What's the Most Romantic Thing Anyone Has Ever Said to You?

I just found this amongst my text messages. I had forgotten the exact wording.

"You aren't trapped. Your situation at the moment is unstable. You don't will that it be as it is. Maybe I can spur you into improving your life. Thats what I want to give you more than anything, The universe has no will, only inevitabilities, and it was inevitable that I should love you. It was also inevitable that I should never want to stop trying to make you happy and find you so beautiful, I love you sweetheart"

It's the nicest lie I've ever heard, and for perhaps the first time in my life I felt safe around someone. I kind of miss that short time, but in retrospect I wish never to experience it again. I became a horrible, disgusting, needy creature, full of emotion and only eager to please, putting almost everything below the happiness of that one.
In the end I was just a burden, but I've learnt my lesson.
While these aren't romantic things people said to me, perhaps the most meaningful things are what others have said to me are the following:

The mom of the first girl I dated wanted me to marry her - probably still does (she's about to marry a fool).
When I was 15 a mom of one of the children I coached in gymnastics said she wished I was older so I could date her daughter in college.
My coworker told me that if his sister were older, he'd really like for me to date her.

I think for them to wish me on their closest loved ones is the highest compliment.
Great things said in this thread.
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you need to get out more

hehe. makes sense if you knew him (and me xD)
He says to me, "Would you walk up to a tulip flower in a garden bed and demand it to prove that it was beautiful? No - you wouldn't - would you. Then what makes you think you need to do that to yourself? Why do you need to prove you're beautiful? To anyone? To yourself? You are already beautiful - both inside and out - just the way you are."
"If I were a straight dude and you were my girlfriend, I would've check off "Marry The Love of My Life" on my to-do list and we'd defy the laws of nature and have ninety-seven beautiful and insanely brilliant children by now..."
With all due respect, I find the sentimentality in this thread disgusting. Namely because they strike me as emotional responses to the momentary belief that some utopian Hollywood meme has, in fact, manifested itself as real. Did you all cry during The Notebook? (Rhetorical question, BTW). Romance is a nice thread to weave throughout a relationship but I never take it seriously or regard it as a barometer for the emotional health of things. At best, it's a plaything to enjoy from time to time.

That said, the most romantic thing a girl ever told me was that she felt owned by me and loved every minute of it.
With all due respect, I find the sentimentality in this thread disgusting. Namely because they strike me as emotional responses to the momentary belief that some utopian Hollywood meme has, in fact, manifested itself as real. Did you all cry during The Notebook? (Rhetorical question, BTW). Romance is a nice thread to weave throughout a relationship but I never take it seriously or regard it as a barometer for the emotional health of things. At best, it's a plaything to enjoy from time to time.

That said, the most romantic thing a girl ever told me was that she felt owned by me and loved every minute of it.


It was not said but rather done.

A guy I work with and have been talk to lately, finds out that I have a final tomorrow, and so he goes and scans all the previous finals he had before of the same course and sends them to my email.

Then 10 minutes later he calls me and makes sure I got them and asks if I needed help with anything even though he sounded really tired.

I found that to be the sweetest gesture that's been done to me so far. =)
"Will you marry me"
"Will you marry me"

Hi, all! I stumbled upon this forum. And thought this was cute and felt like sharing because I'm procrastinating studying for finals!

After a recent "pseudo break up" with my guy friend who I was sort of dating [who later decided it was better to be friends, hence me dubbing this a pseudo break up...he's an INTJ and I'm an INFJ and he didn't think it'll work out], I was looking outside and changed the subject:

Me: Have you ever tried going on a hike in the woods and just taken off your glasses? There's this one trail, where the leaves almost form a ceiling. And when you look up without glasses, there are all these shapes and colors that you normally wouldn't have noticed if your eyes were focused clearly. It's almost like a Monet painting. ::smile::
Him: See... It's the things like that you say that makes me so confused.
Me: ??
Him: Just when you say things like that. There's so much depth..

It was sort of a bittersweet romantic moment at the time, at least to me. I had to run to the bathroom because I was about to cry. -_-
" I can't have you, you don't belong to me"
Me: (playing video games) I need to make some new tools...
Her: You're a tool!!
(we both laugh)