wowowow wow you amaze me people

My emotional drive nearly overloaded after reading all your posts in this thread.
It's almost funny, because I am a straight guy and have the exact same problems when dating a girl. I know how it feels to be seemingly forever doomed in "friends" zone. For a long time I thought there's something weird about me. I love the way I am EXCEPT for the intimate relationships part which is downright disastrous for me. I am not bad looking, have an above average earning ability and intelligence, travelled half around the world, have lots of friends. And yet at 28 have never had sex - can you believe that? Of course, I could have had it a decade ago, but this strange idea just stuck to my mind, that I only want to do it with a woman I love. Anything else seems so... desecrating? I have fallen in love so many times and it was so intense for me, yet I had never had the feeling back for some strange reason... Still I am a sucker for that elusive concept "true love". And that's only a fragment of my overall complexity.
An even funnier notion I had was that if I were a girl, it would have been so much easier for me

Being intuitive and emotionally sensitive is considered "girly" in our society stereotype, so it would supposedly have been an advantage (most online tests "to reveal my inner gender" tell me I am female anyway LOL).
Recently I have begun to analyze my behavior under more scrutiny. I have found out, that:
1) I can easily make friends with almost any girl if I set myself a target "to become just friends and nothing more". The way I do it is something similar to tuning my mind to an appropriate wavelength of the other person. I can easily detect our common interests, listen attentively, comfort them. Most of the times I am almost unaware when doing it. That is all great friend material.
2) When using this ability for intimate relationships, it sort of backfires on me. I come through as being too nice, too understanding and lacking inner substance. It's as if I become a mirror of the girl in front of me, soaked in her emotions. Though in reality I have a lot of inner things to bring on the table - I just need time and reassurance.
3) When in an intimate relationship I prefer things very fast and very deep. After only ten minutes of conversation I know if the girl is "the right one". I know it sounds unbelievable, but I am rarely wrong. From there it seems such a drag for me to go through all that dating ritual and waiting for the feelings to arrive on the other side. I guess such an attitude can be seen as intimidating. People do not like being rushed and they do not like being idolized. More on this subject is discussed here
4) Though most of the dating advice books tell me to stop "being a nice guy" - I cannot do it. I cannot be indifferent to people, I cannot stop idealizing love. Because if I let it go, I would lose myself. Therefore I need a different approach - one where I could use my abilities to get advantage instead of having to constantly damp them.
Summing it all up, my progress seems very slow, but I am quite optimistic of the future. The best is saved for the last
* * *
Actually I have an excellent idea. Since I can produce insights into other people with ease, but it's very hard to do it for myself - maybe we could exchange our visions. For example I know exactly how a girl with INFJ preferences could be very successful in relationships. Maybe you girls have some advice for me? How would you behave if you were an INFJ guy trying to get a girl?
For my part, if I imagine myself being a girl - the vision to being successful comes very clear and simple

(my first post on this forum just keeps getting weirder and weirder) First of all, I would get rid of that "being piece of meat" mentality. A lot of women seem to be stuck with it though it's really an illusion. You see, guys do value the looks, but it's very different from how girls think of it. Men don't have the looks, therefore they are attracted to it. And when that part is satisfied, only then they can move on and enjoy the personality part. In the end they love it all madly and deeply, but it has to come in the right order. It's extremely attractive when a woman is conscious of her looks and allows to share it.
Next, I (as a girl) would use extraverted feelings very extensively. If it is properly combined with the looks - it becomes irresistible for almost any guy. And "properly" means any way my intuition tells me, except avoiding disapproval from people. "Properly" also means a bit like having a little love affair with yourself. All the other aspects of Fe are also very helpful: being kind, compassionate, open, friendly, emphatic etc. Then lots and lots can be gained from using Ni - I think a lot of girls would kill to have such an ability to instantly know the right people and to avoid the dangerous ones. To see things through as we see it.
It was just a couple of thoughts that came to my mind, but I have many more. If you have questions - you can ask them. I would be glad to share more insights.