Why Arguing Religion is Pointless

The death of this thread was really sad and uncalled for. All it accomplished was proving the OP right in that it's a pointless endeavor to try to discuss as adults.

I'm disappointed that seemingly intelligent minds have stooped so low.
Wow. I knew the thread would die a slow painful death, but I didn't realize it would be in such a horribly childish way.
Frat Boys: 0
Interested Intellectuals: 0
Believers: 0

We have learned and accomplished nothing. Well done.
You understate my malice.

Strong feelings, good or bad just show that you really do care. I expect an invitation when you guys get back together and renew your wedding vows.
*sips tea*
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The death of this thread was really sad and uncalled for. All it accomplished was proving the OP right in that it's a pointless endeavor to try to discuss as adults.

I'm disappointed that seemingly intelligent minds have stooped so low.
Stupid minds on the other hand can only ever try to jump on the band-wagon, after the horses have bolted.

You stinking troll, don't you think it's obvious what you're doing, when this is your first post on this thread. You have contributed nothing, except to wade in, once the thread is off-topic. Scanning the treads for drama and then getting on your high-horse is pathetic.

Wow. I knew the thread would die a slow painful death, but I didn't realize it would be in such a horribly childish way.
You obviously haven't been paying attention. Sprinkles has trolled me for ages, an eon, and a day.

Frat Boys: 0
Interested Intellectuals: 0
Believers: 0

We have learned and accomplished nothing. Well done.
You have learned and accomplished nothing. Speak for yourself, not for others. This is your second post on this thread, which like the first one has nothing to do with the topic, and everything with trying to inflame the drama. You are a petty opportunist, trying to pass yourself off as a concerned poster.

I've learned the @sprinkles and @Flavus Aquila fight like a married couple that have decided to take a break
Sprinkles has been trolling me for a very long time on these forums. She's more like my latest incarnation of Satya, or IndigoSensor, than any sort of spouse-figure.

and yet your still wearing his eagle
She's just trolling.
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I still don't think it's pointless at all to have a discussion like this. Just because a couple people can't stay on topic, doesn't mean others can't engage in a meaningful dialogue.

I know the argument has been posed, that people have tried and failed in the past to argue religion, so why try now? I find that to be a bit of a fatalistic and defeatist standpoint. There have been several positive advancements in society that took ages upon ages to be realized. I am sure that there were many who fought long and hard, and who gave up because of a lack of progress. But not everyone did, and we have freedoms and rights that many take for granted because of it. The fact that we are even sitting here with the ability to have this discussion in regards to religion is a testament to the freedoms people fought for. I mean, shit, women have been able to vote in my country for less than a century. Can you imagine if people had stopped trying, because others had failed before?

The only certainty of failure we have, as individuals, is in not trying. When we throw in the towel, and give up. I don't care how old I get to be, nor how many decades pass. I will continue attempting to have constructive dialogues with people, because it is worth it. I always admire it when I see a spark, a light in people who have been on this Earth far longer than me. I aspire to that.

Things like this only die, when we let them die.
We can't be so sensitive as to derail a thread over the word "biznatch." It was clearly not meant in a malicious way either. I would've laughed if it were said to me like that.
Sprinkles has been trolling me for a very long time on these forums. She's more like my latest incarnation of Satya, or IndigoSensor, than any sort of spouse-figure.

She's just trolling.

Hey now, she was never as bad as satya or he who must not be named

I think I've shared this link in another thread before, but I think it would be good to share here. This is a line of questioning that is an excellent test about the logical consistency of one's perception of God. It also gives very good explanations of both logical inconsistencies, and difficult results (biting a bullet) from one's position. This test shows that one very well may have a logically consistent conception of God (in fact there are several) with varying numbers of bullets to bite. One should note that there are ways to reconcile some of the supposed inconsistencies as well as several of the bitten bullets. For example, when I take this test I end up with 0 inconsistencies, and 2 bullets to bite. One I can blatantly deny (and the two friends of mine in philosophy that I talked about this with agree that my points hold). The other I have a reason for why it isn't a problem, but it is a bullet I have to bite on my conception.

Perhaps this is a route that discussion can follow that shows discussion in religion is not necessarily pointless?

Trying to lighten the mood.
I tend to enjoy the company of Christians. Christians tend to be moral and considerate. There's normally no need to change these people.

Muslims on the other hand..

Have you had the company of any Muslims on a personal, face to face basis?
Have you had the company of any Muslims on a personal, face to face basis?

If I were to come face to face with a Muslim, I'd have to hope that this particular Muslim doesn't fall within the bracket of polls which suggests he/she condones murder, or likes to throw gay people off of rooftops. I'd say I have a good chance of meeting a nice Muslim based on the polls, as I have already met a few very nice people that were Muslims but didn't (thankfully) take their dogma literally.

However, this does not make my criticisms automatically defunct. The Muslims that take the dogma literally are the utmost scum of the Earth. Islam needs some drastic reform and those that constantly wish to muddy the waters by reassuring everyone that Muslims are nice people are deliberately wasting people's time and are refusing to address a very serious problem.