- Enneagram
- 9w1
And you rocked red skirts, with boat-neck nautical striped blouses, spending endless weekends cruising on your yacht.
It was a different time back then...
And you rocked red skirts, with boat-neck nautical striped blouses, spending endless weekends cruising on your yacht.
that queen who you were in a past life was probably also the enneagram you are, 8w9, and your mbti type, your thinking pattern, etc. essentially, it was everything you are now, except your unique experiences of this life. your/her motivations, thought processes, were the same, except you were raised in a different environment and had a different upbringing/reality-tunnel. the mold was the same, but the matter is different.
though, like you're implying, the past is the past, to learn from, and its good to keep it there to avoid regressing. good to see the mistakes of past lives, and current lives, to improve upon them. even if its all imagination.
Yeah.. it was a pretty crazy experience. The guide also told me that I have no obstacles from my past life that are in my current one... so that was a nice relief. I've never read that book... but it sounds interesting! There is an Italian tradition in Stregheria (Italian Witchcraft) that there are pockets of "soul families" and they are all intertwined and you meet those "family members" in your personal relations. A lot like the book in some ways... but usually they're members of your current circle.
I have been me in previous lives. The same person I am now just a different period of time. As far as the people in my life. Some of us have known and loved each other through many lifetimes and we will meet again and again.
That's a good way of putting it. If you don't so much identify with your current physical circumstance then you are you despite manifestation in form. ;D Like the Zen koan asking what your face was like before your parents were born. What is you?![]()
@Kgal I'm reading Meister Eckhart, a famous German Christian mystic and he speaks a lot about laying your own will aside and thus enabling God's will to act in you. To empty yourself of desires for yourself and letting God's desire manifest in you. (It's actually very similiar to buddhist thought of ridding the mind of it's fetters to let your buddha nature "shine through" so to speak...and the taoist non-doing also sounds similiar to this.) I suppose if we were to let God's will happen through us it would be heaven on earth. ;D
To be full of things is to be empty of God. To be empty of things is to be full of God.
What a man takes in by contemplation, that he pours out in love.
Whoever possesses God in their being has Him in a divine manner, and He shines out to them in all things; for them all things taste of God and in all things it is God's image that they see.
What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action.
Meister Eckhart
Thanks. ;D I love Monty Python and we say Ni alot here. I haven't gotten any shrubberies yet though... ;D I didn't write the description. I was lazy... just couldn't fit the reference because of the shortage of space. It's from here: http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Knights_who_say_NiYes! Shedding one's ego and letting our buddha nature shine through. This is my personal method of practice at the moment.
Recently I took a trip of discovery and adventure. Before I stepped on the plane I told myself "I am an empty cup. Let the universe fill it with whatever it thinks I need". And so even though I had planned some events and places to experience - I met people who gave me insight and suggestions. Whenever this happened - I took their advice - and had the most extraordinary experiences! Possibly the most joyful was the fact that everyone I met was nice, kind, wonderful, and wanted me to me live there with them.![]()
This is significant to me - considering I went there specifically to see if I wanted to move there. Now how cool is that!
btw: your signature made me laugh and laugh. soooo creative. i particularly like the part about the listener will explode if they hear it repeated 10 times in a row. i'm going to copy/paste and send it my best friend who is an aficionado of monty python movies. she will laugh so hard she'll snort. :tongue:
I am not sure if we have past lives or not; I'm simply open to the possibility as an explanation for some of the experiences we have.
I have one persona which is particularly stong, and which I've learned to be very careful with, cuz he can take on a life of his own. I call him the smoking man. He is a writer and a skeptic, wears black, and likes to sit at outdoor cafes wear he chainsmokes, watches people, and writes his novels. He poses as integrity, but if I'm not careful, he will destroy my hope and meaning in life.
If repetitive dreams are a clue, then I'd have to say I was a Jew during Krystalnacht. Because passivity then resulted in our deaths, I'm strongly motivated to fight back this time around.
I suppose it is possible that they are the same person.