What Types Do...

My two best friends are INFJ and ESFP. My ESFP friend's sensing score is really borderline though.

Other than that, most of my other friends are extroverts. Not sure on exact types though.
INxx most of the time for some reason. One of my best friends is an ENFP though, so N seems to be the only constant factor. I don't really think I have ever met another INFJ in person, or at least gotten to know them even though I'd like to.
For me, friends require an N. The olny exception is (ironiclly) my best friend who is ISTP.

I have alot of ENFP, INFP, ENFJ friends.
I seem to have a lot of ENFP friends. Everyone seems N too, although that may be because most of my friends live in an Honors dorm.
I seem to have a lot of ENFP friends. Everyone seems N too, although that may be because most of my friends live in an Honors dorm.

That is interesting. Most of the honors kids I know are usually an S, T or both. Subsequently, I do not get along with them, and they can not stand me.
I get along with all the kids in the honors dorm, but I haven't interacted with some of them and they think I'm weird. Anyways, another thing to consider is that entrance to the Honors dorm depends on written essay/personality. The people in the other Honors dorm...I cannot stand those guys...
That is interesting. Most of the honors kids I know are usually an S, T or both. Subsequently, I do not get along with them, and they can not stand me.

That's weird; I'm at an accelerated boarding school, and most of the kids here are actually N (I think). The highest concentration is ENFJ kids!
for some reason I seem to attract NFPs of all kinds. And I like it :)

I wish I knew more NTs and had an INFJ friend... But I don't think I could be closer to anyone than to my ENFJ best friend.
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Most of my friends are ISFJs, actually. I don't really understand it. I get along really well with INFPs, INTJs and ENFPs.
I like being around NT's the most because they don't have that 'looking at your soul' feeling. I think that's why I haven't gotten along with many NF's, well I did, but I pushed them away.
I find I'm surrounded by this type of lifeform called a human. It does many things, many of which spend a great deal of time fighting over breeding rights, territory or material possessions.

They are such a loose cannon. Type seems to be such a small way to describe them.
Quite a few friends are ESTP who I find are a bit difficult to deal with. But I do know two other INFJs as well as a few INFPs and they are good to talk with.
I have switched between sensors and intuitives for quite awhile. Most recently in my life I've been surrounded by two sensors and one intuitive. If I had to guess the types I'd guess...


Although I can honestly say I have yet to meet another INFJ aside from my ex-girlfriend. Know a few xNFPs that are usually my best of friends.
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Four major disturbments in my class take the form of:
  1. ISTJ (He is the most evil of the evil)
  2. ISTP (He is evil but whenever he talks but rather observant)
  3. ESFP (She is so #"%&/?!)
  4. ESTP (He may have a high F function because he can be really nice)
Mostly the rest in my class are also sensors.. :) there are some NF's though, whome you can guess are my friends haha. Although generally, everybody loves me *I wish*.

Friends take the form of: ENFP, INFJ, INFP, anyone with a developed Feeling function. Or well anyone with empathy and openmindness.
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95% of who I know is are ENFPs

I've never met any S types.
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Hmmm I really don't know. I have a mix of all types I suppose. I find most people really interesting, so I tend to collect an odd assortment of friends. But they all get along for the most part. I'd guess there's a a lot of E and N going on. But everything else is debatable.