Why ?

I don't agree with that

I'd say the vast majority of activism and mind changing is going on online

The organization of activism is occurring online. The internet is a tool, not a destination. Like-minded people naturally congregate online and off, nothing new.

Demonstrations in the real world are still hugely more effective than trolling the internets. That was my point.

Anyway, I was more specifically referring to solving people's issues on an individual basis. You are referring to mass organizational change which would in fact occur more offline once a tipping point is reached. Physical change is what must occur.
The organization of activism is occurring online. The internet is a tool, not a destination. Like-minded people naturally congregate online and off, nothing new.

Demonstrations in the real world are still hugely more effective than trolling the internets. That was my point.

Anyway, I was more specifically referring to solving people's issues on an individual basis. You are referring to mass organizational change which would in fact occur more offline once a tipping point is reached. Physical change is what must occur.

Look at all the recent movements like the indignados and the protests in egypt and even occupy (started on adbusters)...they all started online

Here's a clip of one of the cabal admitting that there is a 'mass political awakening' occuring around the world due to advancements in mass communications for example the internet...this is coming straight from the horses mouth...

EX CIA guy saying that bloggers will change the world:

Again I'm not arguing your point [MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] as I said, the internet is a tool, not a destination. A powerful tool yes.
Hey people,

I was wondering why people tend to bring up issues for discussion but mostly avoid talking about possible solutions, work a rounds and ways to progress despite these issues?

Are we as human beings really more interested in conflicts than ways to overcome them and what comes after?

What about us makes us so inclined to want to bitch about things but not come up with ways to progress despite them ?

People always seem to imply how imperative it is that we do something about some issue, yet they when you ask them; "what should we do?", they will continue to enforce how important it is we do something about it. No suggestions for solutions, no ideas of what comes after. What makes us like that?

Is it because it some kind of rare genetic trait in us that gives rise to the very few among st us who do think of such things that we have managed to progress as species as far as we did?

Please share your thoughts down below ^^

Sometimes, X is a problem mostly only because other people don't recognize that it's a problem. That's what comes to my mind, but I'm not sure it was the sort of situation you were thinking about. Sometimes, they don't know how to fix it but hope other people might be able to.
Again I'm not arguing your point @muir as I said, the internet is a tool, not a destination. A powerful tool yes.

I'm trying to make the point that people should realise that something big is happening at the moment and that all the discussion online is a big part of that

if you are spreading awareness online in anyway then you are a part of that massive shift

We are already seeing the waves created by that shift in consciousness and those waves will only get bigger as this movement rolls out

Online and offline are not seperate things....they are one and the same reality as both impact on each other

What is discussed online then shapes what goes on offline
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When one person points and looks at the sky, why does a crowd gather around them and people try doing the same thing?
Why do I ask many questions and make many posts on this forum complaining about my life?

It doesn't matter. It doesn't even matter what reasons you come up with. The fact remains that it happens. And you may well remain a part of having allowed it to happen unless you show yourselves and others otherwise.

You can speculate forever. Sorry but INFJs tend to do that. You don't know until you try to do. And then, irrespective of explanations, you understand.
When one person points and looks at the sky, why does a crowd gather around them and people try doing the same thing?
Why do I ask many questions and make many posts on this forum complaining about my life?

It doesn't matter. It doesn't even matter what reasons you come up with. The fact remains that it happens. And you may well remain a part of having allowed it to happen unless you show yourselves and others otherwise.

You can speculate forever. Sorry but INFJs tend to do that. You don't know until you try to do. And then, irrespective of explanations, you understand.

Well I like speculating about things because it spurs me on to look deeper into other people, however I found my answer through the actions of posting this question and muirs replies.
of course it is never good to get stuck in an obsessive loop of needing to find something out ;p
I have not had one of those before and I will likely always avoid getting stuck in such loops,
if you cannot figure the answer out within a day, two at mosts, then its a mystery of the universe and best left alone :p
Usually when I leave such questions alone tho, it will come to me after a passage of time and no conscious effort on thinking about it.

One of the biggest hurdles i've noticed in terms of finding common ground with people in my time discussing matters online is that many people are invested heavily in mental constructs

So for example when a baby is born they are not born a 'jew' or a 'christian' or an 'atheist' or a 'muslim' or a 'capitalist' or an 'american' or a 'british' person and so on

These and many more besides are all concepts that are given to the child

if you imagine the baby as the hardware then the concepts that are put into their brain is the software

On top of that there is nationalism so children are told the belong to a certain nation and that they should follow a certain flag and that they should follow certain sports teams and so on

This is all more software

But underlying all of that layered on software there are underlying protocols that exist across humanity

So if you have two people and they are each given different software because they have been born in different geographic locations then they will then see the world through the prism of that software. That software dictates to them how they should behave and think

Then there are the software programmers!

There are those who know that these concepts do not exist within a human being at birth but rather are programmed into them; these programmers create software programmes to get people to think and act the way they want them to

They do this to create illusiory boundaries between people so that they feel seperate from each other and so that each group then looks to their software programmers to tell them how they are supposed to think and act

So.....there are a lot of people who are heavily invested in their software programs. Often they derive a sense of identity from them and are part of a community of people who have the same software programme. Their family, friends and even partners might share that software

So such a person has a lot invested in their software programme

if their leaders then tell them to hate another group of people they will do it because it is easier to do as they are told then to fall out of step with the rest of their community

They could lose their friends, family, sense of identity, partner, job, place of worship, support etc if they then go against the grain

This is why o many people choose to follow instead of think for themselves.....because to think for yourself and to act independently is a difficult thing to do

This is why as we move towards new ways of seeing the world we need to build a new community of people who all share common ground so that people who turn their back on old redundant software programmes have something new to go to and don't feel alone and adrift in the world

We need to start letting go of divisive software programmes and start looking for common ground around the world and the more people who do that the easier it will be for people to let go of toxic baggage

So yeah...a lot of people are clinging on to old ways of doing because they have invested themselves into certain things and find themselves too entangled to let go

Imo the spiritual path is about identifying all the programming that has been laid onto us as we grew so that we can get back to the core protocols and what is natural and healthy
