What YouTube Videos Are You Watching Right Now

Lao Tzunami

Community Member
I love the What Are You Listening To Right Now thread, but in addition to listening to a lot of music, I watch a lot of YouTube videos. Through the suppression of original creators and backroom deals, the YouTube Trending tab has slowly become a corporate and mumble rap propaganda machine. This thread is for posting your favorite non-music YouTube videos. Let's smash our algorithmic prisons and discover some real content!
I actually don't watch YouTube as much as I listen to it because I can't just sit and stare at a screen, I've got to move.

Most recently, I was listening to an audiobook on strategy written by English military historian Lawrence Freedman.

Title: Strategy
This is a part of a really interesting introduction to Game Theory. Check out the channel if you want more.
This lovely let's play channel

Do you play that game? I have Planet Coaster on PC but it runs too slowly so I'm going to get it when it comes out on console.