Which Planet are you from?

You are from the Moon!

20% Moon

Okay, yes, I know the moon is not a planet.
The moon, is, however, the Earth’s only natural satellite and the fifth largest natural satellite in our solar system. For this reason alone it could be that it has life on it, right? Yes, there have been many explorations to prove otherwise, but for many years people on Earth believed that the moon was inhabited. It is also the only celestial body that man has stepped upon.
There are a dozen gods and goddesses associated with the moon. The word Lunar, which relates to the moon’s cycle, is from the Latin word Lunar. One of the reasons that people tend to associate a female deity with the moon might be related to the female menstrual cycle. With that said, it’s is definitely time to move along before I get myself in trouble.
What does this say about you?
You desire contact with the world around you. You have a loving and nurturing nature, but you can suffer from mood changes and go through cycles. You aren’t afraid to stand up for what you believe in or to even stand up for the little guy that tends to get beat up on or forgotten. You probably even tend to put other people before yourself.
As a child of the moon you have a cold and warm side. When someone wrongs you it better be something they never do again. You may forgive them once, but you will never forget and a second time can cut them totally out of your life. You can be the life of the party, but only if it suits you. You are just as happy finding a few people that you can talk to and more than likely there are very few people that you can’t talk to.
You probably usually have a smile on your face and make people feel comfortable with you. You are just one of those people that others open up to and then wonder why.
So, moon child, in a way you are just like the tide. You ebb and flow in life and you like it best when you are in control.


Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • chart

    You scored 0% on Sun, higher than 24% of your peers.

  • You scored 20% on Moon, higher than 85% of your peers.

  • You scored 13% on Mercury, higher than 68% of your peers.
  • chart

    You scored 0% on Venus, higher than 12% of your peers.

  • You scored 7% on Mars, higher than 67% of your peers.

  • You scored 7% on Jupiter, higher than 48% of your peers.

  • You scored 7% on Saturn, higher than 43% of your peers.

  • You scored 20% on Uranus, higher than 73% of your peers.

  • You scored 0% on Neptune, higher than 13% of your peers.

  • You scored 20% on Pluto, higher than 90% of your peers.

  • You scored 7% on Ceres, higher than 43% of your peers.
unfortunately no, people dont open up to me really :(
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Pluto was once considered to be a cold and distant planet and the furthest away from the sun. Now it is one of the dwarf planets in our solar system. It was discovered in 1930, and has been quite an enigma.

You, my friend, are a Mercurian!

Mercury is the planet that is closest to the sun. It is the smallest planet in our solar system and it does not have rings. Because it is so close to the sun and it’s small size it’s not easy to get a view from the planet from Earth without a telescope. What’s funny is that as close as the planet is to the sun there is still ice on the planet. The craters on the planet never see the light of the sun.

Mercury is named after the Roman god known as the “Messenger.” Evidently he was busy flitting around with wings on his heels going around and talking to everyone. It was said that he could bring abundance and success, so evidently he was a guy worth listening to.

What does this mean about you?

Well, Mercurians are a very independent type. They are set in their ways and very cool. There isn’t much that can change your mind. Some people may think you are a bit egotistical, but you were born charming and are an effective communicator. You know how to react to things calmly and express yourself well. More than likely you have a very good sense for business.

You like sex and you have a very strong stamina. Because you are so cool, though, your partner may think you don’t care about them, but you do. You just don’t like getting all gushy. You can enjoy many loves in your life. You are probably also one that isn’t suited for just staying home and taking care of the hearth. You just aren’t set up for the usual marriage thing. It doesn’t give you enough freedom.

So, be free Mercurian! Not that you’ll do what I say anyway!

You are from Mars!
20% Mars
You probably suspected you were a Martian all along.

Mars is the planet that is commonly called the “Red Planet” because it appears to be red. Okay, that was kind of obvious, I know. But it has been the one that most people on Earth think of as being the most likely planet to hold life. Recent findings might even help prove that there was actually life on Mars.

Mars is named after the Roman god of war. This guy definitely had a spunky personality. You have to have when Roman legions that go out and take over countries are worshipping you. The definitely wouldn’t be turned on to some wimp when they are there to maim and destroy.

But what does this all have to do with you?

Well, as a Martian you are probably one that is a bit rebellious in nature and like to do things your own way. You like to keep your personal things personal and don’t like people being too nosey about your business. So, what are you up to, Martian?

You probably get bored quickly and give in to impulse buying when you see something that you really like. You more than likely don’t save money because you like living life and not just existing in it. You can also be a bit stubborn and don’t really care what people think.

