
I would love to have a baby just to see what all this pain lark is about, but alas my johnson and testes won't allow such an abomination to occur. I've had dental work without anaesthesia is that close? you kind of white out from pain.

I think that's worse.
after having pushed out two i can't say i blame you
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Apparently the only things more painful than childbirth are breaking your femur, losing body parts, and passing gall stones and I can't imagine any of those things happen as often as childbirth.

Left: chimpanzee infant head size relative to pelvic opening; Right: human infant head size relative to pelvic opening

My primal side appreciates that a woman can give birth. My rational side appreciates that I'm a man.

(Well, my every side appreciates that I'm a man.)
Wait, if the human body can't bear that much pain, does this mean that all human women die during childbirth and the only women who could survive are the ones who are actually chimpanzees?
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Women generally have a lower tolerance for pain than men, but the hormones they release during pregnancy (especially around the time of childbirth) make them much less sensitive to pain then men. With enough of the right hormones and the right mindset it is actually possible for all the pain of childbirth to be experienced as pleasure.
Wait, if the human body can't bear that much pain, does this mean that all human women die during childbirth and the only women who could survive are the ones who are actually chimpanzees?

Oh very insightful. Probably alien chimps!
i heard that childbirth was the most painful thing to go through and that a man cannot physically withstand that amount of pain.
i heard that childbirth was the most painful thing to go through and that a man cannot physically withstand that amount of pain.

Probably not naturally, I'm quite sure there are unnatural things that are more painful though. I'm certain that getting a limb blown or chopped off hurts more. Having cancer destroy all your cells from the inside out probably hurts more as well.

The amount of pain also varies greatly from woman to woman apparently.
i think in cases of trauma - getting one's leg blown off etc. - there is the shock factor to buffer the effects both physical and psychological, where the body will stop registering the pain. unfortunately women are wide awake and into it balls deep (how's that for a misplaced metaphor) when they are delivering a chld (unless of course they are put out or given an epidural
cancer, well yes, that can be extremely painful, but again, managed to some degree with drugs.
delivery and labor pain are full strength up close and intimate experiences with extreme pain.
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You're probably right about losing body parts, I'm sure cancer is more painful though. I've watched someone go through child birth and I've watched someone go through ovarian cancer, I never again want to see anyone have to go through cancer. And we're talking about someone drugged up on phethanol which is basically medical heroin.

Out of the interest of curiosity I actually looked up the most painful thing on the planet and it seems it is actually major burns, apparently it's the worst thing you can endure and still live through.
You're probably right about losing body parts, I'm sure cancer is more painful though. I've watched someone go through child birth and I've watched someone go through ovarian cancer, I never again want to see anyone have to go through cancer. And we're talking about someone drugged up on phethanol which is basically medical heroin.

Out of the interest of curiosity I actually looked up the most painful thing on the planet and it seems it is actually major burns, apparently it's the worst thing you can endure and still live through.

There is a difference between sharp, full-on pain and a slow pain that whithers you away over time.
You're probably right about losing body parts, I'm sure cancer is more painful though. I've watched someone go through child birth and I've watched someone go through ovarian cancer, I never again want to see anyone have to go through cancer. And we're talking about someone drugged up on phethanol which is basically medical heroin.

Out of the interest of curiosity I actually looked up the most painful thing on the planet and it seems it is actually major burns, apparently it's the worst thing you can endure and still live through.

yes that could be true of burn victims
my partner was seriously burned in his early twenties - 39% of his body - and he was kept in a medically induced coma for some time in the beginning.
cancer and burn injuries are ongoing as well, not a matter of so many hours then you know it will be gone, as in childbirth. that could explain the stamina available to women when they deliver.
i know with my second child that was all that kept me going...knowing that by the next morning i would not be going through it.
I'd wager a guess that getting severe burns is probably unpleasant. Maybe moreso than squeezing a life out of your vagina. I suppose the real suffering comes in in terms of how long you have to endure the pain. Burns seem to take quite a while to adequately heal. Therefore, I would rather give birth than be burned.
I'd wager a guess that getting severe burns is probably unpleasant. Maybe moreso than squeezing a life out of your vagina. I suppose the real suffering comes in in terms of how long you have to endure the pain. Burns seem to take quite a while to adequately heal. Therefore, I would rather give birth than be burned.

What about giving birth to a baby that's on fire? :O
What about giving birth to a baby that's on fire? :O

'Extreme child birth'. Sounds like 'Ultimate fireball' only much more risky.
I would love to have a baby just to see what all this pain lark is about, but alas my johnson and testes won't allow such an abomination to occur. I've had dental work without anaesthesia is that close? you kind of white out from pain.

I had it done when I was younger. It was a walk in the park for me since I have a high pain tolerance.
I had it done when I was younger. It was a walk in the park for me since I have a high pain tolerance.

Same here, I also had to pull bits of teeth from my gum once with a knife and tweezers that wasn't fun. Dislocating both my arms at the same time was similar to the teeth trouble.