I still don't think it's pointless at all to have a discussion like this. Just because a couple people can't stay on topic, doesn't mean others can't engage in a meaningful dialogue.
I know the argument has been posed, that people have tried and failed in the past to argue religion, so why try now? I find that to be a bit of a fatalistic and defeatist standpoint. There have been several positive advancements in society that took ages upon ages to be realized. I am sure that there were many who fought long and hard, and who gave up because of a lack of progress. But not everyone did, and we have freedoms and rights that many take for granted because of it. The fact that we are even sitting here with the ability to have this discussion in regards to religion is a testament to the freedoms people fought for. I mean, shit, women have been able to vote in my country for less than a century. Can you imagine if people had stopped trying, because others had failed before?
The only certainty of failure we have, as individuals, is in not trying. When we throw in the towel, and give up. I don't care how old I get to be, nor how many decades pass. I will continue attempting to have constructive dialogues with people, because it is worth it. I always admire it when I see a spark, a light in people who have been on this Earth far longer than me. I aspire to that.
Things like this only die, when we let them die.