Which Planet are you from?

You are from the Moon!

27% Moon

Okay, yes, I know the moon is not a planet.
The moon, is, however, the Earth
You are from the Moon!

20% Moon

Okay, yes, I know the moon is not a planet.
The moon, is, however, the Earth
You are from Pluto!


That's not even a planet -_-
You are from Neptune!

33% Neptune

Why, no wonder you are a bit unusual! You are from Neptune!
Neptune is 17 times larger than earth. It
You are from Ceres!

20% Ceres

Ah ha! So, you are from Ceres! You know what that means, don
Your result for What Planet are You From? Test ...
You are From Venus!

27% Venus

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You are from Pluto!
20% Pluto
Well, well. So you are from Pluto, eh? I’m not surprised at all.

Pluto was once considered to be a cold and distant planet and the furthest away from the sun. Now it is one of the dwarf planets in our solar system. It was discovered in 1930, and has been quite an enigma.

It’s named after the Roman god Pluto who was originally the god of metals and then also took on the role of god of the underworld. He had a way of digging things up and bringing them out to the open. If he was an alien on the planet I’m sure he became quite popular and perhaps even a little bit scary.

But what does this mean about you?

Well, first off it means that you don’t like secrets. You will dig until you get to the truth, even if it means that you have to stir things up a bit in order to do it. You would probably make a great detective. You tend to notice things around you.

You have a life altering personality about you. If things aren’t going well you have no trouble pulling out what you think is bad and rebuilding. You could probably go somewhere totally new and be able to make a new life for yourself without the same problems other people might have. You have a strong will and are very motivated.

My only hope is that you don’t try to take over the world. It would never be the same again. But, on the other hand, maybe that’s not such a bad thing after all.
You are from Uranus!
33% Uranus
Well, how about that? You are from Uranus!

Uranus is a bit unusual in that it kind of tilts to its side. They think that might be because it was involved in some kind of collision with another planet or huge asteroid at some time. Uranus also has nine rings. It was discovered in 1871 and is the third largest planet in our solar system.

Uranus was named after the Greek father of the sky. It is said that he come to the planet to mate with Gaia, but he hated the children that she bore. Hmmm. Does that mean that you don
X It says so right on my profile.

You are from Neptune!

20% Neptune

Why, no wonder you are a bit unusual! You are from Neptune!

Neptune is 17 times larger than earth. It
Planet X? Are you referring to the 12th planet of our solar system, also known as Planet Niburu?

No, though I've heard of that Planet X (I too watch "The Universe"). No, my Planet X is more a state of mind than a physical location.
You are from the Sun!

13% Sun!
Yes, you are correct; the sun is not a planet. It is, however, where you are from.

I used the sun as one of the possible places for alien life to come from for several reasons. One is that it is the life force of Earth. Without the light and warmth of the sun we would not be able to maintain life here. It is, therefore, worth considering as a life bearing celestial body. Besides, our Earth and the other planets do revolve around the sun.

There are many gods and goddesses around the world associated with the sun. Since it is so important it’s no wonder that ancient civilizations paid homage to the bright star. Apollo is the Greek god that represents the son. He is said to bring life and beauty to us. He is also associated with music and the arts.

So, what does this say about you?

It says that you have great self awareness and vitality. You are considerate and would do well taking leadership roles in life. You may tend to be a bit controlling, but you are gracious about it. You have a strong desire for compassion and love the arts. You may be warm and generous, but you also don’t like to see waste – like people wasting away their lives. You think that life should be lived to the fullest, and the best way to do that is to use the talents and gifts that you have. It’s no wonder people find you fascinating!

So, continue on, my Sun child. You make the world a brighter place.

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Okay, while my natural home is Planet X, my curiosity overcame me and I took this test you're all talking about. According to that. I come from somewhere else altogether. Silly test!

You are from Neptune!

27% Neptune

Why, no wonder you are a bit unusual! You are from Neptune!
Neptune is 17 times larger than earth. It’s rather odd that it was found by mathematical computations and not direct observations on September 23, 1846. But I’m sure that aliens from this planet were here long before that time.
Neptune is named after the Roman god of the sea. He’s a rather powerful dude, honestly. And another odd fact about his is that he was also considered to be a Roman god of the horses. So, I guess the guy was very versatile in a god-like way.
But what does this mean about you?
Well, Neptunians (which is what I call people from your planet) are perhaps the most intuitive and psychic aliens that have come to earth. They are very in tune with their spiritual side. Who knows, perhaps you even led the hippie movement in the 70’s where you spread the love and harmony word around. You know, the Go with the Flow motto of life? Yeah, anyway. I’m sure you feel very human.
People probably think that you don’t use common sense in the way you do things, that you just kind of feel your way through life and love. You can be a bit confusing at times, but that mystery is what keeps you interesting.
So, welcome to Earth, Neptunian. Hope you enjoy your time here!


Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • chart

    You scored 0% on Sun, higher than 24% of your peers.

  • You scored 7% on Moon, higher than 36% of your peers.

  • You scored 7% on Mercury, higher than 39% of your peers.

  • You scored 13% on Venus, higher than 64% of your peers.
  • chart

    You scored 0% on Mars, higher than 26% of your peers.

  • You scored 7% on Jupiter, higher than 48% of your peers.

  • You scored 7% on Saturn, higher than 43% of your peers.

  • You scored 13% on Uranus, higher than 54% of your peers.

  • You scored 27% on Neptune, higher than 94% of your peers.

  • You scored 20% on Pluto, higher than 90% of your peers.
  • chart

    You scored 0% on Ceres, higher than 13% of your peers.
You are from Neptune!

27% Neptune
You scored 0% on Sun, higher than 24% of your peers.
You scored 13% on Moon, higher than 65% of your peers.
You scored 7% on Mercury, higher than 39% of your peers.
You scored 20% on Venus, higher than 82% of your peers.
You scored 0% on Mars, higher than 26% of your peers.
You scored 0% on Jupiter, higher than 15% of your peers.
You scored 7% on Saturn, higher than 43% of your peers.
You scored 20% on Uranus, higher than 73% of your peers.
You scored 27% on Neptune, higher than 94% of your peers.
You scored 0% on Pluto, higher than 16% of your peers.
You scored 7% on Ceres, higher than 43% of your peers.
You are from the Sun!
27% Sun!
Yes, you are correct; the sun is not a planet. It is, however, where you are from.

I used the sun as one of the possible places for alien life to come from for several reasons. One is that it is the life force of Earth. Without the light and warmth of the sun we would not be able to maintain life here. It is, therefore, worth considering as a life bearing celestial body. Besides, our Earth and the other planets do revolve around the sun.

There are many gods and goddesses around the world associated with the sun. Since it is so important it

You scored 20% on Ceres, higher than 89% of your peers.
You scored 20% on Mercury, higher than 87% of your peers.

You, my friend, are a Mercurian!

Mercury is the planet that is closest to the sun. It is the smallest planet in our solar system and it does not have rings. Because it is so close to the sun and it