Which Type Do You Get Along With the Least?

Which type do you get along with the least?

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All / None. Hard to say. All kinds of exceptions. I voted for ESFJ (the Sarah Palin / Rita Skeeter kind of ESFJs...... brrr..... superficial gossip queens).

I also notice a tendency to get least well with the line of types ESFJ/INTP and ISFP/ENTJ. They seem too misanthropic / cruel / selfish / unjust / manipulative to me, at times. But there are very radical exceptions, and some of my best friends are of those types.
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ESFJs really annoy me. At first their nice, but the superficiality and inauthentic nature of relations to them, commonly combined with their inability to understand terrible things, form their own values, and their tendency to manipulate people sometimes without intending to because they don't understand the consequences of their actions fully, really is a huge letdown. They are so sensitive but have such little control over it. It always ends with anger and disappointment for me.
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That is a tough question. There are many types I can have issues with, like ENTJs (know it alls) ESXPs cause they talk so much and seem unreliable, BUT I dont like generalizing this! I havent met enough people to say for sure "I dont like this and this type at all". Im pretty sure there are exceptions in every type, depending on how mature a person is, how that person grew up/surroundings etc. As an example: My aunt is an ESFJ and while I have some difficulties talking to her at times because of the S vs. N thing we still get on pretty well and I really like her and would say she is a good person. My ESFJ neighbour on the other hand... oh lord!! She is horrible! Just thinking about her makes me want to bang my head against something. She GOSSIPS so much, even about her own family members. She is sorta backstabbing about it too, she asks you all nicely, smileying her huge fake smile and then runs off to tell half lies about you based on what you told her to EVERYONE.

So, yeah, there are many types Im cautios about, I dont even want to list them all as to not offend anyone, but I will also always give every individual a chance because I know not every person is the same just because they share a certain type.

Oh and because I see many people disliking ESTJs, I totally see where you come from, they can be bossy and somewhat insensitive, and close minded BUT having an ESTJ mother I can assure you they have some very good sides too! (though you may not see them at first glance, hehe) Same goes for ISTJs, my dad is one, in general I find him to be more easy to get along with than my mum, maybe because of the I or something.
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A certain kind of ESFJ is my biggest source of social stress. They seem incapable of, or unwilling to, think outside their own little boxes of how things obviously must be done. Then when they see that someone is violating their self-determined only-acceptable-path, they launch into social sabotage, which they seem to think is an appropriate response to deviant behavior like not properly using a staple remover or putting your signature on the left side of a form instead of the right.

It drives me batty.
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I don't have a problem with any type - in the beginning. I keep to myself, do my own thing and mind my own business.

However ESTJs, ESFJs, and to a lesser degree ESTPs seem to have a HUGE problem with me. It's like my very existence annoys and bothers them. They don't just think I'm weird, they think there's something inherently and irreparably wrong with me in every sense.

Sometimes they start thinking they have a right to meddle in my life and then shit hits the fan.
I don't have a problem with any type - in the beginning. I keep to myself, do my own thing and mind my own business.

However ESTJs, ESFJs, and to a lesser degree ESTPs seem to have a HUGE problem with me. It's like my very existence annoys and bothers them. They don't just think I'm weird, they think there's something inherently and irreparably wrong with me in every sense.

Sometimes they start thinking they have a right to meddle in my life and then shit hits the fan.

I seem to have this problem with ESTJs, ESFJs too I have no idea why. I've also found that they can't my introversion.

Oh and some NT's because they can't get off their bend to make everything logical and they often can't take what they dish out. Actually a lot of types are like that.
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I'm not going to vote because every time I objectively thought up a type I would probably not get along with, I realized that I actually get along very well with someone of that type. I was initially going to say ESTJ, but my best friend is probably one. So, ... nevermind. Granted, we got in a lot of fights when we were little kids, but we have a very nice yin/yang sort of thing.

Additionally, the only person in the world I actually have dislike for is an ISTJ, but I don't think I dislike all ISTJs.

I don't know. I think I could get along with any type if I made the effort.
I'm really not sure of the types of most people I know. Of those that I do know the types of, most of the ones that I tend to clash with are INFPs. They drive me up the bloody wall, and the sensitivity and sometimes overly emotional outbursts makes me want to strangle a few. One of the people I consider 'worse person in the world' is an INFP, apparently.
Tricky thing is I'm also dating one. :m122:
Well, I have yet to be able to type people I've known in the past or know right now without them doing the test, so I have to go on what I have learned so far. Right now it seems like most internet trolls are ENTP so I picked that. Though seeing the results, maybe I ought to figure out what people are like in the real world with an ESTJ type so I can spot them, they seem to cause us headaches.
Right now it seems like most internet trolls are ENTP so I picked that. Though seeing the results, maybe I ought to figure out what people are like in the real world with an ESTJ type so I can spot them, they seem to cause us headaches.

Our Chilean friend is ESTJ.
INFJ. Not based on my interactions here.. but I have been friends with two INFJs, one male one female for some time. I have the same issues with them both--though they don't know each other.

