A Christian student visited my dormitory recently, and he asked us: If you die an hour later, where do you think you'll go?
Brought up by a Catholic family, I somehow just knew that my people believed that if people die, they are sent to stay in the purgatory to wait for 49 days to see if their families and loved ones would pray for them so that they can go to heaven. It sounds fishy and I know there are terms and conditions that may apply. I have tons of questions but eh I couldn't be bothered much because other humans like to twist words and there are so many versions of it too. I could read the Bible which I have been trying to for years but maybe I'll do it next year.
Anyway, yes I told him: Probably the purgatory, if God is real and what my Catholic people told me is real. Or probably- my soul, or consciousness, or whatever energy I'm left as, will evaporate from my body and just dissolve into nothing. Or I can stay and be a cool ghost who spies on everyone. I honestly prefer the latter.
He seemed a teeny wee bit appalled, and ignored my answers continuing to ask answers from everyone else with greater enthusiasm. I got a bit salty.
Ultimately he said: If you're unsure where you'll go as soon as you die then you're in trouble. Bla bla bla. You don't need to be nice, the Bible says John 3:16 *quotes it*. As long as you believe in Him, you'll go to heaven and have an eternal life. What part says here that people have to pray for you for 49 days so that you can go to heaven? What part says here that you can stay along and be a ghost? Read the verse, READ IT. See how the sentences are structured. NOW, IF YOU DIE AN HOUR LATER, WHERE WILL YOU END UP IN? *while looking at me*
Everyone else: Heaven.
And ends with giving everyone a tiny pack of cheap chocolate waffles. Not that I don't like all Christans. If ever, their speeches and preaches make more sense than any other religion or cults lol, but you don't gain respect from people by ridiculing what other people said just so you can make your case a little bit more impactful. Of course no one, not even me can say anything about this human being rude because he's the guy over there, who has control over the entire setting, has read all of the Bible. Then there's me on the cornermost.. corner, only knowing a few verses! Once arguments like this come to happen, he who reads the Bible more always wins because it always comes down on who can pull out the right verses to justify himself. Like a Yu-gi-oh game if you guys are familiar with that, except you know what card would you draw out from your deck next.
I don't hate anyone, maybe that guy a little bit but that's it. I've always been a salty player who picks up on people's hostile words/actions easily. I'm sure though, that every listener on that room, without any doubt, felt a bit uncomfy with how he acted towards me.
I looked at everyone as the guy kept muttering stuff ridiculing me. No one stood up for me.. it makes me sad. I'm the oddball among all the girls in the dorm, but I'm also the one who makes the most contribution, like tutoring everyone and making their art projects for them, fixing their computers and even lending them cash. I help all of them on a daily basis and no one remembers how nice I've been to them enough to defend me from this.. This hostile human.
So yeah that's it, people are jerks. I'm going to move to Pluto. Good luck getting rid of those impurities on your computer's biches. Jk ily all, but I won't help you guys anymore since you don't help me at all.
Rant over.
Actually I just wanted to ask you guys the question on the thread title, I think I got a bit carried away xD Thank you for reading, if you read it all the way down here.