INFJ - Have a tendency to over-analyse things and take life too seriously sometimes IMO, but apart from that I have much love for INFJs.
BEWARE! He's doing it to get into your pants!Wow!I thought ESTJs were meant to be compatible with us!
I, for one, can't abide INTJs -_-;
MAJOR EDIT: I've just met pierce and he is the nicest INTJ I've ever met, so I take that back! =D Love you pierce! <3
BEWARE! He's doing it to get into your pants!
this is true...good points... does anyone else find this thread counter-productive? the purpose of typing people isn't to identify which people you dislike, it's to learn how to get along with all types better. besides, even people of the same type can vary quite substantially.
YOU SEE IT NOW!?I get along pretty will with ESTJ's actually. I chose ESFP's not because of any dislike but just a complete lack of understanding. Here's a few I know.
INTP - good but conversation sometimes peters out unless we're working on something, forget to meet each other places.
ENTP - excellent companions but sometimes take me to scary places like seedy bars on the wrong side of town.
INTJ - Won't hold still! Come back! No wonder I thought I was one, I never got one to stay still long enough to figure out how much we didn't have in common.
ENTJ - Mutual respect but can't figure out the psychological distance. I enjoy humorous insults. Are we friends? I don't know.
INFP - Have to love them (Mom's one) but, um, why do you believe X? Fill in X with anything that doesn't make sense to me like fairies. I mean I'm down with fairies but why those in particular? Can you explain it please?
ENFP - I have to say that I love talking to you and I will never miss a chance, but there is a definite misunderstanding about the nature of this relationship.
INFJ - I'm still not sure if I've met one. I sort of think one of my best friends is one, in which case I love them even when they're using that Jedi mind trick. INFJ: "You will teach a class this semester." Me, eyes glazed: "I will teach a class this semester."
INFJ: "You will go bar hopping with me." Me: "I hate--" INFJ looks stern. Me: "I will go bar hopping with you."
ENFJ - Um, I'll just listen shall I?
ISTJ - Awful nice, but there is clearly a communications barrier. So, I'll just play Tetris in my head while you finish talking. I'll listen for the topic sentences.
ESTJ - Yes, I turned in the form. I'm sorry my number 8's don't all look quite the same. Yes, I'll initial the ones that are "malformed".
ISTP - Married one. One word. Hot.
INFJ - I'm still not sure if I've met one. I sort of think one of my best friends is one, in which case I love them even when they're using that Jedi mind trick. INFJ: "You will teach a class this semester." Me, eyes glazed: "I will teach a class this semester."
INFJ: "You will go bar hopping with me." Me: "I hate--" INFJ looks stern. Me: "I will go bar hopping with you."
I'm really not sure of the types of most people I know. Of those that I do know the types of, most of the ones that I tend to clash with are INFPs. They drive me up the bloody wall, and the sensitivity and sometimes overly emotional outbursts makes me want to strangle a few. One of the people I consider 'worse person in the world' is an INFP, apparently.
Tricky thing is I'm also dating one.
.. does anyone else find this thread counter-productive? the purpose of typing people isn't to identify which people you dislike, it's to learn how to get along with all types better. besides, even people of the same type can vary quite substantially.