[INFJ] Would you describe yourself rather as chaotic or organised?

Are you rather

  • chaotic

    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • organised

    Votes: 10 55.6%

  • Total voters
Yeah, I don't mean 'an elf who is tidy', I mean 'part of the subspecies of tidy elves'; it's their core being. I noticed one day that she'd literally favourited a show on Netflix about tidying up.
i knew exactly what you meant, hahahah.
oh my god, is it the life changing magic of tidying up!?
Hmm, she's interested in the design, aesthetic and shape of a space in the same way, but is much more concerned with 'clean and tidy'. She can't really bear untidiness, though you'd never know because she isn't 'in your face' about it. She cleans up and organises things to de-stress sometimes, and might rearrange a room I think to give that sense of 'a fresh start' (which I do too).

When I tidy up properly, I enjoy it for the sense of accomplishment and perfection, but she really enjoys it a whole lot more. Sometimes she's like a tidy elf; I'll leave the room briefly, only to return and notice that things look different, but she somehow hasn't moved, or I'll realise later that my undershirts have been folded... She actually enjoys washing up after dinner more than cooking, which is ideal for me because I like cooking but washing up is a chore (except polishing and oiling the wok... I like that for some reason).

What type is your SO, Asa?

Yes, I know what you mean. I am not like that, currently, because my (poorly regulated) autoimmune disorder causes fatigue. I used to be that way.
My SO is more like you, and sometimes it is a little difficult for me to let go and deal with the stacks of things building up.
I do really like to keep some stuff out, though, to make a house more comfortable. how the rooms look, the layout, the visual design, etc, are all important to me.

I have an INTJ friend who is so clean and OCD that he makes me look like a slob. His house looks like nobody lives there. His stove looks like nobody has ever cooked on it. (No exaggeration.) There is nothing in his fridge. He's had a crush on me for years (yes, my SO knows, they're close friends, it is not awkward) and all I think is, "One week of living with me and he would lose his mind and hate me."

Hahahaha. all my friends and my SO call me an 'elf', too.
I am the reincarnation of order and structure. My boss called me 'superstructured'. But I don't like cleaning much. Just need to have everything organised.
I have to add that I am in a hopeless situation because I have 4 teens in the house...but I manage to breath every now and then. And my desk at work....nothing on it except my keyboard, 2 monitors and a docking station, all aligned in a harmonious way:grinning:. I manage to leave the mouse to its own though.

I bought Marie's book and read it just as the Netflix series came out. I heavily organize my external world. I enjoy putting things in their "place" or "home". I've done this my entire life. I had specific standing places on shelves for my action figures growing up. I heard comments after every sleepover that went similar to "We loved having Daustus over, he helped pick up toys after the boys played and helped clean up after dinner."

I use Google keep to track and organize my notes i take. I organize them about 1-2 times a week or so. I make yearly life goals and build to do lists for them.

My INTJ wife enjoys organization but has a high tolerance for things to clutter up. I'm a "Tidy Elf". I routinely clean up after her when she's piling dirty clothes, dishes, etc. I focus more on putting things away versus actually cleaning and sanitizing surfaces. My desk at work always looks clean and pristine.

(poorly regulated) autoimmune disorder causes fatigue.
I also have a poorly regulated autoimmune disorder that cause fatigue. Working on managing this year. Going well!
I also have a poorly regulated autoimmune disorder that cause fatigue. Working on managing this year. Going well!

Oh no!!! I'm glad you are taking steps toward wellness.

I just saw a specialist today! She says she can make me 'better'. I feel so optimistic and hopeful about this. She listened, confirmed, and said she could change how I feel for the better. My last doctor was, well, a roadblock.
I try very hard to not make messes to begin with because when I allow it to happen it pretty much stays that way for a good while.
My intent is organization. My execution is semi-chaotic.

I relate to this very much, haha. I'm very good at pre-empting the possibility of things becoming messy. This is the main reason why I tend to be minimalist about where I live.

I would say I'm quite organised but I don't think I'm very "smart" about being organised, if that makes any sense.
My environment is built like a work of mathematical harmony

A friend of mine is getting frustrated with Tinder, I'll suggest this as a new pick up line.

"So, ummm, would you like to come over to mine? You need to see my environment; it is built like a work of mathematical harmony *wink wink*"
I enjoy putting things in their "place" or "home".

Yea I tend to do this as well and always have. I get a bit over sensitive about people touching my stuff sometimes, but I try to be chill about it.
Yea I tend to do this as well and always have. I get a bit over sensitive about people touching my stuff sometimes, but I try to be chill about it.

People: *touch my stuff*


I have a bit of OCD when it comes to having everything in their place.

There is something extremely therapeutic and calming when you have a neat and organized house. I don’t mind if things get a little messy or few things are misplaced or disheveled. But if it doesn’t get cleaned after a while, it does bug me and I have the insane urge to go Cinderella and just clean clean clean!

Spring cleaning is in the midst tooooooooo!!