Why did God create stupid people?

I think the effects of sin in the world is the cause of 'stupid people' rather than God creating them stupid. Even though people know what is right/wrong (or the religious tact, what God says to do/what God says not to do), they seem to ultimately go with what they WANT.

"I know this causes pain (in me/others) but I still wind up doing it.. WTF?" - that is definitely what Paul talks at the end of Romans 7. He wrote half the new testament and even he felt stupid sometimes, which comforts me greatly.

Christ got it right for me so I wouldn't have to get it right. Accepted by God because of Christ's performance, not mine. Mind blowing.

Did you hear about the C-Street guys? Practically a cult in Congress and they admit: 'we don't have to follow christian rules as long as we make others follow them. We're chosen... exempt." It is disgusting.
Did you hear about the C-Street guys? Practically a cult in Congress and they admit: 'we don't have to follow christian rules as long as we make others follow them. We're chosen... exempt." It is disgusting.

Nope - never heard of them but they sound worse than pharisees.
Nope - never heard of them but they sound worse than pharisees.

There is a LOT of material to chew on with those guys, but you might want to spare your sanity and avoid it. It just makes me mad. Jesus might lose his temper with these guys.
There is a LOT of material to chew on with those guys, but you might want to spare your sanity and avoid it. It just makes me mad. Jesus might lose his temper with these guys.

"Slow to anger and abounding in love", right? Can't wrap my mind around how he does it. I certainly don't have patience for people like that. Fools like that need to be punched in the throat.
I've been wrestling with this questions since I met you.

Oh burn. Nice one.

One of my favorite Einstien quotes goes something like this...

"Everyone is a genius in their own way. A fish is a genius at swimming, but measure its intellegence by how well it climbs trees and it will seem pretty stupid."

The question isn't whether or not God made stupid people, but why are you unable to see their intellegence? Are you holding everyone accountable to your own measure? Are you judging fish by their ability to climb trees?

This answer works. Faith in humanity restored.
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i don't think it's about intelligence.

"If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them." (Dalai Lama)
I think it's about goodness.

=> Adds (in my opinion great quotes): "To conquer oneself is a greater victory than to conquer thousands in a battle." (Dalai Lama)

"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive. (Dalai Lama)

"Sleep is the best meditation." (Dalai Lama)
O.o I will admit to being majorly stupid at times.

So why am I here? To learn from the smart peeps, I suppose. :P
Variety is better than monotony.

Somehow each is able to acheive happiness irrespective of their intellectual finesse.
Exactly how many people did God create?
Fortunately, god has nothing to with it. We ourselves choose our path towards ignorance or knowledge; there is no one to blame but ourselves for our own stupidity.

In the event that a god did create stupid people in the world, I'll just say that everyone, regardless, has their own issues to deal with. Intelligent or stupid alike share that fate.
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If God were to create us, he would create us as individuals. Some smart, some "stupid", some evil (though inherently evil I cannot imagine, rather individuals shaped by horrific circumstances and the wiring to resemble it). But no matter the intellect of your neighbor, I would consider it a challenge given to us. To overcome, to teach, and overall to love those so different from you on a basic human level. If they were not blessed with intelligence, perhaps there are other great qualities a person can possess that have yet to be explored by those who have not accepted and allowed the disagreements to slide past.

Everyone has their role, and everyone has a different set of tools and personality traits to fulfill it. Intelligence is one tool a human can possess, but it is not the only one, nor is it a requirement of being a good person.
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Some friends from abroad were in town and they wondered less at the local televangelist who squeezed people for money than they did at the people who actually gave it to him! Boggles the mind.

U Jelly Smart People?
Fortunately, god has nothing to with it. We ourselves choose our path towards ignorance or knowledge; there is no one to blame but ourselves for our own stupidity.

If I am at fault,
then it is my designer's fault,
therefore I am not at fault.

If your TV gets ruined you don't blame the TV,
you blame the person who ruined your TV.
If you were the one who ruined the TV,
the creators of the TV should've made the TV ruin-proof.
If I am at fault,
then it is my designer's fault,
therefore I am not at fault.

If your TV gets ruined you don't blame the TV,
you blame the person who ruined your TV.
If you were the one who ruined the TV,
the creators of the TV should've made the TV ruin-proof.

People aren't TVs your argument is over simplified.
Perhaps this is closer: :)

If we are gifted with a TV and appreciate and use it as a TV, no problem....we can be enriched by it.

But if, through a lack of awareness, we happen to not use and appreciate the TV as a TV, but instead use it as a blender or a lawnmower, there is a problem. The TV is not broken by design, it gets broken by a lack of understanding.
God created stupid people to annoy me, actually. I'm sorry that you have to deal with them; I had very little say in the matter and I'm doing my best to take them all on myself so as to keep them away from better geniuses than I.
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I have more trouble with people who feign intelligence, but it is clear that this is misdirected. In this case, who's the stupid one?

As for creation, I believe God created us each with an essential dignity.....whether we are smart, not so smart, handicapped, deformed, whatever. By our existence we have this sacred spark (as do all things really). We can work in harmony with that or against that, and there are lots of ways (often paradoxical) to accomplish either.