I'm gonna bother you now![]()
How did I know you were going to say something like that?

I'm gonna bother you now![]()
I don't have a problem with any type - in the beginning. I keep to myself, do my own thing and mind my own business.
However ESTJs, ESFJs, and to a lesser degree ESTPs seem to have a HUGE problem with me. It's like my very existence annoys and bothers them. They don't just think I'm weird, they think there's something inherently and irreparably wrong with me in every sense.
Sometimes they start thinking they have a right to meddle in my life and then shit hits the fan.
Right now it seems like most internet trolls are ENTP so I picked that. Though seeing the results, maybe I ought to figure out what people are like in the real world with an ESTJ type so I can spot them, they seem to cause us headaches.
INFJ. Not based on my interactions here.. but I have been friends with two INFJs, one male one female for some time. I have the same issues with them both--though they don't know each other.
I will now commence the ranting.
I can never live up to their expectations. It seems like I'm always falling short of being.. moral and appropriate or serious and on-time or available.
My flakyness drives them both crazy. Which I can understand how it would--it drives me crazy but I always feel I have to cater to ten things/people in my life at once.. so when I break plans or am late, I get shunned for awhile.
For example, I was moving all last week, working extra hours, and helping my boyfriend's dog reacclamate to it's new home... and my INFJ friend insisted I go to her housewarming party on a day that I was trying to do all three of those other things at once.. so I said, "I'll try." I didn't make it. She will not return a phone call or an email or whathaveyou.. But I'm used to it.. it happens all the time.
Anyway. They both just disappear after awhile and then reappear months later to be friends. It frustrates me.
I get the impression that INFJs are very very demanding friends, despite the need to maintain harmony with people--if you don't live up to their expectations and you upset their comfortable structure you're punished with months of silence.
Oh well he's awesome so ^^.Our Chilean friend is ESTJ.