What would be the ideal or most meaningful or significant gift for a female INFJ?


No idea
See question in title. The intention is should be obvious. For my future SO.

I dont want specific gift ideas but general guidelines which I can use to evaluate all future presents.

And dont suggest jewelery or clothes we have enough of those already.

I was think handmade paper diary bound by tree bark?
Does she enjoy journaling? If yes, then the tree bark journal might be just fine for her, but she may not want to write in it because you made it. (It would be like you spent loads of time decorating a cake, and it looked really awesome, but she wouldn't want to eat it because then it would be ruined. Or a candle, same problem. She can't use it because it would destroy it?)

You should write her something, poetry or prose, doesn't matter, she can't eat that, or ruin that by reading it as much as she wants, and it will last forever. :)

Or a nice little mutual fund/investment for your future life together/down payment on a house/savings account for your 20th anniversary celebratory cruise/is always good.

Or a puppy!!!
Something made with your own hands; it would not only be the object, but also the fact of your work on it, you loving her enough to choose the the work of a crafting over money or material posetions.
Something practical but personal.
What do I mean? Well handmade gifts are nice, but unless you're really crafty and can manufacture quality things with your hands, it ends up as clutter you can't throw away because it was a gift.

Take a well constructed item of practical use, then make some cosmetic alterations to reflect her personal interests. She'll think of you every time she uses it.

Also, judging by your previous posts, you seem a pretty pragmatic person in general. A practical gift would also be reflective of your personality, and reinforce the idea that YOU spent time thinking about HER and it was YOUR idea to get her that gift.
Something flowery and pink, with a card attached which has bunnies and kittens on it. They'll probably cry when they open it so make sure to bring tissues (these should also be pink).
I'm going to tell you my "ideal gift", but I can't speak for every INFJ. We're all different, after all. I would get her something that relates to her personality, because that's what I'd like. I hate general gifts that someone could get away with giving to anyone they meet on the street, such as jewelry, unless you /know/ she'll like it. Like if she likes Celtic knots and they mean something to her, sure, go ahead and buy her a necklace with a Celtic knot. But otherwise, make the gift special to her specifically. Just an example (a dumb one at that) but if she liked Taylor Swift, you'd buy her tickets to a T.S concert. A gift like that means that you've taken note of her interests or whatever means something to her, and she'll be really touched, even if it's something homemade and didn't cost you a dime.
Something that reminds her of a time that you really enjoyed together, or was especially important or memorable for her.
I really think the best answer here is that if you have to ask, you two will probably not last long.

Don't hate me 'cause I'm real.

For the record, I can understand why other types find them attractive, but in my eyes INFJ women are boring. The compatibility is too effortless; it's too easy to be in the other's skin.

It's really like dating your sister.
Nothing, and especially for INFPs
You'll crumble into pieces if it's wrong, if someone doesn't know you how you want to be known, if our souls aren't connected.
So, I suggest a gift wrapped turd.
General guidelines: Extremely mushy, symbolic, and personalized. More points if it's also practical. Gold star if you made it with your own hands, by the sweat of your brow. :D Write her a song and perform it for her, or take her somewhere secluded and beautiful in the city for lunch and whip out some hipster jewelry made of recycled hemp and driftwood and ancient Mayan stone. NF girls eat that shit up like starving dogs.
We can't tell you what that will be because it has to be, above all else, thoughtful, and the only way it can be thoughtful is by you thinking about your time with her.

Failing that, the custom diary sounds pretty nice.
I was being flippant because the question doesn't make sense. It's like saying "What would be the best way of kissing an Asian girl?" - her being Asian has nothing to do with how she wants to be kissed. Likewise, her being INFJ has nothing to do with what she want as a present. Does she like dicks in boxes? Then definitely give her a dick in a box, brosky! Does she like surfboards? Then deffo give her a surf board, bra! Surf's up! Etc. etc. etc.
I was being flippant because the question doesn't make sense. It's like saying "What would be the best way of kissing an Asian girl?" - her being Asian has nothing to do with how she wants to be kissed. Likewise, her being INFJ has nothing to do with what she want as a present. Does she like dicks in boxes? Then definitely give her a dick in a box, brosky! Does she like surfboards? Then deffo give her a surf board, bra! Surf's up! Etc. etc. etc.

Better yet, save money on the wrapping and just give her a dick. :D Environmentally friendly! NF girls eat that shit up.
See question in title. The intention is should be obvious. For my future SO.

I dont want specific gift ideas but general guidelines which I can use to evaluate all future presents.

And dont suggest jewelery or clothes we have enough of those already.

I was think handmade paper diary bound by tree bark?

If you were gay, how would you modify this post?