Would you kill a puppy for $1000000?

I'd rather not live a materialistic life, prefer to live a more peaceful and meaningful 1. So killing puppies for money is off the list.

Anyone else who would do it. Erm...have fun feeling the guilt of killing a living thing for bits of paper.
couldnt do it

There is no amount of money that would convince me to kill a puppy. Its just wrong, its a harmless innocent little puppy, I wouldnt be able to sleep at night. The amount of guilt would be unbearable, its just not worth it, money isnt the answer to everything.
I'd rather not live a materialistic life, prefer to live a more peaceful and meaningful 1. So killing puppies for money is off the list.

Anyone else who would do it. Erm...have fun feeling the guilt of killing a living thing for bits of paper.

I wouldnt feel guilt about it. But thanks for trying to make me feel shitty.
I wouldn't have a problem killing a puppy for free. There are so many out there, it wouldn't make a difference.

I bet when you heard puppy, you thought of some cute, googly-eyed pup. What if it looked like this? Would you even hesitate?

I wouldn't have a problem killing a puppy for free. There are so many out there, it wouldn't make a difference.

I bet when you heard puppy, you thought of some cute, googly-eyed pup. What if it looked like this? Would you even hesitate?


haha I was left not knowing quite what to say...

But what I thought, was quite simply; "This isn't even real".

I would however say, that I would not kill a puppy for any amount of cash. Sorry.
I wouldn't have a problem killing a puppy for free. There are so many out there, it wouldn't make a difference.

I bet when you heard puppy, you thought of some cute, googly-eyed pup. What if it looked like this? Would you even hesitate?


No. I have trouble killing any sort of living being, I just feel they were all made for a reason and are part of our global system/
I wouldn't have a problem killing a puppy for free. There are so many out there, it wouldn't make a difference.

I bet when you heard puppy, you thought of some cute, googly-eyed pup. What if it looked like this? Would you even hesitate?


I would.
I would feel really sorry for this little guy. :( I can imagine what kind of previous owners he had. :(
There aren't ugly pets, just stupid owners....
No. I have trouble killing any sort of living being, I just feel they were all made for a reason and are part of our global system/

What if the reason is for you to kill it and gain $1000000 ?
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haha I was left not knowing quite what to say...

But what I thought, was quite simply; "This isn't even real".

I would however say, that I would not kill a puppy for any amount of cash. Sorry.

Realistically, puppies are out there that, well, might not look as bad as that one, but they don't look good, and probably would be better off dead than alive. It is quite real.

I would.
I would feel really sorry for this little guy. :( I can imagine what kind of previous owners he had. :(
There aren't ugly pets, just stupid owners....

Eh, it's really just a ugly breed. This dog, Sam, is known to be one of the ugliest dogs ever. Won the worlds ugliest dog contest 3 times. Its initial owners may have had something to do with its ugliness though.

lul what. Nobody said what this puppy looked like.

I think it makes a difference.
lul what. Nobody said what this puppy looked like.
I think it makes a difference.

I don't think so.
It's just like judging others because of their appearance.

About the argument, that it is even better him/her to die now...
I guess we should just exterminate every other animal on the earth, or build a big spaceship for every single human (Hell, we can even kill few million starving, diseased, abused humanoid! It's better for them too! ) , and leave, so we can't hurt other races anymore.
Get real.

If we could learn only a little, then those "loved" "pets" would have a much better "life".
But we are stupid.
If I can give 3* of them a good life, then my life wasn't pointless.

*We can only have 3 at once here, I don't know the regulations at you guys.

We are stupid, and we can't even read...

This question is asked in every forum, might as well put it in this one too.

A cute adorable and nice little puppy.
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Realistically, puppies are out there that, well, might not look as bad as that one, but they don't look good, and probably would be better off dead than alive. It is quite real.

Eh, it's really just a ugly breed. This dog, Sam, is known to be one of the ugliest dogs ever. Won the worlds ugliest dog contest 3 times. Its initial owners may have had something to do with its ugliness though.

lul what. Nobody said what this puppy looked like.

I think it makes a difference.


I grew up helping my parents take care of a small farm. Each year we had to spend one day during the summer to butcher the chickens and rabbits for meat. The whole family helped, and I never felt saddened with the whole idea in any overwhelming sense... It did bother me to actually be present around the animals and knowing they were going to die that day, and that I had a part in that process. But I used to make myself feel better about it, by telling the animals they were going to go to a better place and that my dad would try and make it a quick shift for them. Obviously I did as I was expected despite my not liking it. And, I think I developed a deep sense of acceptance that things weren't always fair in life and that I had to accept death etc.

Since then, I have been able to "put things out of their misery" if I have come upon horrific scenarios in my passings. I honestly did not think that picture was of a real dog, I was quite sure it was fake. But, having looked closer at it once again after you stating that it is indeed real, I truly feel for it. Honestly, I'd just be more inclined to get it to a vet for assessment, and then decide if it should be put down, or cared for to aid it in any healing and comfort possible.
Cute and adorable both are subjective. :P

But if the puppy is ugly or not doesn't really change anything, it's still a puppy.