Why Arguing Religion is Pointless

You REALLY expect every quote to be encyclopedic in its scope?

Stop being a biznatch about nonsense.

Of course not. That isn't what I meant at all.

Is this really necessary?

It isn't necessary. Do we really have to always get personal with this? More proof of why there will never be a meeting of the minds, no matter how badly it's wanted.
"Biznatch" is about the silliest word ever.
A silly word for a silly post. First time I heard it was on "Better Call Saul" - just wanted to use it.

In any case, trying to railroad conversation is biznatch-y.

If I say "Don't exclude Wikipedia" does that mean I want you to write the entire contents of Wikipedia?

If I say "Don't exclude music from the arts" does that mean I want you to play every song ever written?

If I say "Don't exclude words from the dictionary" does that mean I want you to always use every word in the dictionary every time you write?

Please. Learn some sense before you hurt yourself.
If I say "Don't exclude Wikipedia" does that mean I want you to write the entire contents of Wikipedia?

If I say "Don't exclude music from the arts" does that mean I want you to play every song ever written?

If I say "Don't exclude words from the dictionary" does that mean I want you to always use every word in the dictionary every time you write?

Please. Learn some sense before you hurt yourself.
Another Biznatch post. ;p
I'll be blocking you now. Take this time to reflect on what has just happened.

Or don't. Probably won't.
The latter. Anything that means less silly and unwanted replies from you is a gift-horse, whose mouth doesn't bear inspecting.