Me reading this thread:
Capitalism made me do it.
Capitalism = cheetos. <3
Does our current mixture of a little capitalism plus a little socialism plus a little this and that also make us sick?
You can see why I made my first comment. It is classic SJW 'logic' to automatically display sympathy for minorities, despite them being no less disadvantaged as the rest of people in a Capitalist society. That's the beauty of Capitalism: the state is not going to discriminate based on background, because it isn't big enough to do so. Yet, SJWs seem to think that a state which is supposed to be smaller than their dream Utopia (which happens to be a big-government Socialist state) somehow manages to conjure up more power and take away more rights from minorities, but they can never seem to provide sufficient evidence to back up this claim. It's simply a falsehood: Nobody cares where you come from in a Capitalist society. The 'system' does not hold grand plans to consistently oppress you. It's a fantasy cooked up fictitiously by those with very slanted agendas aiming to manipulate discussions on cultural and social issues, and trying to combine them with economic and political issues; creating a new wave of self-entitled people with strong opinions and a very large absence of facts. There is no graph that states Capitalism creates illness, and blaming stress levels on Capitalism is just another giant leap in the direction of ignoring personal responsibilities and personal life choices and circumstances which leads to stress and illness. Capitalism is just a system based on the principle of individual rights, the rule of law and the free-market. Nowhere does the application of systematic oppression or illness fall into this system. Each individual person has their own problems and decisions to make, and each and every person makes their own decision which is very different to the next; blaming so many different problems on a single system is a classic straw-man.
Why is one way the best way? This seems like a very extreme outlook on the situation.I think so. I think uncertainty and mixed signals from the government and society as a whole cause a lot of frustration and anxiety on the individual level. In my opinion it comes down to the old adage, you can't make everyone happy. Seems like everyone is getting just a little bit their way, but consumer capitalism teaches us to always want more, so in the end no one is really happy.
Why is one way the best way? This seems like a very extreme outlook on the situation.
It wasn't the moderator calling me out on that comment , but your friend, and then you posted something about being attacked yourself...
Well, I'm over it...the whole thing is silly.
This is why Hush is a moderator and you are not. Just because you percieve what I said to be off-topic does not make it off-topic. Hush moderates because she is objective in her approach to forum nonsense and/or personal attacks. What I said was in poor taste and ill-advised humour, but it's not an attack on members, and I was being relevant to the topic, and yes I did watch the video. Why do I suddenly have to explain why I post such things? I don't need to check my posts in-case people don't like what I say. I can say whatever I bloody well want, and your petty attempt to shame me isn't going to bring the mod back to suddenly give me a lashing. This is what a free forum looks like. How many times am I going to get this rubbish from members? Always trying to find a way to make my posts look awful in the hopes that a mod might delete them. Just get back to the topic like she asked you to do.
I don't tend to be somebody who uses harsh language. You are entitled to your opinion on matters, even if we disagree. I certainly don't agree with any sterilization programs because I don't believe that there is any group in society that we can trust to make that sort of decision as to who deserves or doesn't deserve to have children. Many of the people at the top who have little or no empathy probably shouldn't be spreading their genes either but because they have money and power they would then get to decide who does and doesn't deserve to have kids. Having money doesn't make you a better person. Some of the poorest people do the most to help other people and those that beat the odds and get themselves out are often the ones who change the world for the better because they understand what it's like to be poor.
The differences in brain development is not about education, it's more about parenting. People that are decent and hard working but are stressed out because of not making enough to support their families don't have the time and attention to give their children so that they can develop in a healthier environment.
Your negative comments obviously directed at black Americans is bypassing completely that there is a great deal of discrimination due to racism, particularly in the U.S. It is an additional barrier that black Americans have to overcome. Yes, they can succeed and do well, but it takes a lot more courage and determination for them to be able to do the same thing that a white American is able to do.
I'm a little surprised that's what you took from what I wrote there. I never meant to imply there's one best way, or even that one way is better than another. My point is just that different people want different things and no one government/society/culture is equipped to provide a perfect setting for everyone, or even a tolerable one in some cases. My view is limited in this respect, but I know American capitalism feeds consumerism which in turn feeds desire. We're trained to have a "gimme, gimme" attitude, to feel guilt or worthlessness if we can't earn enough to have the things we want, to buy into a system that wants us to work ourselves to death in order to have more and more material things leaving little or no time for self actualization. Certainly the system isn't solely to blame, but it totally contributes and I think it would be difficult to argue that Capitalism isn't at least partly to blame for the atmosphere that causes people to become stressed, overworked, and chronically dissatisfied.
It would be voluntary. No one would be making anyone do anything.
So as long as it's not capitalism you're happy - even though there is no one way that works for everyone, right? Okay bud.
Why should I work 60 plus hours a week to have what I want, and watch someone else sit on their butt and get the same? While I never minded sharing, it insults my intelligence to give to someone I feel does not deserve it. Capitalism at least gives a man a carrot on a stick to chase.