if I understand correctly 3 months is the time you all have been together? if so thats a very short amount of time INTPs can last YEARS and YEARS and still not know if they want that relationship, think of this....INTP lives in a fictional world of what is possible.........You dont.
Firstly, thank you for your reply.

Secondly I will overlook your poor use of ellipses since you are taking your time to educate me on the behavior of all INTP's.
It has now been four months with no signs of slowing down and believe me I've tried to shake him off at least a dozen times. I've left crumbs in the bed, set off his kitchen smoke detector, farted (I really thought that one would work!), accidentally let his indoor cat out, hid his favorite games (shhh he doesn't know), rearranged his books, even left clothing and some personal items at his place. I just don't get it. Needless to say I'm very bewildered.
You as an INFJ u live in a world of Knowing what is gonna happen that is your Ni.
I try to when I'm not living in my own little world. Fiction has played a big part of my life, even being my only friend at times.
....INTPs will stick around someone friend or otherwise just to see how it all plays out. they are observers, but they never really DO anything .....or so they think....INTP is fully oblivious as to how their actions influence others, they have "perfect deniability" and OH dont you DARE try to hold them accountable for anything.... LOL.
Interesting you should mention that, bc I just told him yesterday that I am looking forward to seeing where this adventure we're on will take us.
In any case your INTPs behavior with the phone is actually VERY INTP. INTps like facebook and other social media, it allows them to portray an :image: of themselves, one which they have control over and they like that!! INTPs are freaking weird, awkward, mentally skewed, narcissistic, beings. they know this and the world knows this, THUS social media allows them to seem like normal functional humans and they love this! .....
More interesting commentary. He doesn't post much on fb, however I have notice he immediately 'likes" anything I post. Why would he do this!?
it also gives them the chance to make their lazy boring lives to look like they have meaning and that they are doing something.....aka TRAVEL......they totally suck at maintaining relationships, friends family love, etc. because it all requires A. Too much work and B. for them to actually acknowledge and meet the needs of another human........"a toddler does not meet the needs of the parent" this is the best quote for us to understand with INTPs and make no mistake you are dealing with a physical Adult..........and an Emotional toddler......
Hmm... I have not noticed these things, yet anyway. If I'm being honest he's often more organized than I am and is good at reminding me of approaching activities we have planned. Yes I have the dates marked on my iPhone calendar, as well as written on two wall calendars, which would work quite well if I only remembered to look at them. Oy.
As for not meeting needs, again this behavior has not yet surfaced and I am confused by his very affectionate ways, as I've never been in such an affectionate relationship. He's a hugger and a hand holder, and if I remove my hand, he's sneaking his hand back into mine within minutes. I did not realize INTP's were so huggy, but after consulting with few INTP friends, they too love touching the very few people they care about. I have now adapted to this unusual behavior and actually don't mind it.
More on meeting my needs- Again, perhaps it's too soon in our relationship, but he's open minded and compassionate so I can't lie to you and say he does not meet my needs. I mean I'd like to tell you what you want to hear to back up your PhD, but thus far I cannot. Also no toddler behavior. He's open to communication 24/7 so I can't even throw him off with poor communication.
Thank you
@highlighter! *cheers*