If I could tell myself (as a child) anything, it would be:
Learn to tell others how you feel, and that you do not do well with surprises. Let them know how it shocks you and shuts down your responses, and to please give you time to think about situations and readjust.
That you are not being snappy because you don't care... you are just tired and in need of solitude. (You will be a single mother who works full time. Yea, you're going to have two girls!!

Please take the time to think and process your world. If you don't do this, you will die inside.
Men will mainly want you for your sexuality, more so than your entirety. You will have to choose VERY wisely hun, just like the rest of your gender. And honestly? If you end up going without, you won't feel lonely.
Your little sister will someday love you more than anyone else in the world. You'll be her role model.
Accept that mom and dad are not who you need them to be. Accept that they live in fear, while you do not. And, they will learn from you when you are a mother...
Know that you are destined for great things. All the strange occurrences that happen to you with respect to how you know things without being able to explain why, will land you in an amazing internet community, when you are 39 years old...
That you will spend much of your life feeling void, and what you feel to a large degree, will come from momentary external influences.
You are going to be a great writer.
That if I could be your mother, I would... and I always wished that I was. It'll be ok little Ria. :tea: