Why are you here?

Here to impart the 100 years of wisdom I accumulated in my 24 years of suffering....

No...really, just here for the jello and cheap romance:m015:
I'm here 'cuz I like reading posts like this where people like Ria and May say they love infjs, infjs are nice, etc. :)

I'm also here because I recently discovered MBTI helped explain personality differences between me & my bf pretty well and then I got really interested in MBTI and people put a lot of interesting, meaningful posts on here. I think I'm a little too addicted to it instead of spending time socializing irl (I just figured out that stands for "in real life"!). But that's probably okay for a bit.

I just found out my coworker is an infj! I was surprised because I thought she was different from me. I had guessed ESFJ. When I found out she's infj, I thought, I suck at typing people, and, wow she's cooler than I thought! I quickly thought of infj-ish characteristics she has. Then I thought, hmm, wait a minute, I shouldn't be stereotyping like this. But as long as I think she's cooler, I 'spose that's good. I realized I have to be more careful not to use mbti to judge people too fast or fit them into a category they don't fit. But mbti is still a good way to have conversations about personality and introspective topics, like the threads I like reading on here.

Also, now I'm on here because it might be fun to join a jello fight.
Umm... there are some INFJs here... nomnom... me likes... nomnomnom...

No, not only, I also learn. And I trust INFJs' worldviews. They tend to be less misanthropic than the whole "modern" culture which bores me to death with its short-sightedness about humanity.
I want to choose INFJ

I heard lot of about the INFJs so I searched and found such nice forum. I am so much impress by INFJs. I want to share thoughts and getting thoughts from the others. We can interact well for getting new knowledge On INFJs. I am also interesting in making friends.
i came here before to know more about INFJs

then i loved the monkeys

then i met people

then it turned out to be my comfort zone

then it turned to be the website i go to when i'm bored

then it became a website that i SHOULD go to whenever i use the internet

then now, i'm here to remind me that there are a lot of people with a lot of experiences and people here remind me that there are still people who are wise, kind and compassionate
*opens umbrella as shield from residual globs of airborne jello*

What drives you to keep coming and reading posts. Do you come here for the community and to know other people. Are you looking to know yourself more? I am curious because we are all I's which mean that we are driven by our inner world...What do you want to learn about from this forum?

While I don't actually post much, I do visit the forum often to read through a few different threads. For me, it's definitely a case of looking to better understand myself.

I found out about MBTI/ being INFJ about 13 years ago; I was around 25 years old. For as much of a difference it made in my life- to be able to read through MBTI books to understand myself and others better- it helps even more to listen to real people discuss how their personality type attributes mingle with life experiences. It helps give me a more rounded, more thorough understanding of the types than is possible to get from reading definitions in a book.

Also: I noticed a long time ago that- if I don't have people around me who also have the qualities that make me a bit different (being introverted, with an insatiable need for 'meaning' in my routine) - then I tend to be rather hard on myself for being the way I am. That's why I visit this forum in particular (being practically wall-to-wall INFJ); when I see these qualities in other people, it helps me to admire them in myself.
I'm here to lurk and stalk Shai.
*Throws purple jello bomb in bored now's face* HAHAHAH!


*cries* IT TOOK ME ALL DAY TO GET THAT OUT OF MY NOSE! PURPLE BOOGERS FOR DAYS.... At least you didn't use lime. *storms off in a huff*
I heard lot of about the INFJs so I searched and found such nice forum. I am so much impress by INFJs. I want to share thoughts and getting thoughts from the others. We can interact well for getting new knowledge On INFJs. I am also interesting in making friends.

Oooh, welcome! We don't have many (any other?) ESTJs!

*cries* IT TOOK ME ALL DAY TO GET THAT OUT OF MY NOSE! PURPLE BOOGERS FOR DAYS.... At least you didn't use lime. *storms off in a huff*

heheheh! purple jello boogers!
I would like to start my own INFJ farm. Then I realized that INFJs don't appreciate that sort of thing.
sounds like me and INTJs chained up in my backyard, 'cept I'd force my INTJs whether they liked it or not.
If you said "Utopian commune" rather than farm, we might actually go for it