I will now commence the ranting.
I can never live up to their expectations. It seems like I'm always falling short of being.. moral and appropriate or serious and on-time or available.

My flakyness drives them both crazy. Which I can understand how it would--it drives me crazy but I always feel I have to cater to ten things/people in my life at once.. so when I break plans or am late, I get shunned for awhile.
For example, I was moving all last week, working extra hours, and helping my boyfriend's dog reacclamate to it's new home... and my INFJ friend insisted I go to her housewarming party on a day that I was trying to do all three of those other things at once.. so I said, "I'll try." I didn't make it. She will not return a phone call or an email or whathaveyou.. But I'm used to it.. it happens all the time.

Anyway. They both just disappear after awhile and then reappear months later to be friends. It frustrates me.

I get the impression that INFJs are very very demanding friends, despite the need to maintain harmony with people--if you don't live up to their expectations and you upset their comfortable structure you're punished with months of silence.
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STs. STJs more so than STPs, but.. they're MEANIE! *cough* No, I mean, they (the people I've met and interacted) always need REASON and proof more above all else. And they are... not too liberal and exactly gracious with people not with them / in their group / having their belief.

And they showed it in a very brutal way.
ESxJ folks and I frequently need a translator. ESFJs have historically gotten on my nerves, but the older I get, the more I understand them ... they bother me less and less.

ESTJs think I'm a scatter-brained lump of whatsthepoint ... I get them just fine though.
I wonder if there are generational differences between young ESxJs and those of yore. What do you all think? Is it possible that the younger ones are becoming more open minded in relation to their older counterparts?

(I don't mean for this to hijack the thread, I can start a new one if needed. :smile:)
INFJ. Not based on my interactions here.. but I have been friends with two INFJs, one male one female for some time. I have the same issues with them both--though they don't know each other.

I will now commence the ranting.
I can never live up to their expectations. It seems like I'm always falling short of being.. moral and appropriate or serious and on-time or available.

My flakyness drives them both crazy. Which I can understand how it would--it drives me crazy but I always feel I have to cater to ten things/people in my life at once.. so when I break plans or am late, I get shunned for awhile.
For example, I was moving all last week, working extra hours, and helping my boyfriend's dog reacclamate to it's new home... and my INFJ friend insisted I go to her housewarming party on a day that I was trying to do all three of those other things at once.. so I said, "I'll try." I didn't make it. She will not return a phone call or an email or whathaveyou.. But I'm used to it.. it happens all the time.

Anyway. They both just disappear after awhile and then reappear months later to be friends. It frustrates me.

I get the impression that INFJs are very very demanding friends, despite the need to maintain harmony with people--if you don't live up to their expectations and you upset their comfortable structure you're punished with months of silence.

Yeah, unfortunately, you've pretty much summed up my relationships with INFPs. I dearly love you guys, but I get really hurt and offended and take it personal when INFPs refuse to accommodate others and insist on doing whatever it is you feel like doing (which is what it seems like on our end, even though I know that isn't what's going on - only due to years of experience). It's as offensive to us as forcing people to do something they don't want to do is to you guys.

However, the silence isn't punishment. It's sulking. We're hurt and offended and think that means you don't care about us, so we avoid people we think don't care about us, or will be selfish and hurt us again. It doesn't make much sense, but that's how we are. It seems like you understand the dynamic very well though, and that's good because NFJs and NFPs make a fantastic team when they can overcome these obstacles.

But, aside from those things, I get along well with my NFPs.

STJs are the most difficult for me to deal with... as mentioned above by other posts... they don't understand me, and therefore become hostile to me, and try to demand that I change to fit their worldview or something. Heaven forbid I introduce something into their worldview that doesn't already fit there. But, rather than pulling away and letting us have our differences, taking time to think it over, or simply just avoiding me because they can't accept me... it becomes a mission to antagonize me into fitting into their paradigm. And then they act surprised when they push me too far and I snap on them, which is by far the most annoying part because they insist that they'd done absolutely nothing wrong to cause my reaction. I just can't win with these types, and unfortunately it's really hard to have a job that pays worth a crap and not end up working for an STJ... seeing as they're close to 25% of the population - custom designed with a drive to push their way to the front of the line of their ambitions.

I think the ESTJ / INFJ relationship is best summed up by a micromanaging boss who knows absolutely nothing about high technology walking around a research and development lab telling the engineers that they are doing their jobs wrong and will be punished if they don't stop doing things wrong. We INFJs are like the engineers of life, and the ESTJs can't seem to understand that our simple nature makes us more qualified at seeing, understanding, and working with things that they simply cannot grasp. And that's odd, because I don't know a single INFJ that doesn't acknowledge that ESTJs are much better at doing STJ things than us... like monotonous detail, mundane organizational work... which the world would utterly fall apart without. Just cut us some slack and use those organizational skills to support and encourage us to do what we do. Shit. It can't be that difficult.
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:m192: I try to get along with everyone, but I picked INTP's. I'm not very good at typing people yet, but I truly adore INTP's and I get the feeling I annoy the crap out of them. :m192: