The roman who swung the hammer to nail christ to the cross.
Lucky you.
I hope I've done something of that magnitude and horror already in a past lifetime. To think I may have to go through that yet - is daunting to consider.
That was nothing, you should have seen the hamburger meat all over the ground after we scourged him while drinking our falernian wine.
Umm....I thought the story goes that he was taken down from the cross and put into his tomb where he later rose up to heaven.
Since you were there - are you sure it was Him you guys turned into hamburger meat? You were probably too drunk on the Falernian wine to really tell the difference. Wikipedia says it had such a high content of alcohol it would burn if lit with a match. 30 proof! :w:
I was a Native of New Zealand at one point, very physically strong and fast. I also recall being a Spanish Merchant who sold beaded jewelry and dresses.
Are you thinking you were Maori?
Surely you were an Amazonian goddess at one time in your previous lives. I bet you were able to sing your enemies to run away! Or else they fell at your feet in awe of you. :nod:Yes, They have such a vibrant culture : ) I wish I was able to sing then though, but such is life lol.
I got my "past life" spread done once and I was told that I was an Egyptian queen who was a tormented and vicious woman. I supposedly killed my husband for the throne (who was a well respected King) and I had two younger sons who I disowned and sold into slavery. I also supposedly was feared by "my people" so much that I reigned for a good 10-20 years as I enslaved other local tribes. I was slaughtered to death by my own son and dragged through the streets of my kingdom as people chanted and hollered.
The irony.... is that I have quite a few tattoos dedicated to Egyptian symbols (I've always had an obsession) and all of them were covered when I saw the psychic so she couldn't see them (I made sure she couldn't see). I also wore no jewelry... so hell if I know where she got it from. It's also ironic since during the reading, I was dating an INFP man who she said was my ex-past life husband... and throughout the time that we dated... I would always get visions of him and I walking together in the desert during my dreams... so I guess my past life is pretty damn accurate, as horrific as it is.
I also broke down and cried during the reading... because I just couldn't handle the images I saw while the guide placed down the cards.
yeah, i see it as consciousness reincarnated. not kmal, or @Kgal , or @bionic . while, the motivations and thought processes may be the same, as in a 8w9 on the enneagram was that queen, or whatever rationalization, its completely unique to that time. we can learn from them, and even tap into them via consciousness, but unique is for a reason.
Wow. Unusual experience.
Aren't you glad you've already done some of the horrific stuff human beings are capable of doing? You're closer to getting off the wheel...
In the book "The Years of Rice and Salt" the main group of characters are reincarnated again and again as a group. Sometimes they are spouses - sometimes they are siblings - sometimes they are parents - sometimes they are gender reversed - as they interact with each other. While it is a fictional book - I think the author stays well within the concepts of past lives and our learning group we travel with along the path. The book tracks along with another past life book "Many Lives Many Masters" which was based upon a client who was regressed by her psychiatrist.
For me it was weird to think in one lifetime my sister may end up being my mother in another lifetime. It did give me new perspective on what I was supposed to be learning from the closest people in my life now. It also made me relax when death occurred. I know I'll see them again in one way or the other.![]()
This makes me happy. :bounce:
yeah, i see it as consciousness reincarnated. not kmal, or @Kgal , or @bionic . while, the motivations and thought processes may be the same, as in a 8w9 on the enneagram was that queen, or whatever rationalization, its completely unique to that time. we can learn from them, and even tap into them via consciousness, but unique is for a reason.
that queen who you were in a past life was probably also the enneagram you are, 8w9, and your mbti type, your thinking pattern, etc. essentially, it was everything you are now, except your unique experiences of this life. your/her motivations, thought processes, were the same, except you were raised in a different environment and had a different upbringing/reality-tunnel. the mold was the same, but the matter is different.What do you mean by an 8w9 was that queen? I don't understand what you were trying to get at...
I'd much rather keep my past in the past though. I quite like my "new consciousness" lol.
or even how different the path is!Conversely - can you imagine how much an ESTJ needs to experience before they can have that level of awareness?
or even how different the path is!
I was ACD.