I am truly happy with the direction this thread is going, there have been many well rounded arguments for both sides, and I feel we are understanding eachother much better as we speak.
Initially fakeness came to mind, but if they came to the realizition that they would try despite disliking a person that takes a lot of courage
Very true, this is a very admirable trait one would be able to find in the other individual.Therefore we can adopt some degree of liking towards them. But the question I would ask myself next would most likely be: Could the fact that he/she taking the effort to act "nicely with respect" towards me be applicable to the
spetcrum of Intentions? You like the person that puts effort into being nice out of respect and you despise the person that tries to deceive you for their own gain. Even though you cannot see the difference in "action" per se, you would prefer someone that would act out of
virtue to someone that acts out of
"un" virtuous intentions.
No matter how hard they try to hide what they think by acting differently, eventually their actions will betray them and show their true thoughts. The indications lies in the overall consistency of those actions, not in single cases.
What someone thinks, because ultimately it will underpin their actions.
I agree wholeheartedly with this. Without action we could not possibly find out what the intentions are. The two are definitely linked together. But to claim that actions or emotions are more OR less important simply because the two are interlinked seems... to me
odd. Although one could argue that because one is in line with the other that both are even in value.
So that brings me to the next "dillemas" or ingrediants to our little mind adventure.
The last one is kind of thought provoking isn't it? (well it is kind of contradicting to ME considering what I claimed in earlier posts) ~~~ "Actions and intentions are both on one line, therefore they are even"
The question I then ask myself is.... Why would I still claim that intentions are infinitely more important than actions? Well to me the answer is... well I guess the answer would be personal.
Perhaps this is true, perhaps it isn't. But I believe that if I were to put more importance to intentions that I would be able to communicate better with other individuals. If I would... say... put less importance on
that aspect I would not
motivate myself to look beyond the actions, I would probably simply let it be and not think too much about it.
By setting intentions as a
priority I can automatically "look" for the intentions. I seem to then become more "open" and "tolerant" in a vast array of social situations.
In the end, to me, it's not per se about what is
truly "greater" in value, intentions or actions. But rather that I communicate better with people. Does that kinda make sense at all?
Spicey time-----------------------------------------------
Now it's spicey time so I will try to totally dismantle my logic with counter arguments. (Bear with me because I'm not THAT good at thinking in a totally different way).
So to make things easier for myself I will use some "extreme" examples.
Let's see... Say we have a situation wherein we have a very wealthy celebrity. This celebrity wants to boost his/her popularity. He/she does so by donating millions of dollaz to the 3rd world. The intentions of this celebrity are far from virtuous, you can easily say that it's out of self interest.
But now we have a different situation.
Someone that is truly empathic and wants to make the world a better place.... donates: tissues, CD's, ice cubes, and... I don't know....
paint? The intentions are so good and well... but the donations given are far from usefull. (You can compare this situation with when a relative gives you the most horrendous present ever... out of good intentions).
But this is not about unwanted presents! this is a life and death scenario!!! (well... uuh kindaa)
The person with bad intentions saves lives. The person with good intentions just made the world dirtier with useless trash (Oh deary me
) and troubled the postal service by sending a..... damp parcel.
In this scenario is quite easy to see that the actions are most definitely more important than the intentions. We're talking about lives here!
Alright, now that I have these two next to eachother I can make some conclusions (that I hope are all wrong so that we can learn more
If you look at it from a very very
White point of view intentions aren't really that important at all. Yet in our society most of us find intentions quite important. One of the reasons for that can be traced down to trust. If someone does something that isn't in accordance to their intentions.... Who knows what they will do next time? Can you really trust this deceptive person? You can trace this social phenomenom down to survival of the fittest all you like but.... Let's get back.
These were very pragmatic conclusions I made here, which is very different from the reasoning that supports my reason to uphold intention... and well... although there may be some traces of logic in it... I still feel I am missing a large part to this puzzle.... Intentions or actions... It's so difficult.
(sorry for grammar and such... I know it's important buuut xD you knoow)