Yes I always feel disrespected most people don't realize the gifts we have and they just don't get it.
I don't know how many times I've pointed out something writing on the wall. And a peer will ignore it and later report the same thing back to me. Even though I was right all along.
I'm so tired of being treated like a moron because people lack the ability of foresight and seeing the big picture.
I feel like this is beginning to take its toll on me.
I feel so isolated and belittled.
other reasons why it sucks to be INFJ
1. People often misread and misinterpret you. You are taken to be the total opposite of who you really are. They don't care to find out the truth.
2. People don't care about you and your passions but you care greatly for them.
3. At least in America we are not the chosen people. We live in a senor world.
4. People love to play mind games and stir drama. You have to expend energy to just make it through other peoples short comings.
5. Empathy is given but never returned.
6. Most people don't know how much an INFJ puts up with. We take so much. People should grateful we only rarely throw it back at them.
7. People refuse to take who we are seriously.
I agree with this and so many others things in this post. But I find it far from depressing- I am ALWAYS thinking about this stuff- so it is nice to have people to share it with who TOTALLY understand- because usually no one EVER does.
1. I really care about doing things RIGHT and not half-assing it, especially when it is something I truly believe in- other people want to be lazy and they say I am a bitch for trying to keep things in order. I get so ANGRY about it.

2. So many times I have told people what needs to be done or not be done because I can see what the result will be and they never listen and I am almost always right- but then after that they STILL don't trust my opinion. UGH.
2. As intelligent as I am and as much work I have done on myself to expand my EQ (and such) I still lack rational thinking so much- especially when it comes to relationships. I stick around trying to help the person even when it is SO UNHEALTHY.
3. I hate most people for how they follow the crowd and are so FUCKING fake and are so hedonistic and stupid and etc- but I hate myself for caring what they think of me and I desperately wish I didn't care at all.
4. A lot of the time I just don't have the ENERGY to deal with people.
5. My brain never SHUTS UP- I am constantly worrying and being down on myself and making to-do lists in my head and going off on random tangents about things and feelings bad about things and feeling regret and guilt for mistakes.....etc....I can't fall asleep for hours.
6. Sometimes I can be overly-focused on one thing or one person and I lack the balance to take care of everything and give to all my relationships- it is not a good thing.
7. I just care SO MUCH about SO MANY THINGS and I feel SO STRONGLY- it is almost too much to bare that I can't do anything to change things and that I feel that my time here is wasted. I have so many responsibilities that I don't even have time to really help people. I feel so helpless and hopeless sometimes- it makes me want to just hide away and just sit on the couch and eat cake and watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (hah.)
I could go on- but I think it has all been said- and far more eloquently than I can at this level of tiredness.
I Love You, my fellow INFJs! Thanks for making me feel like I am not alone.