
I think passing a kidney stone is almost comparable...
Passing a gallstone is almost as bad.
What about giving birth to a baby that's on fire? :O

RE: the whole fire thing, I heard that at some point your nerve endings burn up and it doesnt hurt anymore. Can anyone verify this? Im too lazy to.
Yea burns of a certain degree (I believe third degree) destroy nerves. However, that degree of burn is horrific and will either scar/maim/kill you. People with extensive burns like that typically die from infection since one of the main need for skin is to protect against viruses. Additionally such burns require that the skin be re-abraded on a continual basis until the healthy skin starts to grow--means scrubbing off the dead skin over and over again. Then when the skin actually starts to heal it has be moved so the skin stays supple while it grows back. Recovering from extensive burns is really bad stuff. Of course with burns this bad alot of times small extremeties like fingers and toes are damaged beyond repair and you lose them.....

Why do I know this stuff? *rhetorical question*
Yea burns of a certain degree (I believe third degree) destroy nerves. However, that degree of burn is horrific and will either scar/maim/kill you. People with extensive burns like that typically die from infection since one of the main need for skin is to protect against viruses. Additionally such burns require that the skin be re-abraded on a continual basis until the healthy skin starts to grow--means scrubbing off the dead skin over and over again. Then when the skin actually starts to heal it has be moved so the skin stays supple while it grows back. Recovering from extensive burns is really bad stuff. Of course with burns this bad alot of times small extremeties like fingers and toes are damaged beyond repair and you lose them.....

Why do I know this stuff? *rhetorical question*
Leave it to the men folk to over-simplify things to make themselves right..

I was referring to you!
I know Stormy is a woman and she just dropped some knowledge on you.

You say it like I should be surprised and astonished that she is smart. I already know she is.
No no no don't turn this around on me lol.

Who cares how much pain you can take, at the end of the day you need us and we need you.
Who cares how much pain you can take, at the end of the day you need us and we need you.
I deg to biffer.


Like if you cry every time.
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I deg to biffer.


Like if you cry every time.

Well you are my new friend now.
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“He stepped to her again, laid his lips on her brow. "But I want children with you, my lovely Eve. One day."

"One day being far, far in the future. Like, I don't know, say a decade when...Hold on. Children is plural."

He eased back, grinned. "Why, so it is--nothing slips by my canny cop."

"You really think if I ever actually let you plant something in me--they're like aliens in there, growing little hands and feet." She shuddered. "Creepy. If I ever did that, popped a kid out--which I think is probably as pleasant a process as having your eyeballs pierced by burning, poisonous sticks, I'd say, 'Whoopee, let's do this again?' Have you recently suffered head trauma?"

"Not to my knowledge."

"Could be coming. Any second.”
-J.D. Robb, Survivor in Death
God, I'm never having kids... ever. No offense to the other ladies, but I think you all are crazy for actually wanting that. @_@

There's a reason why your body pretty much brainwashes you to forget how horrific labor is. Because if you remembered, you'd probably never want to go through it again....

And that's what I hate most of all, the idea that my body would just take over and rewrite my mind.

You know, thats what I thought before I had a baby....and you do forget to a degree, but not as much as you think you do. You forget about as much as anyone would with time.
It sounds pretty horrific, but having gone through labour I'd do it all again. Most magical experience of my life (and I had a very difficult labour). I actually quite enjoyed it in hindsight, granted I ended up having to have the epidural (but I had also been in labour for four days, so not getting would have meant a section). I don't think there's anything you can accomplish more incredible or rewarding or super womanish that pushing a baby out!

I also gave birth in a batman tshirt. I already KNOW I'm a superhero.

So is Isobel!

Ooo smooth talker!
[It wasn't me, it was the ESTP shadow! :D]

That's way more awesome than my Batman belt buckle I wear at work when dressed up in dress pants, shirt, and tie! (But not quite as awesome, when I where the same get-up with my Cocky belt buckle, at work.<- Yes it's the same as David Boreanaz's from Bones. It was too fantastically hilarious not to get!)
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I got married in blue Crocs and a white wedding gown. It was my "something blue". :D