibility. I find them impossible to live with. They also delegate things they don't want to do, such as housework, work, babysitting, parenting... This strikes me as entitled & lazy. The ones I know are the most immature folks I have ever met. They also lie compulsively, and think they have everyone's best interest in mind. They drive me completely insane.

I love saru, though.

*And, sorry. I can never figure that multiquote thing out.
Ooh! A dead thread! *mumbles a magic chant*
I like NF types. I never met any other NF type though, but they're the kind of people I'm willing to keep as friends no matter what happens. For NT types, INTJs and INTPs are fun to talk with, and ENTPs are funny. I just don't like some ENTJs because of their domineering attitude. As for SPs, ISFPs are cool and I never got along with the other SPs. ESTPs are okay though, except for the alpha types. And SJs... I don't like their realistic attitude; they're pessimistic, control freaks who are born to conform to societal norms and live a very predictable life pattern: live, work, marry, get old, die. Some are okay though, like my ISTJ friend. So, generally I dislike them and their lack of scope makes me sad.
I cant say type but I can say people so if you figure them out maybe you can figure out the type. I dont like Obama, Harry Reid, Pelosi, all the Clintons. Primarily because they are lying manipulators.
INTPs: I'm a nerd, they're nerds.
INFJs: Easy to get along with, usually, and fun/imaginative.
ENxPs: Crazy adventures.
In my own perspective, I guess, It doesn't matter what personality type one has. I think , it is just how well we do adapt with the qualities a person has. We just have to be open minded and be mature enough to get along with different types of person.
My good friends are ESFP, ENFP, ENTJ, ENTP, ISFJ, and of course INFJ.
Another really good friend is an ISTJ, but so is my dad, and that's a relationship that's just gotten healthy after I came back from college, though there are times...

I was in a bad, unhealthy friendship with someone who typed out as an ESTJ, though I actually think they're a sociopath. There's a difference. I'm really fascinated by ESTJ's though.

I currently room with a self absorbed INTJ, he declared his habits to the house, and so long as we don't disrupt his routine, the world will be at peace. Heaven forbid he can't lie down on a couch to watch tv, or actually do something for the greater good of the house. I don't know if that's a common INTJ trait to be totally insular, or if he's just a child.

And another room mate is an ESTP. I think God made them to humble us. I wouldn't even wish the devil to put up with him.