Okay so it's like here (not the website - in this world), I'm this INFJ who most of the time has no idea what I'm saying and when I type really fast my tongue gets wrapped around my eyes and I can't see what I'm typing. So, I'll clarify and thanks for asking me to do so. You know, INFJ's are supposed to be good with ideas. I am as long as they stay in my head. So I'll try to explain what I thought I understood what you meant to understand what I thought I said in a way that the expectancy of things being said, or unsaid, or any facsimile thereof, to the point of through my lack of mental soundness. To wit:
Hang on, just checking to make sure I'm not in the Enlightening Wrong Answer thread.
Okay, what I meant was, why are we here on this planet, but I meant as a community of intuitives on this planet, but I can see that I used the word, "website," in my original question, but I don't mean the website - well I do mean the website as it relates to the intuitive community at large, not just the community as pertains to the website. So, let me try again.
Why are intuitives on planet Earth? Are we here because we are accidentally different, (i.e., my own obvious brain dysfunction) - you know, are we just flukes or abberrations of nature, or are we here to influence the destiny of humankind in some way?
Except for notable historical exclusions (I'm often reminded here, that is, on the website, of Hitler's being an intuitive), I believe intuitives have an innate heart of compassion. Do we, as the intuitive community at large, have some calling, or mandate from Nature, God, or randomness, to pass along this emotionally or rationally charged "light," that burns so brightly within us, to make this world a better place?
I hope this clears everything up.