As far as relationships go you might be a bit hard to get to know at first, but once someone gets to know you and finds a place in your heart you are their friend for life. You don’t betray your friends. (I definitely agree with this part)

So, Martian, I wish you luck in your attempt to overtake the world!
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I'm sure I did this test before, and got Venus.. This time..

You are from Uranus!
33% Uranus
Well, how about that? You are from Uranus!


Uranus is a bit unusual in that it kind of tilts to its side. They think that might be because it was involved in some kind of collision with another planet or huge asteroid at some time. Uranus also has nine rings. It was discovered in 1871 and is the third largest planet in our solar system.

Uranus was named after the Greek father of the sky. It is said that he come to the planet to mate with Gaia, but he hated the children that she bore. Hmmm. Does that mean that you don
You are from Neptune!

40% Neptune

Why, no wonder you are a bit unusual! You are from Neptune!
Neptune is 17 times larger than earth. It
You are from Saturn!

Did you know you were from Saturn all along? I bet you did.
Saturn is the second largest planet in our universe. It’s one of the gas planets rotating around out there. It has a very prominent system of rings and rotates very rapidly. The rings on your planet were seen as early as 1610 by Galilelo Gallilei.
Saturn is named after the Roman god of the harvest and agriculture. He also monitors justice and strength, so evidently he’s good at multi-tasking. A really nice thing about Saturn is that he can impart serenity and wisdom. Goodness knows we need those!
But what does this mean to you?
Well, more than likely you are one that does a lot of hard work. You probably also know what it is like to be miserable. You have experienced the boundaries of the physical world around you. You’ve learned to be tough and are a survivor. While some people may think that you are a bit cold, you just want to make it through another day. Inside you may tend to be a bit sad or melancholy. You don’t open yourself up to a lot of people and probably have just one or two really good friends. What it really means is that you are very realistic and you don’t like to get hurt, so you do what is necessary to keep yourself sane and safe.
As far as aliens go, you’re pretty cool, calm, and collected.

You are from the Moon!

20% Moon

Okay, yes, I know the moon is not a planet.
The moon, is, however, the Earth’s only natural satellite and the fifth largest natural satellite in our solar system. For this reason alone it could be that it has life on it, right? Yes, there have been many explorations to prove otherwise, but for many years people on Earth believed that the moon was inhabited. It is also the only celestial body that man has stepped upon.
There are a dozen gods and goddesses associated with the moon. The word Lunar, which relates to the moon’s cycle, is from the Latin word Lunar. One of the reasons that people tend to associate a female deity with the moon might be related to the female menstrual cycle. With that said, it’s is definitely time to move along before I get myself in trouble.
What does this say about you?
You desire contact with the world around you. You have a loving and nurturing nature, but you can suffer from mood changes and go through cycles. You aren’t afraid to stand up for what you believe in or to even stand up for the little guy that tends to get beat up on or forgotten. You probably even tend to put other people before yourself.
As a child of the moon you have a cold and warm side. When someone wrongs you it better be something they never do again. You may forgive them once, but you will never forget and a second time can cut them totally out of your life. You can be the life of the party, but only if it suits you. You are just as happy finding a few people that you can talk to and more than likely there are very few people that you can’t talk to.
You probably usually have a smile on your face and make people feel comfortable with you. You are just one of those people that others open up to and then wonder why.
So, moon child, in a way you are just like the tide. You ebb and flow in life and you like it best when you are in control.
You are from Mercury!

20% Mercury

You, my friend, are a Mercurian!
Mercury is the planet that is closest to the sun. It is the smallest planet in our solar system and it does not have rings. Because it is so close to the sun and it
You are from the Sun!

20% Sun!

Yes, you are correct; the sun is not a planet. It is, however, where you are from.
I used the sun as one of the possible places for alien life to come from for several reasons. One is that it is the life force of Earth. Without the light and warmth of the sun we would not be able to maintain life here. It is, therefore, worth considering as a life bearing celestial body. Besides, our Earth and the other planets do revolve around the sun.
There are many gods and goddesses around the world associated with the sun. Since it is so important it
You are from Uranus!

33% Uranus

Well, how about that? You are from Uranus!
Uranus is a bit unusual in that it kind of tilts to its side. They think that might be because it was involved in some kind of collision with another planet or huge asteroid at some time. Uranus also has nine rings. It was discovered in 1871 and is the third largest planet in our solar system.
Uranus was named after the Greek father of the sky. It is said that he come to the planet to mate with Gaia, but he hated the children that she bore. Hmmm. Does that mean that you don
You are from Pluto!

27% Pluto

Well, well. So you are from Pluto, eh? I