alright then you said it yourself they don't believe. they will not act. you are alone in this.
No they are beginning to believe....but it has taken some amount of sharing info and also for real world events to kinda prove the validity of what i'm saying
Why are you not thinking of ways to survive this whilst you try to convince people?
I do and i have spoken extensively about these
But in terms of surviving long term the only way for people to do that is to stand together against this thing...there will be no hiding from it. It is a totalitarian wants total control over every aspect of everyones lives
That's what i don't think you are realising yet
adopting an 'everyman for himself' attitude is the road to failure on this. united we stand, divided we's that simple and people need to start realising that
Since when can we only do one thing ?
read my solutions thread to see how i suggest countless ways to make a difference
what is your psychological reason for ONLY trying to convince people with how bad it is, instead of convincing them by providing them with both ideas to solve it and an idea of how awesome the world is after the solution and what benefits that gains them ? Why do you stick to only the problem and its origin, instead of the entire package. The entire package is more likely to convince someone.
I don;t know why you keep accusing me of this as it is simply not true and i have already explained to you that i DO provide solutions and i HAVE laid out plans of a future decentralised system long before you even came to the forum
DECENTRALISATION has ALWAYS been my suggested solution here.....i've been saying it here since 2009!
Why when you know a flood is coming, and no one believes you and thus refuses to help you sandbag the river, which results in you not being able to sandbag the river in time to prevent the town from flooding, why do you not come up with ways to save the asses of you and those who do listen WHILST you try to convince others? I am not religious but this is like noah and the ark stuff man. Why do people only re-iterate how bad a problem is and why this keeps happening, instead of/a thinking of a way to live through it/with it/after it/solving it.
Because there is no high ground from which to escape the flood
Sure you could flee the country and that will buy you more time but the plan of these people is to control ALL countries and if big ones like the US fall the smaller ones that people have escaped to will fall very quickly
The time to make a stand is now and to do that needs a certain amount of awakened and aware people
Don't kid yourself there is an escape route...there isn''s stand or fall time
I agree we all need to take action. What I ask in this thread tho is in the context of my leg is broken and I am in the middle of a forest without people and cell service, how do i get home ?
if the forest is your home then you are already home
Thus what My question is, why do we only keep mentioning the problem instead of considering ways to get home and acting on them, instead of come up with ways to put the least stress on your leg to make healing later on less impaired.
I don't know why i need to keep repeating this to you....I HAVE BEEN DISCUSSING SOLUTIONS
Yet what you say is, because you are thinking of such things instead of only re-iterating the problem like the rest of us, I would allow the problem to get worse because I am thinking of a way to find the best way to get through this situation. You also say that the forest does not want me to do this and is gonna break my other leg if I try crawling out
I don't dig your analogy
That said, my question is not related to the reasons for issues, it is concerning the psychological reasons for the way we act in general when faced with issues.
As skarekrow said we have discussed that issue extensively on the forum on two seperate threads
The first post i ever made on this forum was on a thread about APATHY
This has already been's YOU who is reiterating stuff
believe me many of us have spent extensive time questioning why many people won't wake up even when so many outer events should alert them to a rising threat
The only thing that is remotely related thus far that you provided is that it is ignorance. So in the context of my question you are saying you re-iterate a presented problem because you are ignorant. Now I know that you read up on this stuff so that is not so. And I don't believe this is an either or thing. One can easily decide to re-iterate a problem whilst also brainstorming on ways to survive and flourish despite a problem in addition to thinking of ways to solve it. But why do we only stick to the re-iteration ? That is my question. My question has nothing to do with the cause of a problem but with the psychology for which we act in this manner.
go and look at the apathy threads
also i haven't just said it is ignorance...i've said that there are phases to the awakening process and that everyone goes at different speeds dependent on various factors, that some people are drugged into docility and that some people are refusing to take responsibility in the short term to avoid discomfort even though it will bring down far greater discomfort in the future (lack of maturity)
It's like you are not reading my posts