Why are you here?

I like to come here cause it gets my ire up sometimes and gives me something interesting to do.
I'm usually under the influence, if I'm honest! I don't tend to post anything on the internet if I'm not. I don't like the exposure, feel vulnerable. I think I'm probably here for selfish reasons - want to know myself - although I'm also here to find out more about personality types and understand them better because I have an interest in psychoanalysis and personality theories.

I don't tend to come here for community because, as a rule, I tend to naturally exclude myself from communities out of an extreme discomfort with social politics. I have recently started on the comedy circuit, for example, where there is a sort of "community" between comics but am very wary of getting involved because it all seems quite stressful to me - watching their body language, I mean, and gleaning tensions from that. Also, I don't tend to feel connected to people unless I can see them face to face or speak to them over the phone. Over the internet I can't get the feel of a person the way I can in real life.
Can't answer the question, but i can say that being here has allowed me to be more open about what i feel or think (to an extent). It's a great site. Learned quite a bit about myself from it, and some important lessons learned. It gives everyone opportunities to discussion topics of issue or concern personally and socially.
forgive me for sounding momentarily shallow, but i had an infatuation with an inxj girl (who i think is infj) and joined the forums to gather data. i love the insights you guys provide, particularly about the way a lot of you approach relationships.
in short: i wanted to figure you guys out!!!!!!

after reading through the forums, i can safely say i wanna bag me an infj! ....REEEEEEAL BAD! you're all beautiful peoples.
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