Would you kill a puppy for $1000000?

aliens could be the pinnacle of existence

Now now child, let's back up your argument.

I'd like for you to prove my belief wrong.
ur belief that aliens are the pinnacle

well, using the same type of logic as any other post, saying that it's possible that any outcome is possible (such as a dog mawls a baby's face instead of being a seeing eye dog)
then maybe aliens are far more important than us

btw, u ever hear the phrase, "mean people suck!"
I might. I'd ask why the person wants be to kill the puppy.
No questions asked? Nope. Everything I kill dies for a reason and I am not sure that kind of money is worth it.
Maybe. I guess it would depend on how broke I was and the method in which I had to kill the puppy.
I might. I'd ask why the person wants be to kill the puppy.
No questions asked? Nope. Everything I kill dies for a reason and I am not sure that kind of money is worth it.
Maybe. I guess it would depend on how broke I was and the method in which I had to kill the puppy.
I would guess that this hypothetical situation is only testing your moral disposition for the worth of a puppy's life. Bringing other factors into the equation only breaks the hypothetical question. We could also question why anyone would give you a million dollars to kill a puppy. No one is going to give you a million dollars for that, ever.
would you kill a puppy with your bare hands in front of a live studio audience for one million dollars?
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Interesting question in a way because if you wouldnt actively kill the puppy for a million, you would passively let puppies die for nothing - which happens everyday at dog shelters, the pound, and alleys where unwanted puppies may happen to be at.
Now, there is such a thing as a perfectly healthy puppy, and one that has say...Parvo. That's another story. But you wouldn't have to give me money for that. I'd feel bad enough putting the puppy down. Money still wouldn't be a factor.
I honestly don't understand you people. :m150:
Interesting question in a way because if you wouldnt actively kill the puppy for a million, you would passively let puppies die for nothing - which happens everyday at dog shelters, the pound, and alleys where unwanted puppies may happen to be at.

Not really, those 2 things have nothing to do with each other.
Dogs, cats, humans, and many other existences perish every second, and one person can't really do anything against it, at highest save few of the dying millions. If you at least try to save 1 of them, then you have my respect. If the humanity would be able to think a little more before buying a pup only to dispose of it later...
But if the puppy is ugly or not doesn't really change anything, it's still a puppy.

I don't think so.
It's just like judging others because of their appearance.

Yea, its still a puppy. Its sorta like judging others I guess, except you can probably learn more about a dog from looking at it then looking at a person(people are way more complex). Either way, I'm positive there are people that would kill a ugly puppy for a million dollars but not the cute one.

Change it up and ask yourself which one you would adopt. Many people, looking for a pet, would not want an ugly looking thing. They would want the "cute" and "adorable" one.

About the argument, that it is even better him/her to die now...
I guess we should just exterminate every other animal on the earth, or build a big spaceship for every single human (Hell, we can even kill few million starving, diseased, abused humanoid! It's better for them too! ) , and leave, so we can't hurt other races anymore.
Get real.

About my argument... Perhaps a bit cold hearted, But its true. There are many pups like the one I posted in pounds. They often are deemed unadoptable and end up being euthanized. Nobody generally wants them, especially when compared to that healthy good looking puppy in the cage next to it. It would be miserable, sitting in a cage all day, around many other dogs. If it were to live, it would basically be wasted space for a dog that someone would adopt. Killing it would free the cage for a dog that someone could adopt and care for, while putting it out of its own misery.

Sounds like you think dogs are our equals from your sarcasm, and how you talk about them. I don't feel the same way.

We are stupid, and we can't even read...

My mistake. Should of reread the original post again stating what the puppy looked like. I was curious if people would look the other way if they saw a hideous puppy though.


I grew up helping my parents take care of a small farm. Each year we had to spend one day during the summer to butcher the chickens and rabbits for meat. The whole family helped, and I never felt saddened with the whole idea in any overwhelming sense... It did bother me to actually be present around the animals and knowing they were going to die that day, and that I had a part in that process. But I used to make myself feel better about it, by telling the animals they were going to go to a better place and that my dad would try and make it a quick shift for them. Obviously I did as I was expected despite my not liking it. And, I think I developed a deep sense of acceptance that things weren't always fair in life and that I had to accept death etc.

Since then, I have been able to "put things out of their misery" if I have come upon horrific scenarios in my passings. I honestly did not think that picture was of a real dog, I was quite sure it was fake. But, having looked closer at it once again after you stating that it is indeed real, I truly feel for it. Honestly, I'd just be more inclined to get it to a vet for assessment, and then decide if it should be put down, or cared for to aid it in any healing and comfort possible.

Reminds me of a story my grandpa once told me. He's a farmer that also lives on a small farm. Anyways, he said that one day, many many years ago, a woman came to his door, and gave him 6 kittens to "take care of", since they didn't want the litter. Being a farmer who slaughters animals all the time, I guess she figured he was the right guy to do it. So yea, he "took care of them". I was going to go into more details, but I'm sure you people don't want to hear them.
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I would not kill an ugly puppy unless it has a life-threatening condition and its suffering, even then I would tell somebody else to do it and ask for no money in return..I just could not put a price on life of a healthy living being, specially since its not connected to me in any way.
To understand my choice, it is necessary to completely disregard aesthetics. That is not a factor.

I would have to say, though reasonably unsure, that it would depend primarily on my mood and the way in which the puppy would be killed. Although I cannot say that I would not, under any circumstances, kill it, I can say that it would be near impossible to get me to the level where I would, even considering the positive reinforcement of a large sum of money.

I am inclined to say no. Money is not all that important anyway, and I could live a decent life if I go get a decent job without the need for the extra money. It is a thought experiment comparing conscience and selfishness. Taking the money in exchange for the life is the ultimate selfishness.

At first, I would have been inclined to answer yes to this question, should certain conditions have been met. What is the difference, I asked myself, between killing a puppy for $1,000,000, and squashing a bug for nothing? In fact, it seems even greater to kill the puppy, considering I actually get something out of it.

But they are not the same. The motivation is completely different. I doubt I could kill the puppy for one million dollars merely because I would be killing the puppy for one million dollars. That is not a good enough reason for me.

I don't have the right or the ability...
You realize that with a mere fraction of a million dollars how many lives of puppies you could save?

Puppies are put down all the time in shelters.
You could only use that money for yourself (or friends and stuff). What I mean is that you can't kill the puppy and give all the money to a foundation to save puppies or something. You could only buy yourself a iPod and go with your friends in a trip, ect.
I have done the math and the veterinarian's bill
for putting a puppy to sleep does not at all
compare to a million dollars.

I would not kill an ugly puppy unless it has a life-threatening condition and its suffering, even then I would tell somebody else to do it and ask for no money in return..I just could not put a price on life of a healthy living being, specially since its not connected to me in any way.

What if you just slapped him around a bit for $500000 instead.