Leticia Mejor
Community Member
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carrots (enhance dark eye adaptation by replenishing chemicals in retinal rods/cones-- very good for the eyes in general)
water chestnuts
beef/chicken/pork (when not cooked unhealthily--- these meats gave our ancestors the strength to continue living, though life was hell)
spices (anti bacterial, promote digestion, release endorphin)
some sugar (for use in short term missions)
salmon (good for the brain, good fats)
pine nuts (energizing, fatty)
olive oil (apparently healthy)
bread (sustained Mesopotamia, cradle of civilization)
1-2 cup of strong coffee daily (antidepressant/possible neuroprotective effects)
carrots (enhance dark eye adaptation by replenishing chemicals in retinal rods/cones-- very good for the eyes in general)
water chestnuts
beef/chicken/pork (when not cooked unhealthily--- these meats gave our ancestors the strength to continue living, though life was hell)
spices (anti bacterial, promote digestion, release endorphin)
some sugar (for use in short term missions)
salmon (good for the brain, good fats)
pine nuts (energizing, fatty)
olive oil (apparently healthy)
bread (sustained Mesopotamia, cradle of civilization)
1-2 cup of strong coffee daily (antidepressant/possible neuroprotective effects)