Why dudes hate being called a creep.


Happy Go Lucky
"Plenty of people can be jerks without being predatory. On the other hand,
calling a dude "creepy" labels him as a potential threat; a creep may not be
imminently violent, but there's almost always a sense that he shows consistent
disregard for a woman's physical or psychological space."

full article

I was labeled a creep once by someone who is now one of my best friends. lol.

I was labeled a creep once by someone who is now one of my best friends. lol.


Congratulations, you grew out of being a threat (;
It's kind of sad to admit just how right she was. I was an uber creep at that time. Hard to believe it was only 3 years ago...

Three years of positive growth!
It's because it ascribes a particularly negative evaluation of a male's sexual relevance to women; the combination his social obliviousness coupled with the fact he's actually making such an effort necessarily implies how ineffective and desperate he actually is.

Not to be a dick or bring up some old shit, but Feelings was a fantastic example of this. If he hit on one girl and failed, no problem. If he hit on dozens of girls and succeeded, no problem as well. But when he hit on dozens of girls and failed miserably every time, what can be inferred about him other than the fact he's ineffective and desperate? - two terms that, when used to describe a male, makes pussies dry up faster than the desert and leaves women feeling as though they are being "pursued" (for lack of a better term) by a male that has no business doing so. Thus, their revulsion at the situation and the creepy emotion that accompanies it.
I didn't read the full article, but maybe men don't like being called a creep for similar reasons that women don't like being called a bitch. It's a misused overused sexist generalization that doesn't take into consideration anything about the person as an individual.
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I didn't read the full article, but maybe men don't like being called a creep for similar reasons that women don't like being called a bitch. It's a misused overused sexist generalization that doesn't take into consideration anything about the person as an individual.
I call some men bitches, when they are being assholes. :D
I've noticed a double standard in the use of the word. If a woman is not attracted to someone, a person she considers beneath her level or far from interested, and they continue to express strong interest, and he happens to be awkward, then he is considered a creep. So she is creeped out because he is not smooth and suave and probably not "in her league" not really because he is any more creepy than the next guy. But if an attractive guy does the same, shows a lot of interest, even a little awkward, it's suddenly cute or endearing or adorable. They've been so many attractive guys who get away with creepy behavior because people are caught up on the looks, not paying particular attention to the behavior.

Sounds like the stereotypical scenario, in movies where a "nerdy" walks up to a woman in a bar, and she calls him a creep for even thinking of approaching her, but a guy she thinks is cool, charming jock walks up, and suddenly she is interested or available.
I've noticed a double standard in the use of the word. If a woman is not attracted to someone, a person she considers beneath her level or far from interested, and they continue to express strong interest, and he happens to be awkward, then he is considered a creep. So she is creeped out because he is not smooth and suave and probably not "in her league" not really because he is any more creepy than the next guy. But if an attractive guy does the same, shows a lot of interest, even a little awkward, it's suddenly cute or endearing or adorable. They've been so many attractive guys who get away with creepy behavior because people are caught up on the looks, not paying particular attention to the behavior.

Sounds like the stereotypical scenario, in movies where a "nerdy" walks up to a woman in a bar, and she calls him a creep for even thinking of approaching her, but a guy she thinks is cool, charming jock walks up, and suddenly she is interested or available.
Isn't that one of the points of the article?
Isn't that one of the points of the article?

Don't know if it was. tbh, I didn't read the article. I just responded based on my impressions/opinions. I guess I'm affirming that what the article says is true. So, yeah.
This thread makes me want to creep up behind a girl and snip off a little of her hair, without her knowing.... to add to my collection.


Somehow, it's funny to guys when some other guy is a creep.
Sometimes it is definitely appropriate... but it's annoying when people throw it around too liberally. Part of the reason girls use it is because it also makes them seem attractive... like 'OMG WHY DO ALL THEEZ CREEPY GUYZ ALWAYZ FALL IN LOVE WITH ME??'... no they probably don't want the affection, but it still implies that they're desirable.

And yes, I agree with [MENTION=1669]Ame[/MENTION] completely... I'm not saying people shouldn't be free to like who they like, but the least you could do is shoot someone down politely when they're putting themselves out there. As long as they're not being overly sexual and they're just old or unattractive or awkward, then I don't see the problem.
One woman's creep is another woman's treasure.

Ah, I see. I didn't think her husband cuming was creepy, so that's
where the confusion was.
I like the term creeper. I don't like that the article assumes a definite association with sexual intent. I believe a man or a woman can be a creeper and it can or can not be sexually motivated. When I think creeper, typically I think skulking, sneaky, and hidden agenda. I also may be to blame for labeling someone a creeper because I can't accurately articulate the proper description of the behavior being observed (I'll admit to that one). That being said, I have a few creepers at work.

One is very harmless but he finds the most inopportune times to pop up in my office. Other males in my building also consider him a creeper. I think they determined this by the frequency in which he follows me (i.e. coming out of the ladies restroom, break room, conference rooms) as well as well as the content he wishes to discuss. I think he's a sweet boy who really just needs a friend to listen to him. He's married but he is a bit too stalkeress . He will say things like "You remind me of a soul mate that passed about three years back. He was such a profound influence. Do you have any recipes for pork?". It's just eccentric behavior is all. I have been as gentle but forthright as I can be with him. He's not going to change and I have just accepted that for some reason he really likes me. He's still a creeper to me though.