Mr. INTP is still hanging in there like a champ!
@highlighter, it's now been three months. Anything I should be concerned with at this point? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Something did surprise me about INTP last weekend. I woke up at 3am to pee and upon my return I noticed he was awake and figured I must have woken him up. He appeared to be fixated on something so I pounced on him and asked, "whatcha doin?" I peered over his manly shoulder and he was on Facebook... again!

Seriously?! I mean I can't stand Fakebook, however it appears that Mr. INTP can't get enough. Oh well, not a deal breaker. I mean if that makes him happy so be it.
Awake again at 5 am bc the asshat next door was making a ton of noise. I looked over at INTP and he was once again fixated on something which once again aroused my curiosity. I figured he couldn't sleep due to the noise level and was watching STDSN (we were watching earlier) however to my shock and dismay he was playing with Snapchat filters. Oy. Wtf?

ersevere: Now I do not have a PhD in INTP's as
@highlighter does, but this doesn't seem like INTP behavior at all! He quickly turned his phone off, we fooled around a bit, then went back to sleep.
I haven't mentioned this to him and not sure if I will as he's his own person and I can live with his smartphone addictions. Also, I'm addicted to quizup, so I have no room to judge and he's otherwise an incredibly intelligent, caring, cuddly, sweet, loving grizzly bear who give
the best hugs ever! :hug4: