You miss the point. My point was not that "good" and "bad" behaviours do not exist among humans, but that they exist within their societal construction of them. Why did you quote that particular line I made, "I am sure there are some communities in the world where rape is not as condoned or seen as evil, but is seen as more natural or like how other animals use it."? I made that to illustrate that there can be communities in the world whose values are not exactly the same as the ones we'd be used to. Take societies who practice cannibalism, or who do not support female liberation.
I imagine the insane are aware of what you call "moral instincts" outside of the obvious-to-determine "demanding equality in treatment" and "golden rule". because they have retained their conditioning from society.
Asking whether or not there are absolutes will depend on your philosophy. I personally believe that absolutes only exist as concepts.
So I gotta ask, does make lying, cheating, stealing, murder, neglect, child abuse etc. neither right or wrong, If so why are people hurt as the result?
So if an individual commits any of these things can be considered the social norm depending on what culture you come from?
Does accountability exist?
Why is it in most cultures throughout history there are legal systems and punishments?