Thanks for your post! I think you have raised very important points to consider
I dont think that you are too emotionally involved with your pets. You love your pets, you care about them, your care for them, you understand them, they are a worthy part of your life. The main reason I dont have a pet is because I know that I have/would become emotionally attached to them. That is the kind of mindblowing intensity I feel with my daughter and the reason why I dont want to have any more children- the emotional attachment is too strong, particulary because I feel responsible for her/ take care of her. I guess at some point this love I feel for her has been extended to all others, as well as an appreciation of how much all others also love their children. So I completely agree with you- my life, or my daughters life is no more important than anyone elses, including yours or your pets. All life is priceless and a million dollars is cheap. The pain we all feel when we lose our loved ones is the same, and I dont see the point in comparing, or judging the value or worth of any life. We have no right. Its the same- a connection that was forged and nutured is now lost.
I do firmly believe that all life is sacred, and this banner includes human life. I find it impossible not to see myself reflected in others- we all want, need, and are deprived of the same- which is unconditional love and true self acceptance. I know that we do some really horrific, stupid things and the state of humaity is sad. But I think the only reasons we do these things is fear, ignorance and laziness. We are terrified of undertanding ourselves and letting go of maladaptive and destructive thought patterns, behaviours and cultural values. But I dont believe that life is suffering, and something to be tolerated while we look at others with contempt. Life is and can be so much more, it has unlimited potential and possibilities. To live is to create- life is whatever we make it. I have absolute faith in humanity and have met and experienced too many amazing people to think otherwise. Its our cultures and institutions that I despise. And it is so sad to see so many beautiful people hating themselves and others because of the ridiculous ideas and irrelevant morals and beliefs that they have been enculturalised with.
In regards to animals being self aware- this is something that I have spent some time thinking about. I know with certainity that dolphins are self aware, as are cats, many apes, some birds, and dogs to a different degree. The self awareness is confronting and instantly changes the way that we should interact with these beings. I saw a powerful documentary called 'The Cove', (only watch if you have a strong stomach- its very graphic) that had an incredible influence on my perception of the way humans interact with dolphins and other animals. For me, it is literally the equivalent of aliens invading earth and caging us is in zoos for their personal entertainment and thinking that they are superior to us simply because we cant communicate in the same language. And for a more eclectic and radical view- Seth (from the seth materials) has some fascinating ideas about our relationship to animals and how this has evolved over time and through culture.
First, just want to say I loved this response. Again, I don't know if it's an INFJ thing, but posts like this where I feel I can relate usually seem to be other INFJs. Just happy cause this is new in my life and what brought me here.
I zoned in on your intensity with your daughter. You go as far as to suggest you shouldn't have more kids. I posted somewhere to someone on this forum about loneliness, I think. I explained my life is small, but I intentionally keep it this way. I have my wife. With all the reverence and respect I can be, I love her everyday. But there is a reality and depending on your beliefs I suppose, things will end and maybe go on, or not. But regardless, I probably won't go to sleep at night with her in my arms. How does one survive that. I think that question resonates with different people differently. I think to INFJs we lose our breath. It goes to unthinkable places.
My point in the post I gave on the other topic somewhere was you may be alone, but you are safe. I made an analogy or metaphor. I forget it exactly but basically you trade loneliness for fear. I just haven't read/heard another person say this, and you so readily offer it here.
My wife and I were vegetarians for about 10 or 12 years. We are going back. This is a personal choice. I think life is impartial and not sure it cares. It seems to an extent eating and killing each other is essential to staying alive.
But I have a choice and can do what I want, what we want. For our personal maybe moral objection, although that's a slippery slope, we are moving back toward eating less, or ideally, no meat.
"But I dont believe that life is suffering, and something to be tolerated while we look at others with contempt. Life is and can be so much more,..."
I have a hard time here. It's just too easy for us to do shitty things. And I do sometimes feel it becomes a series of losses. Maybe a lot of fun drunken nights, but just a series of losses. I'm working through this. I hope to find myself sounding more inspired like you seem to be.
I've experienced it most with a dog. I know cats and horses are able. I've never been close to a dolphin, but at this point I think it is all of us. There is a conscience in all of us. I'm explaining this poorly. But have you ever closed you eyes but were able to see. Have you ever in a dream state, but not asleep, ever been in more than one place almost simultaneously. Very hard to explain. Have you had full blown conversations in, I guess I'll call it a dream even though it's seem different than a dream, with people that are gone. Their message seems unexpected, and usually something that has purpose but even after I hear it I'm confused why they came to tell me.
Ok I probably went too far. Sounds insane right but it feels real to me.
My point is I think we are a part of something. All a part of this consciousness and it seems invisable to most but it's right here in front of us. We interact with it all day. it's like an ant crawling around and I put something in its path. The any changes direction and seemingly doesn't know I exist. The ant is determined, certain and exact about building its tunnels. But I put things in its way, or remove obstacles completely unknown to the ant. The ant thinks it's in control.
So to me outside of potential which is another argument someone made for choosing the human to a puppy, how can you justify one life for another.
I don't think I can. Because I don't think our purpose is obvious to us and I think what we do here is less meaningful compared to the things we do that have a , I'm failing here, karmic, but karma means very different things to different people, Dharma? Maybe but not really. I just think our lives have a meaning that is hidden from us. At least I'm still trying to feel that part better, but I know it's true. So to take the life of any living thing is mutually exclusive. To talk about one having more value than another is to vibrate at the lowest common denominator. I will probably eat a hamburger again. I'm not sure entirely this violates the overall purpose. I will probably move toward consuming things that don't require things die. I think this moves me, I hate to say this but don't know how else to explain it, spiritually. That just conjures up so much and I think takes away from my point, but I think this moves me spiritually in the direction I want to go.
I don't think the eating animals thing is what holds me back. We were born this way. It's the sacrifice and the reverence or the discipline I think that takes me were I think I am, we are, supposed to go.
I think I'm rambling here. Not able to articulate the thoughts well. Just don't seem to be able to find the words for what I want to say. But maybe you understand anyway.
Also the alien invasion. Wasn't that also the Planet of the Apes. Does give an interesting perspective. Kinda funny.
And Seth - yeah not ready for that. I know others that reference that material all the time. I don't know why but I seem to push it away. Kinda want to ignore it. I just don't want to know anymore if that makes sense.
I am here: