Where do i find infj girls to date?

I've only ever met one and i missed my chance to kidnap her and keep her (she moved to america). And no I'm not being litteral, I'm not trying to kidnap people.

I want one ;( gimmie
I would love to know where to find other INFJ's. I personally go to starbucks, the gym, the bookstore, and grocery stores the most during the week.
Sorry mate … too rare

… way too rare …

I personally don't care if the girl in be with is INFJ or some other odd combination of letters. If she is mentally well, balanced individual, then she is fine. The only problem is that by itself is also quite rare.
I found one for you here: :rapture: oops :dizzy: sorry bad luck someone else snatched her, (I suspect aliens:everybody wants and infjs these days:noidea:) you gonna have to search a bit longer :tongue:
I've only ever met one and i missed my chance to kidnap her and keep her (she moved to america). And no I'm not being litteral, I'm not trying to kidnap people.

I want one ;( gimmie

The real question is - do you really want to date INFJ girl???
We comewith really complex handbook:)
Im pretty good at typing people. If i find an infj, i will know. Today i typed an istp solely from his brother describing him to me (i had never met the istp) but just by his description i decided istp, when i met him, i came to the conclusion half an hour later that he was, without a doubt, istp. I was so proud :D. Btw. Met an infp, she thinks she is an intp. Do i ruin her feelings and tell her shes an infp or... How do i approach this? She was relling a story about some good somariton (dont know how to spell that). And she started crying just because she was describing how a person was really kind. Not a chance thats intp. Im an intp and i was sitting there with half of a smile because a smile seemed easier to come by than sympathy things. So do i her shes not a thinker? So she is rigous AND spiritual. No intp is religeous or spiritual (umless they got bullied as a child). Us intp's simply know that god dnt exist

Ps I'm drunk. So anything offensive is not my fault. I dnt think anything in there is offensive but u never know
Places to find stereotypical INFJ, because that is what you are looking for, right?

Well … here are some

Psychotherapy Clinics: There will defiantly be more than few patients, and some therapists on top of that.
Universities: The mid age woman with the 3 or 4 degrees still studying there will probably be an INFJ.
Libraries: Few librarians might be INFJ's.
New Age Spiritual Canters: Quite few INFJ's might be there, know that from personal experience btw.
In their homes: Typical Ni people. Do you really expect them somewhere else than home?
Places to find stereotypical INFJ, because that is what you are looking for, right?

Well … here are some

Psychotherapy Clinics: There will defiantly be more than few patients, and some therapists on top of that.
Universities: The mid age woman with the 3 or 4 degrees still studying there will probably be an INFJ.
Libraries: Few librarians might be INFJ's.
New Age Spiritual Canters: Quite few INFJ's might be there, know that from personal experience btw.
In their homes: Typical Ni people. Do you really expect them somewhere else than home?


I hate you...because you're right....

The real question is - do you really want to date INFJ girl???
We comewith really complex handbook:)
Yes! Oh, yea. In a big way.

I'm illiterate. =( Could you paraphrase for me?